Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 260 Spirit Power Version Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 260 Spirit Power Version Heavenly Punishment
In this ravine, apart from the sound of the troll hitting the seal, only the breathing of a few people was left.

Zhao Linger looked aggrieved, but at least she had calmed down a lot.

At this time, the troll was still hitting the seal non-stop, and with a clear eye, he knew that this thing would not last long.

"Jiu Jianxian, take her away, leave this place to me." Zhao Bi said in a deep voice.

The current Jiu Sword Immortal has been injured, so of course he would be more happy about such a thing.

Zhao Bi is still quite angry now. What happened to him has nothing to do with Zhao Linger. The key is that if Zhao Linger dies, he will die too. This is not a concentric Gu, it is obviously the existence of enslaving Zhao Bi.

"One day, I will definitely pull your soul out." Zhao Bi said fiercely, looking at the direction where Zhao Ling'er and Jiu Jianxian left.

But this is not about Zhao Linger, but about his grandma.

This feeling that his life is not under his control, no matter what, makes Zhao Bi feel like a thorn in his throat.

Now only Zhao Bi and the Juggernaut are left, looking at the seal that the troll is about to break, Zhao Bi directly looked at the Juggernaut and said mockingly, "I didn't expect you Shushan to have such strength until now, it's really impressive. It's rather embarrassing!"

Even though Zhao Bi said so, the Juggernaut showed no expression at all, not even a single expression on his face.

Just when cracks appeared in the seal, Zhao Bi stood on the middle of the mountain, looking at the trolls who were more than ten meters away, Zhao Bi, who had a slight smile, turned into a stern expression.

As Zhao Bi raised his hands up, a gossip pattern suddenly appeared in his hands.

All of a sudden, an identical giant gossip pattern appeared on the sky. The pattern showed a flame red color on the sky, and it was still spinning rapidly.

Then the surrounding clouds and spiritual power seemed to start to gather towards the sky, and after a while, they turned into the shape of a giant black funnel cloud.

With a loud "bang", the troll directly broke the seal and came out, still waving the huge iron rod tens of feet long in his hand.

"Wow, isn't this a demon creature?" Luo Ran suddenly appeared on Hua Wen's shoulder at this time, looking at the troll man and said happily.

"This guy seems to be coming for me?" Zhao Bi whispered helplessly, as if he was afraid of being heard by the Juggernaut.

"This guy is definitely not coming for you, but for that piece of your body." Luo Ran said with a smile dragging her chin.

"Okay, no matter what the reason is now, it's better to solve it quickly."

After Zhao Bi finished speaking, he began to prepare to attack wholeheartedly.

"I really want to know what will happen to those exercises when spiritual power is used?" Zhao Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth, thinking about these things in his heart.

"Heavenly Punishment—Blade of Thunder" Zhao Bi yelled directly.

This is probably the Juggernaut's most intuitive feeling of Zhao Bi's strength.

Following a loud bang in the sky, a lightning bolt at least a hundred meters thick directly and quickly attacked the ground.

Although the scale armor on the troll man is willing to block most physical attacks, the thunder and lightning do not belong to this sequence.

At the beginning, the troll was thinking of directly attacking Thunder with the iron rod in his hand, but such a large-scale attack instantly melted the iron rod in the troll's hand to the ground.

As the thunder fell, even Zhao Yu himself was taken aback by this scene. If this thing was close, he would probably burp.

This is no longer the Thunder Blade, it is completely a Thunder Pillar, and the entire Thunder Pillar penetrates hundreds of meters underground, making the troll disappear in just an instant.

In the deep pit created by Lei Zhu, Zhao Yu saw the troll who had been beaten to death by one blow, and then said to Luo Ran on his shoulder, "I didn't expect this guy to be so weak?"

This time, Zhao Bi did not shy away from the Juggernaut who was not far away, although the Juggernaut was shocked by Zhao Bi's attack just now, and even now feels a little scared. At that time on the Shu Mountain, Zhao Bi had thought about it and used it after all. This directly leveled Shushan, but in the end they didn't do it because they compromised.

But now the Juggernaut has truly felt Zhao Bi's terror.

If the group of old men from Shushan were here now, they would probably be scared to pee.

"Hey. What do you think about this big guy?" Zhao Bi said directly to the Juggernaut. Fortunately, the big guy is not dead yet.

"You defeated, you can decide for yourself?" The sword master said with a blank expression.

"If not, why don't you lock it in the Demon Locking Tower and tell the outside world that Shushan defeated it?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Not to mention, the Juggernaut really hesitated for a moment, and then said a little angrily, "Are you insulting me?"

But just as he was talking, Zhao Yu already sensed that many people had already started to come towards this direction quickly, and he knew without thinking that it should be the group of people from Shushan.

"Is it an insult, you can explain the rest to Shushan yourself." Zhao Bi said and disappeared in front of the Juggernaut with Luo Ran.

Just before Zhao Yu had left for two breaths, hundreds of people had already appeared densely in the sky, and all of them were flying in the sky on their imperial swords.

It wasn't until now that the Juggernaut discovered that Zhao Bi deliberately put this matter on his own head.

The key is what is the purpose of such a thing, the Juggernaut still can't figure it out.

"Master, what about the monster?" At this time, an old man, the elder of Shushan, appeared directly in front of the sword master and asked.

The Juggernaut was still thinking about Zhao Bi at this moment, so he casually pointed at the troll.

Following the direction of the Juggernaut's finger, the old man saw the deep hole on the ground at a glance, then walked forward, and shouted with a loud laugh, "The master has caught the troll man."

In less than a while, a hundred people were already surrounding the deep pit, all scrambling to look into the deep pit.

The current troll has long been dying, without any domineering at all.

"Luo Ran, why did you let Shushan take over the matter of defeating the troll?" Zhao Yu who returned to his residence asked curiously about Luo Ran who was on his shoulder.

"What do you know? That guy has a trace of the blood of the demon ancestor, and his position in the demon world is definitely not too low. If the demon world really comes over, let you fight alone?" Luo Ran said directly.

"It makes sense," Zhao Yu said with a smile.

For this kind of thing, Zhao Yu didn't want any fame and fortune, and it really didn't matter who killed him, but it's good to be able to relax.

In this world, Zhao Bi is not worried about his own safety. The only thing he is worried about is Zhao Linger. If this girl dies, he will also be implicated. This is not what he wants to see, but Zhao Bi sees another Zhao Linger, who was spinning wildly on the verge of death, made people even more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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