Chapter 252 Learning Gu Art
This scene in the current palace is quite funny. Fortunately, Zhao Bi doesn't need someone to serve him, otherwise he would laugh a little when he saw the two of them like this.

"Luo Ran, why did you say that the imprint in my body hasn't dissipated? This has already sent the person back. Is there any other condition?" Zhao Bi closed his eyes and asked directly.

"Maybe you didn't untie it like this at all, but you can ask someone later." Luo Ran also said with her eyes closed.

But now in Nanzhao, apart from Zhao Yu who knows Baiyue and is quite strong, no one else really knows him.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Bi sat up directly, which almost caused Luo Ran to be transferred to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Luo Ran yelled at Zhao Bi directly.

"I'm sorry. I suddenly thought of something." Zhao Bi said with a smile.

Instead of asking yourself, it's better to study by yourself, anyway, it doesn't take much time.

Zhao Bi now has the feeling that no one believes it. As a person who has lived for more than 100 years, he has been tricked when he first arrived in this world. It is indeed better to learn by himself than to ask others.

The problem facing us now is where to study?
"Here, thinking about where to study, why not ask someone directly?" Luo Ran said casually.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" Zhao Bi asked in surprise.

"Are you stupid? I'm your contractor!!" Luo Ran said speechlessly.

"It seems that there is such a thing. The key is how do you know what I think?"

"Do you still know about this kind of thing? You can guess it with such an obvious expression if you have a brain, okay?" Luo Ran jumped up and said gritting her teeth.

Regarding Zhao Bi's current IQ, Luo Ran didn't want to talk to such a guy at all.

"It seems to make sense, but I guess we should ask the Nanzhao emperor about this kind of thing first." Zhao Yu got up straight away, carried Luo Ran on his shoulders, and started heading towards where Zhao Yan was.

Since coming to this imperial palace, Zhao Bi has basically never been out of his small courtyard, and now he suddenly came out to see the appearance of this imperial palace.

"This imperial palace is really magnificent, and I didn't take a serious look at it that day." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"At that time, you said that you were also the prince of a dynasty, right?" Luo Ran sat on her shoulder and asked curiously.

"Yes! What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just think you don't look like you at all. You have such intelligence, it's a blessing that you didn't become the emperor, otherwise you might not know what it is like?"

Hearing Luo Ran's cynicism, Zhao Yu laughed directly, and then said, "What you said is true, if I were an emperor, then you would never meet such a handsome me, right? This is fate and cause and effect, you have to admit."

"You bastard." Luo Ran immediately exploded, jumping on Zhao Bi's head, grabbing his hair and cursing.

In fact, this guy probably knows the most clearly about the things inside.

"Who?" Just as the two were still arguing, a bunch of guards came and appeared.

When Zhao Yu turned around and looked at the group of guys, the leader immediately bowed and said, "See you son-in-law, the villain was not just a son-in-law just now, please forgive me."

This guy was the first guy who rushed to the front when he rode a black panther a few days ago.

"It's okay." Just as Zhao Yu finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, so he said, "Wait a minute"

The guard who had just turned around and was about to leave had no choice but to quickly turn back and bow to salute.

"Emperor. That's where my father-in-law lives?"

Listening to Zhao Bi's words, the corners of the guards' mouths twitched. Such a title is really rare, but in the end they said, "Your Majesty is in the front hall now."

Zhao Bi looked at the place the guard said, and there was indeed an arc-shaped roof, which should be considered the highest place in the palace.

"Okay, I see, let's go." Zhao Bi said, and then walked in the direction the guard said.

On the way, Zhao Yu looked at the walls on both sides, then at Luo Ran on his shoulder, and said, "Why don't you talk anymore?"

"I'm not worthy to speak"

"This is a relatively rare idea, let's talk about it?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"I feel ashamed talking to a brainless guy like you!" Luo Ran said with a calm face of contempt.

"I'm more curious about this. Why do you suddenly say that about me?"

"Can you perceive it?" Luo Ran asked.


"Then you still have to ask the guard where the emperor lives?" Luo Ran said directly.

When Zhao Yu thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case! !But he still said, "This is not to dismiss the group of guards, that's why I said that."

"The two of us are both parties to the contract. You really think I don't know what you look like?"

"If you know such a thing, don't say it!" Zhao Bi said awkwardly.

The main thing is that it is more embarrassing to be seen through by others.

"You bastard, I obviously don't want to talk to you, but you insisted on talking to me." Luo Ran said angrily directly in Zhao Bi's ear.

"Hahaha, it seems to be the case."

Along the way, Zhao Bi's laughter began to rise.

When approaching the dome building, in order to prevent Luo Ran from talking about himself, Zhao Bi had already started to perceive before approaching, at least knowing the situation inside, so as to save himself embarrassment.

But now, there are at least hundreds of people in the entire hall, so you don't need to think about it to know that this is the regulation of the upper court.

But it was already approaching noon, and it was really surprising to go to court at this time.

"Let's go, it seems that we can ask that guy Baiyue." Zhao Bi said with a smile, as for Luo Ran, he just looked around and didn't speak.

Anyway, since it has already been decided, even if it goes directly, it will not have any impact.

After sensing the Moon Worship Sect, Zhao Bi came here in an instant.

When he first arrived at the gate, Zhao Bi looked at this relatively special architectural method, the scale of which was probably the most luxurious outside the imperial palace in Nanzhao.

Besides, this place is not far from the imperial palace.

"Hello son-in-law, my family leader is already waiting inside."

As soon as Zhao Bi fell down, he saw a young man standing in front of the gate of the Moon Worship Sect and talking to him.

"Your leader knows that I'm coming?" Zhao Bi was very suspicious. He didn't expect that guy to have such ability at all?

"My son-in-law, please... our leader has asked me to wait here for a while."

Ignoring the other party's expression, Zhao Yu smiled and started to move inside.

(End of this chapter)

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