Chapter 269 Create Orientation

Looking at the appearance of the Time Demon God, Zhao Bi himself couldn't help laughing.

This guy has such a big physique and he is still about ten years old now. It is really strange that he is willing to do this for himself.

Not to mention, the time demon god's ability is indeed very strong, and time is the king of respecting space at the tip of his nose.

"Okay, you can follow me from now on, but you are not allowed to grab things with me." Zhao Yu said with a fierce look on his face.

But in the eyes of Time Demon God, this appearance is really too cute.

"Prophet, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen." Time Demon God said with a smile immediately.

"Okay, let's go, there are still many places in this chaotic world that we haven't explored." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Prophet, if you want to talk about treasures, I think there should be a place, but I don’t know how the treasures you mentioned are pacified?

"Currently, I think that all things that shine should be good things?" Zhao Bi said after thinking about it.

"Ah? That's it, isn't it possible that the prophet is determined according to the amount of energy contained in the thing?"

Hearing the words of the Demon God of Time, Zhao Yu looked embarrassed, rolled his eyes at the Demon God of Time and said, "I just like the ones that shine, can't I?"

"Okay, time will do what the prophet said." Time Demon God said hastily.

In fact, it's good to bring one, at least to have someone to chat with, but this guy is too long-winded, and he really keeps nagging along the way.

"What strength do you have now?" Zhao Bi said directly, looking at the Demon God of Time who was chattering.

"Prophet, we are the products of the Three Thousand Ways, and we have reached the level of the Da Luo Jinxian the moment we were born."

Hearing what the Demon God of Time said, Zhao Bi was taken aback. What's going on?
But on the expression, Zhao Yu was still pretending to be calm, and said, "I didn't expect it to be like this?"

"The prophet doesn't need to say that, the prophet is still powerful."

Looking at the cowardly appearance of the Time Demon God, I really don't know what words to use to say such a thing.

Thinking about it here, Zhao Bi should indeed be like this. After all, these are the first batch of products in Chaos, and it is normal to have such strength.

With the passage of time, with the company of the Time Demon God, it is relatively easier to collect treasures in the chaos along the way. Of course, there are some things that Zhao Bi doesn't like, and they are directly given to Time.

It's something that Zhao Bi doesn't like, but this is already very powerful, but Zhao Bi always likes to compare them with the dark red sword in his hand, which is why they became like this.

The two of them wandered in this chaos. The other demon gods didn't see any of them, but they saw many chaotic creatures that had no intelligence at all. What they could bring to the two of them was food.

Although there is no need to eat, it is still possible to satisfy your appetite.

During this time of calamity, other demon gods appeared one after another in the chaos, and they even heard the voice of the demon god of strength appearing.

"Prophet, how should we deal with the Great Tribulation after the Quantian Tribulation?" Time Demon God suddenly opened his mouth.

"Time, do you still care about such things? Kaitian is just the will of chaos, as long as you stay away from it, it's fine. Kaitian can't directly affect the whole chaos. Besides, you are time and you are afraid of a hammer." Zhao Yu Speechlessly looking at this long-winded and cowardly guy, he said.

"It's still reasonable what the prophet said, maybe we can also directly kill the Demon God of Strength, so that there will be no opening of the sky,"

"You're fine. Don't talk about such unreliable things anymore. You know what will happen in the future, and you must also know the consequences. Why bother to provoke such a result?" Zhao Bi said directly.

"The Prophet Was Right"

"Shut up...don't say I'm right." Zhao Bi shouted directly.

But he has heard such words for a long time, and Zhao Yu is almost used to such things.

In this chaos, the passage of time is completely unfeeling. Maybe a calamity has passed after waking up. This is chaos.

In order to pass the time, the goal that Zhao Bi can set for himself is to find treasures. He doesn't need to practice at all, and the same is true for Time Demon God.

The strength has reached this point, if there is no better choice, it will be the same in the end.

"Time, how do you say you can get Chaos' approval?" Zhao Yu said to Time.

Zhao Bi had already thought about such a thing before, and after obtaining Chaos' approval, he could directly enter Hunyuan Daluo in the end, which is quite a powerful existence.

"Prophet, you don't know this kind of thing, how would I know?" Time Demon God said after thinking for a while.

"Then do you know the direction?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"What's the direction?"

Seeing the bewildered expression on the face of the Time Demon God, Zhao Yu instantly understood something, and then said excitedly, "Maybe we can create a direction, haha."

Seeing Zhao Bi like this, the Time Demon God didn't know whether he should speak or not.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yu brought the Time Demon God to the deepest part of the chaos, which can also be said to be the center of the chaos. Just to get here, the two of them had already spent nearly a Yuanhui time.

Standing in the center of Chaos, which is almost the center of Chaos, Zhao Yu tidied himself up, and then shouted loudly, "I, Zhao Yu, established Chaos Order in the center of Chaos today to determine the direction of Chaos. I hope Chaos will know it."

This long speech was told to him by Time Demon God. For Sanqian Dao, such words are innate.

Just after Zhao Bi finished speaking, his words were repeated again, but it was not what Zhao Bi said, as if it was recorded by a tape recorder, but the sound was directly spread throughout the chaos .

"Is this the approval of Chaos?" Zhao Bi looked at the Time Demon God and said.

"Prophet, I don't know about such a thing? But I think it should be?" The Time Demon God said with a wry smile.

But now Zhao Bi can't estimate so much. Anyway, things have been settled, so it's better to do so.

The demon gods that have appeared in the chaos are also very curious about who Zhao Bi is at this time, because every time a demon god appears, the voice of chaos will inform the chaotic world, but Zhao Bi does not.

All of a sudden, all the demon gods who had awakened began to observe and observe towards the center of chaos.

Zhao Bi stood on the Death Star at his feet and looked at the situation, then said to the Time Demon God, "The time may be a little long, please protect me."

"Don't worry, Prophet, I will definitely protect you." The Time Demon God said directly and seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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