Chapter 259 You Will Die
Zhao Bi volleyed and watched the Juggernaut heading towards the troll man. To be honest, Zhao Bi really didn't feel any sympathy for this guy.

But here I have to say that the strength of Juggernaut is much higher than that of Jiu Jianxian.

On the side of the Juggernaut, he stood on the sword and flew with the sword, but with a wave of his hand, countless swords with spiritual power came out to attack the troll. Although each one was not very powerful, they couldn't stand the large number. The intensive attack still made the troll take two steps back.

Feeling this situation, the troll man's eyes instantly turned red, and the iron rod in his hand directly scattered the attack from the Juggernaut.

"Roar" the troll roared directly, and the impact directly caused the surrounding trees and dust to fly up.

In this case, even the Juggernaut had to quickly get out of the troll's own impact range at this time.

"Brother, be careful, the scale armor on the troll is too hard to attack." Jiu Jianxian shouted towards the Juggernaut from a distance away.

The sword master glanced at Jiu Jianxian, as if you need to open your mouth to say such a thing?
After watching Jiu Jianxian, the Juggernaut turned his attention to Zhao Bi who was standing in the air. For Zhao Bi, the Juggernaut has always had a different feeling, and he even felt that the arrival of this troll Because Zhao Bi changed the cause and effect.

Thinking is one thing, but doing is another.

The Juggernaut looked at the troll in front of him. The two couldn't communicate at all. All he could do now was to seal this guy quickly.

"Miss Ling'er, I need you next." The Sword Master shouted directly at Ling'er.

"Senior Juggernaut, I'm fine." Ling'er looked at the troll, and although she was a little scared, she still ran towards the Juggernaut.

When walking in, Zhao Ling'er directly scratched her wrist with a dagger, and the blood immediately condensed in front of her body, and with a wave of the Juggernaut's hand, a relatively large blood bead began to fly towards the shore of the troll go.

For a descendant of a saint like Zhao Linger, the blood in his body is still relatively restrained for such a demon creature.

When seeing Zhao Ling'er's blood flying over, the troll did show a little different behavior,
But that's just slightly different.

Then the troll directly picked up the iron rod and hit the ground suddenly. The powerful force directly caused the dust within a radius of [-] meters above the ground to disperse towards the surrounding area. Originally, he wanted to use Zhao Linger's blood to suppress it. The Juggernaut, who lives in the troll, doesn't know what to do at this moment.

"Senior brother, let me help you." Seeing this situation, Jiu Jianxian knew that the sword master was completely unable to suppress the troll man, so he stepped on the flying sword and walked towards the troll man.

"Wan Jian Jue" Jiu Jianxian and Juggernaut shouted at the same time.

As soon as the words fell, immediately, countless flying swords appeared around the troll man's body.

"It's true that you don't remember to eat, you can't break through the defense of others, why do you still use this one?" Zhao Yu stood in the middle of the air and looked at the two of them with a smile and whispered.

But this method did stagnate the troll for a while, but with such a single attack, even the troll can come out without any damage without a brain.

"Roar" the troll yelled, which caused the two people who were still maintaining the sword formation to be hit hard, and the less powerful Jiu Jianxian also dragged a mouthful of blood.

"Brother, can you help them?" Ling'er shouted to Zhao Bi anxiously.

"Tell me why? Or why do you?" Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Ling'er with a smile and said.

"Then beg Linger to beg you, okay?" Zhao Linger said here with tears streaming down her pale face.

"Let them persevere, after all, this is their Shushan responsibility, isn't it?" What is different this time is that Zhao Bi fell directly to Zhao Linger's side and looked at her and said.

"Brother, how can you do this."

"Shut up." Before Zhao Ling'er finished speaking, Zhao Bi shouted coldly, and directly bound him with spiritual power.

"Tell me about you, why are you so compassionate? You can sympathize with them, but why can't you sympathize with me? I just want a relatively free life, but your grandma has deprived you of all of this. What kind of concentric Gu is on my body, and it still can't be removed, can you understand my feelings?" Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Ling'er and said directly a little angrily.

This bitch likes to order her when she has nothing to do, and there is no benefit to it. Anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is not something to mess with. Isn't this just making yourself suffer?
Even though he said so, Zhao Yu kept looking at the troll man. This guy's strength is definitely a relatively powerful existence in this world.

Sitting on a dead tree, Zhao Bi didn't take into account the feelings of Zhao Ling'er who couldn't speak and was still crying at this moment. After all, such a big battle is really rare.

After a while, when the Juggernaut saw that the sword array could no longer control the trolls, he shouted directly at Jiu Jianxian, "Junior Brother, hold on."

As the Juggernaut said, he directly took out a golden object from his bosom, and as he uttered a spell in his mouth, the golden talisman floated in mid-air, followed by the Juggernaut yelling "Xuantian. Feng."

All of a sudden, a huge pattern appeared in the sky, and a beam of light directly enveloped the troll man inside.

"I really didn't expect that there is such a thing in Shushan." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

But the troll man was trapped in the beam of light. Although the two of them were not doing anything, the troll man would not be able to come out for a while.

"Zhao Bi, didn't you say you came to help us?" Jiu Jianxian shouted angrily directly at Zhao Bi when he came up.

"Don't say that! I just said to help you, but I didn't say that I would definitely do it?" Zhao Yu said with a smile, seeing that in a short time now, the trolls have no way to make direct threats again, and then released To restrain Zhao Ling'er's spiritual power.

"This seal can't stop this big guy for too long, and he may break the seal at any time." The Juggernaut said directly.

"If that's the case, shouldn't it be a problem if I use my own blood to seal the opponent?" Zhao Ling'er looked at the sword master and said resolutely.

"You will die in this way." Zhao Yu said with a faint smile.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Seeing Zhao Linger's indifferent attitude but still saying such words, Zhao Bi suddenly felt angry, and then slapped her on the face.
"Zhao Bi, isn't this your wife? Why are you like this?" Jiu Jianxian suddenly said with a bad expression.

"She knows the reason very well." Zhao Yu looked directly at Zhao Ling'er helplessly, and then said, "Don't talk to me like this here, it's disgusting. If it wasn't for that reason, you think I would stand right here?"

Zhao Bi's aura at this time has returned to the aura he used to be the Emperor Mu over ten thousand people. Even the sword master couldn't help but start to look up to Zhao Bi.

(End of this chapter)

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