Chapter 270 Pangu Kaitian

Seeing that everything was almost the same, a huge gossip pattern appeared directly under Zhao Bi's feet.

Even so, the position in the gossip pattern started to rotate non-stop, and the rotation immediately started to set off a storm.

"Didn't I expect it to be so complicated?" Zhao Bi said to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Bi was suspended in the mid-air, looking at the rotating gossip pattern below, he couldn't see anything clearly above, and saw that the red gossip had directly started to drive the stars to rotate.

"The Prophet is really powerful!!" The Time Demon God said with emotion after seeing this scene and had already evacuated to a far away position.

Zhao Yu now feels that he can't control the gossip pattern to stop. If he can't stop, it's just nonsense if he wants to determine the position.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and even other demon gods had rushed here to observe.

No one did anything, not because the Time Demon God was here, but because they all wanted to see if Zhao Bi could succeed. After all, it was also related to whether his future path would be smooth.

Zhao Bi was suspended in mid-air, and this stop was nearly two yuanhui time, but none of the surrounding demon gods wanted to leave, and everyone watched the situation ahead intently, as if they were afraid of missing a certain detail.

But at this moment, Zhao Bi, who had already stood for two yuanhui, suddenly moved, not only moved, but also the original dark red long sword began to float in front of Zhao Bi.

With Zhao Bi yelling "Ding"

Immediately in the eyes of everyone, the long sword in front of Zhao Bi turned into countless swords. Following the direction of Zhao Bi's finger, the long sword flew out and nailed to the rotating gossip pattern.

"Eastern. Now."

At this time, the rotating gossip pattern stopped for a moment, and then continued to rotate, but the orientation representing the east was displayed on the outermost periphery of the gossip pattern.

The overall pattern seems to have become three-dimensional at this time, and as the east is settled, the remaining directions are much simpler.

"Western. Now."

"South. Now."

"North. Now."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Bi directly fixed the four directions and appeared. At this time, the voice of the sound of chaos "Ke" began to appear.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu smiled directly, and the next things were easier than the last.

"Doing is the top. Kun is the bottom."

Zhao Bi shouted directly.

For a moment, all the demon gods felt that they had been affected. They didn't expect that the so-called azimuth set by Zhao Bi would affect them. This is already a shocking thing.

With all the directions confirmed, the gossip pattern that was still spinning began to stop slowly at this time.

The blue gossip pattern, every time Zhao Bi took a step, it became a hundred times bigger, until finally it enveloped the entire chaos.

"The direction of chaos has been fixed, good."

Listening to the sound of chaos, Zhao Bi finally began to smile, and then Zhao Bi began to feel the changes in himself.

From the original ten-year-old appearance, not long after, he has turned into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old appearance.

Apart from the height, it's hard to say whether there are other Zhao Bi that changed this time.

But with the completion of the change, the sound of the bell began to be heard in the chaos, and all the demon gods fell to the ground after hearing the sound of the bell.

"This is the bell of the Great Dao." The demon god couldn't believe his ears, and it was not what they wanted for these people to lie on the ground. The main reason was that they themselves were transformed by the Three Thousand Great Dao. control.

"As expected of a prophet." The Time Demon God was very excited now, and he didn't know what words to use to describe such a thing.

The changed Zhao Bi is completely different from the previous image in Tianlong World. At this time, Zhao Bi has blue hair and pointed ears, looking like an elf.

Of course, it's not just what's in front of you that's changed.


After Zhao Bi uttered this word, all the demon gods regained their freedom, but the eyes they looked at Zhao Bi were still full of disbelief.

Even this word Zhao Bi felt that he didn't say it himself, as if another soul appeared in his body.

But Zhao Yu didn't go into anything about such things.

"Prophet, you are really amazing." The Time Demon God ran up to look at Zhao Bi and said after seeing that the current situation had been lifted.

"Okay, stop talking, there are so many people around, can you do a good job of your status as the boss of time?"

When the Time Demon God heard this, he straightened his back.

Zhao Bi looked at those demon gods, and now more than half of the three thousand demon gods have appeared, and the rest will probably be almost there in a short time.

Among these demon gods, Zhao Yu saw an existence whose stature was so huge that he even completely surpassed the height of his own planet.

"Prophet, this should be the Demon God of Power?" The Demon God of Time looked at Zhao Bi and stared at the tall man, so he stepped forward and said.

All the demon gods know that there will be a catastrophe in the later stage, and even know that it will be on the demon god of strength, but no one will directly do it now.

According to what Zhao Bi said, those demon gods who died because of Kaitian should also be required by Dao.

"Okay, time, let's go." Looking at so many demon gods, Zhao Bi said with a smile.

After setting the position, Zhao Yu can feel every area of ​​this chaos, not to mention treasure hunting, even other Zhao Yu can know such things in an instant.

Zhao Yu even felt that he could attack anyone in any direction in the chaos.

As time followed, Zhao Bi took him away in an instant.

"It's so boring! I feel like life is meaningless." After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Bi said to the Demon God of Time beside him.

"Prophet, I think this is very good?"

"You know a hammer."

Zhao Bi said, and then directly sensed the entire chaos, his face immediately became serious and said, "That fellow Pangu seems to be ready to open the sky?"

"Prophet, you mean."

"Would you like to take a look?" Zhao Yu smiled and looked at the Time Demon God and said.

"Prophet, let's not go. Didn't you say that as long as we don't get involved, we'll be fine?" Time Demon God said reluctantly.

"What are you worried about? I'm not in any disaster now. It's okay to protect you. I just want to find some fun in this boring life." Zhao Bi said with a smile.

"Well then"

Seeing that the Time Demon God was still a bit reluctant, Zhao Bi said directly, "You should have felt it. Even if you are here, you still have disasters added to you, so it's not as good as in the past."

"That's right, none of the 3000-year demon gods can escape." The time demon god said with a sigh.

"Let's go. At most, the strength will drop a little. Don't worry about the rest." Zhao Yan said directly while looking at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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