Chapter 268 Time Demon God
Although he is relatively lonely, at least one thing is relatively certain for Zhao Bi now, that is, his goal is still relatively clear.

Wandering around in the chaos, the only goal is to start looking for the treasures in the chaos, which is also the benefit of being born a few kalpas earlier than others.

With each step, Zhao Bi slowly went from being only five or six years old to now almost ten years old.

Although I have grown taller, but also, a long time has passed.

According to the time that the egg said at the beginning, Zhao Yu Xianza estimated that it had already passed, at least three calamities.

During this time, a lot of treasures were still found, but this chaotic world is really too big, and I don't know where I am at all.

With the growth of time, Zhao Bi has not only grown in height, but also in strength.

For tens of billions of years, Zhao Yu has been relying on his Beiming Divine Art to absorb this chaotic energy, and the so-called covering the sky with one hand is probably about the same.

Although such a long time has passed, Zhao Yu still did not find any living creatures.

"Hahaha, I'm out."

While Zhao Bi was still looking for treasures, a heroic voice directly resounded through the entire chaotic world.

But this is already the eighth time Zhao Bi heard the voice appear.

For such a thing, now Zhao Yu doesn't want to look for it, and it's good for him, so why bother to find that kind of thing to do.

My daily life now is to wander around leisurely. This is also Zhao Bi's previous life idea, but I didn't expect that it has indeed been realized now.

Although it is endless darkness, no matter how incompetent people live for tens of billions of years, they don't need your eyes to see things.

Just as Zhao Bi was sitting on top of an endless star, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and he knew something good without even thinking about it.

But that thing was flying too fast, so I didn't see anything at all.

"A good thing can make you run away?" Zhao Bi said as he got up and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

When it reappeared, there was originally one light flying, but now it has become two, and the one behind is Zhao Bi's side following closely.

But the thing in front not only flies very fast, but also has a relatively bright light. I don't know how many creatures have seen it while flying past.

Anyway, there are not many creatures in the chaos now.

With the start of the chase, Zhao Bi spent hundreds of years chasing after him, and in order to confirm what it was, he had to fight hard.

After a hundred years, Zhao Bi has finally started to get closer to the things in front of him. Basically, he can see a sword flying in front of him, but it is a little different from anything he has seen.

The strong light was like a shooting star, but Zhao Bi still did not give up after chasing for a hundred years.

"I don't believe that I can't catch up with you?" Zhao Bi felt as if he didn't make any effort behind him.

Until a meteor suddenly appeared in front of him.

With the appearance of the meteorite, the sword passed, but Zhao Bi had no choice but to wave it casually, and a white sword light went out directly, piercing through the meteorite in front of him instantly, but because of this, Zhao Bi was further away from the sword.

"I don't believe it anymore." Zhao Bi simply stopped chasing and stood where he was, and then shouted "Heaven and Earth Prison Cage."

As the sound fell, all the surrounding things that were still moving seemed to have paused.

Seeing that he really succeeded, he flew towards the sword in an instant.

At this time, the sword seemed to be suspended here.

"mock up."

Zhao Bi looked at the dark red thing in the cylinder in front of him, and laughed directly at the corner of his mouth.


Just when Zhao Yu was about to get it, a voice appeared directly, which made Zhao Yu's prison cage loosen immediately, but at this moment, the sword in front of him flew out again in an instant.

"Bastard" Zhao Yu directly scolded the guy who looked at him.

"Prophet, I'm not a bastard, I'm an egg of time." The guy who came said directly with a smile.

If you want to say that this guy is human, he doesn't look like one, anyway, he's ugly.

But how could Zhao Bi have the mood to talk to this guy, and started to fly to catch up with the sword. At this time, the guy who came over continued to say, "Prophet, what are you doing?"

"Bastard, you still said that my sword ran away"

"Isn't it just a sword, I'll come," said the dark guy who came.

But he really has such strength.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhao Yu clearly felt the feeling of going back in time, and then the sword returned to its original position.

It's just that Zhao Bi at this time will never let it run away again.

When he suddenly grabbed his hand, the sword body began to shake violently, and Zhao Yu swung the sword forward under control.

However, a red sword light immediately appeared on this sword, and even the rhythm of splitting the entire chaos into two, no matter whether it was a planet or a meteorite, all the locations it passed were cut into two halves.

"I'm stupid, so powerful?" Zhao Bi couldn't believe such a thing.

But now I have to believe that the guy next to me is dumbfounded now. Seeing that the sword is still shaking, he quickly said, "Prophet, quickly seal it?"

"Seal a hammer, I will hit it hard."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu directly used the power of chaos to suppress it, and the dark fellow was shocked.

This kind of thing has been going on for nearly a year to tame this guy.

Zhao Bi sat on the ground, looked at the Youhong Sword floating in front of him, and said with a smile, "Black guy, do you know what this is?"

"Prophet, I don't know what this is, and I'm not a bastard, let alone a black guy. I'm the first creature of chaos, oh no, the second life, the Time Demon God." The black guy said a little proudly at this time.

"What the hell?" Zhao Yu took a look and stood up and said.

Seeing that Zhao Bi was about to leave, the Time Demon God hurriedly followed, and said to Zhao Bi, "Prophet, you don't know how I have spent these calamities, thinking that you have already started to fight against the prehistoric, so I hurried out, but I couldn’t find you after I came out, if I didn’t understand your great light, I still really couldn’t do anything.”

"Made, this guy is really long-winded." Zhao Yu immediately began to scold him in his heart, but he felt that it was good, at least he didn't have to worry about being alone.

"What are you following me for?" Zhao Bi turned and looked at Time Demon God and said.

"Ah this, I want to follow the Prophet!"

"I'm looking for treasure, will you snatch it from me?" Zhao Bi said.

As soon as these words came out, the Demon God of Time immediately thought of Zhao Bi's ability to split Chaos with that sword, and immediately shook his head and said with a smile, "Although the Prophet can rest assured, this kind of thing will never happen."

(End of this chapter)

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