Chapter 267 Chaos World
new world
Zhao Bi was directly taken away from the world of Immortal Sword by the ball of Luo Ran's body, but before that world died, Zhao Bi remembered everything.

All this seems to be a reincarnation, maybe we are living in such a scene.

The world is pitch black right now, there is no sound at all, nothing happening.

However, Zhao Bi is now a red energy, without any body appearing here.

Everything around is endless darkness, but there really doesn't seem to be any concept in terms of time.

Staying here is exactly the same situation as when I first came out of Tianlong World, and it is also endless darkness.

Maybe I don't know how many years have passed, and I can't see anything outside anyway, but Zhao Bi's spirit has been awakened for a long time.

During this time, Zhao Bi is not observing the surrounding situation all the time, but the one who is closer to him should be the main body of Luo Ran.

"Luo Ran, are you awake?" Zhao Bi said to the black bead next to him via voice transmission.

But after waiting for a long time, Luo Ran still didn't reply.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu became silent immediately.

In this endless darkness, all you can do is just stay there honestly.

Up to now, Zhao Bi still doesn't understand what kind of space is here?
"Could it be that this place is in chaos?" Zhao Yu thought for a while and said to himself,
After a while, he began to say again, "How is this possible, it's really too big a brain hole."

But life can't be too boring, it's good to talk to yourself every day.

Now Zhao Bi doesn't even have a body, he's just a guy who has awakened consciousness.

But even if he awakened his consciousness, it might be better for the current Zhao Bi to continue to fall into a deep sleep.

In such a relatively boring life, it is not a day-to-day life at all, and there is no concept of time at all.

When Zhao Bi was bored, he suddenly heard something.

Afterwards, he murmured, "Beiming Divine Art."

Originally, he wanted to try to see if the current self could absorb it, but the result surprised him.

All around, this should not be called spiritual energy anymore, but Zhao Yu didn't know what it was, so he directly absorbed it into his body.

Anyway, this feeling is already very comfortable, so Zhao Bi simply kept on absorbing it.

This kind of life has no concept of time at all, maybe a year has passed, maybe ten years have passed, or countless years have passed.

Until one day, Zhao Bi, who was originally a mass of energy, turned into a real entity at this time. In addition, he also grew hands and feet.

But at this time, Zhao Bi was even the same size as Luo Ran before, at most the size of a normal person's finger.

But that's it, Zhao Yu is already quite satisfied, so he can walk around completely.

In this dark world, if you go out for a short distance, you may not be able to find the way back, and you don't even know if there is any danger.

Luo Ran's black bead looked huge to Zhao Bi at this moment, and it definitely couldn't be pretended.

So there was such a scene, Zhao Yu condensed a chain with his magic power and tied it to the black bead, and then walked in front and began to drag forward.

In this endless darkness, even a little light is probably an extravagant hope.

Existence that you should know how much time you live by walking.

According to Zhao Bi's estimation, at least he has lived for endless years. At the beginning, he would record these times, but as time passed, Zhao Bi had completely ignored the existence of this aspect.

Now Zhao Bi has grown into the appearance of a five or six-year-old child. Although his body is small, Zhao Bi now feels better than ever.

"Yo, Luo Ran, it looks like there's something good ahead?" Zhao Bi put Luo Ran's black bead in his bosom right now. Although Luo Ran still didn't appear, this was the only thing Zhao Bi could find to talk way out.

The endless years of life finally convinced Zhao Bi that he was indeed in chaos.

The best thing is that as long as you see something that glows in this endless darkness, it must be a good thing.

But after living for so long, Zhao Bi still didn't find anything with life.

"Shouldn't there be three thousand demon gods? Why aren't there even a single ghost?" Zhao Yu had already arrived at this luminous place.

This is an egg in front of it, and it looks like a bad thing.

"I don't know if I can eat it?" Zhao Bi said looking at the egg that was taller than himself.

"Prophet, I don't eat well."

Just when Zhao Bi had just finished speaking, a voice came directly from the egg.

"Wahhahaha..., he can actually talk, it seems to be alive."

Zhao Bi was quite excited at this moment, it was finally because of a talking thing.

Seeing that the egg is silent now, Zhao Yu looked melancholy and said, "Is it enough to just say a word?"

"Prophet, I still need three calamities to come out, so."

"What is calamity?" Zhao Yu asked curiously.

Seeing that Zhao Yuran didn't know what was going on, Dan immediately froze, what's going on?
Even though I thought so, I hurriedly said, "One Yuan is divided into twelve sessions, each session is worth 800 years, one Yuan session is 12 years, and 9 Yuan sessions are a Hunyuan to measure calamity."


By this time, Zhao Yu had already felt hopeless.

"I don't know if there are any other living creatures in the chaos now?" Zhao Yu said looking at the egg.

"Prophet, before you appeared, I already felt that I was the most intelligent creature. I think there should be no creatures in this chaos."

Listening to Dan's words, Zhao Bi has already begun to be a little autistic. What the hell is this? It's too early for him to appear.

This thing has already said that he still needs three calamities, that is, it will take nearly 200 billion years!
This number alone is enough to count for a while, let alone such a long time.

Although he was more emotional about the lonely life, in the end Zhao Bi took a look at the egg in front of him and went straight to the distance.

In this darkness, Zhao Yu is probably like a wandering soul, without any direction at all, and can only keep moving forward.

But maybe the future will look different?
(End of this chapter)

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