Chapter 271 The Power of Pangu
Pangu opened the sky and achieved Hunyuan Daluo, this kind of thing is worth seeing for everyone, but the difference is that the sacrifices needed to open the sky this time are really too big, so big that Pangu couldn't complete it.

Although Shi Shi was reluctant, he followed Zhao Bi's side and looked at Pangu's side from afar.

"Time, have you noticed that the demon god hasn't come yet?" Zhao Bi said with a smile towards Time.

"Prophet, I have already sensed it just now, and now the space demon god has not come, and there is also fate, karma, and other at least one hundred demon gods who have not come." Time said directly.

"Under such circumstances, if Pangu wants to succeed in achieving Hunyuan, it seems that it is not so simple." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"Prophet, do you know what it takes for Pangu to open the sky and achieve Hunyuan?"

"It takes the life of all the demon gods, and then integrates the three thousand ways into several bodies, so that there is a chance to achieve Hunyuan." Zhao Yu said directly.

"The Demon God of Power is such a big hand? But it's obviously impossible?" The Demon God of Time said a little complacently.

"Did you see the ax in her hand?" Zhao Yu said directly, looking at the frightened look of time.

"Prophet, the ax in his hand?"

"This thing can be seen as the blade of the Dao at a glance. Under such circumstances, let alone the Three Thousand Demon Gods, even I dare not rush forward now, so do you think they have the capital to achieve Hunyuan now?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

After hearing these words, the Time Demon God was stunned. He didn't expect such a situation to happen. Is it because Dao wanted their lives?
At this time, Pan Gu alone was already considered as tall as the sky above his head. In terms of height, he was already infinitely huge. Coupled with the phantom of the demon god behind him, he could almost see the opponent's appearance in the entire chaos.

Pan Gu's aura alone has completely overwhelmed all the demon gods, and with invincible resources, even Zhao Yu felt a little stressed at this time.

As time passed, the phantom of the demon god behind Pangu revealed a golden light, holding a huge ax in his hand, and staring at the entire chaos in his eyes.

"Let's retreat to a farther position first." Zhao Bi said calmly.

There was never any time to resist Zhao Bi's words, and the Demon God immediately began to retreat towards the distance.

When Zhao Yu felt that the position was more suitable, he directly summoned his dark red long sword and hovered around himself and the Time Demon God, and then said to Time, "Don't use this defense, or I'm afraid There is no way to protect you."

"Don't worry Prophet, time will definitely stay here forever."

Now Zhao Yu has seen the function of the huge ax in Pan Gu's hand. For these demon gods who are incarnations of the Three Thousand Ways, this thing is completely like a bug, which can ignore any of your laws. Can run through time.

"Pangu, you want to become a Hunyuan, and you want us as a sacrifice, isn't it too much?" At this time, other demon gods began to question Pangu.

Although they knew that this was their own robbery, all the demon gods still had a glimmer of hope. As long as they killed Pan Gu, nothing would happen, but in the end they didn't see what happened to the giant ax in Pan Gu's hand.

"Water Demon God, why bother with this guy, just go up and kill him!" The Demon God who spoke was about to start heading towards Pangu.

Immediately afterwards, all the demon gods also started their own law attacks.

All of a sudden, the chaos in this place lit up with light of various colors, and attacks emerged one after another, but Pan Gu seemed completely unmoved.

It was already quite a shocking thing to come forward to attack the demon gods together, but at this time Pangu said leisurely, "This is fate, it is your destiny, and it is also the destiny given to me by the Dao, so let's go."

As Pangu spoke, he began to swing the giant axe in his hand, and the phantom of the demon god behind him also began to maintain the same movement as Pangu.

What surprised the Time Demon God was that when Pangu struck down with his axe, thousands of Demon Gods disappeared completely.

"Now you know how powerful the weapon in his hand is?" Zhao Bi looked at the Time Demon God and said with a smile.

"Prophet, such a powerful thing, should we leave?" Time Demon God said very nervously now.

"I can't stop, all the demon gods except you have been severely injured." Just after Zhao Bi finished speaking, a tyrannical energy directly hit the top of the red long sword.

In other words, as long as Pangu's attack is in chaos, all the demon gods will not be able to escape this attack.

Despite the protection of the long sword, the Time Demon God was severely wounded, and blood began to flow from his mouth.

"Time, you should be fine?" Zhao Bi asked with a smile.

"Prophet, thanks to you, otherwise I would be almost done now." Time Demon God said.

Although he suffered a heavy blow this time, fortunately, he was still intact after time and training, but the other demon gods estimated that they were either cold at this time or their strength had seriously declined.

"Don't be complacent. The ax in Pangu's hand can be used twice. Once he will use it to open the sky, and once he will use it to attack you."

Just now there was still a little bit of time in my heart, but at this moment, my face turned cold.

The power of someone else's ax can still severely injure himself after the defensive ability of the prophet around him, let alone a single ax towards him.

The Time Demon God didn't ask Zhao Bi for help, because he knew that the people around him would still try to save him.

The two of them can only look at Pangu in front of them with their eyes open, wanting to know what he will do next.

In terms of time, waiting for one second is estimated to be a long time now.

One ax can attack the demon god anywhere in the chaos, which is completely beyond Zhao Bi's idea, and the next time he can only fight hard.

This time Zhao Bi didn't let it defend the Youhong long sword, but held it directly in his hand.

This is also the first time I hold it in my hand after getting it a few times ago.

It's just that at this time the sword itself conveyed its own message to Zhao Bi.

"That's right." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"Prophet. What's the matter?" The Demon God of Time is very concerned about Zhao Bi's words and expressions. Seeing Zhao Bi like this, he immediately asked nervously.

"It's nothing to do with you, just watch carefully."

Time Demon God is useless even if he travels through the long river of time. The ability of the ax can still kill him directly.

"Prophet, Pangu has moved"

The Time Demon God said nervously.

Zhao Bi didn't speak, and the long sword in his hand was ready to attack.

But what he didn't expect was that Pangu didn't give priority to attacking the Time Demon God.

(End of this chapter)

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