Chapter 272 One Sword. Battle

What surpassed their expectations was that Pangu's second ax did not start attacking the Time Demon God.

But even Zhao Bi felt a little tongue-twisting in the next move.

"Open the sky."

Pan Gu's voice resounded directly through the entire chaos, and with the swing of the Demon God Phantom's giant axe, the entire chaos began to shake violently.

The light blade slashed by the giant ax directly penetrated the chaos. At this time, even the space was directly split, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

Not long after, a different scene appeared in front of the two of them, and a whole new world appeared like this.

It's just that the two of Zhao Bi now have the heart to study these things?

Just when the world created by Pangu was just taking shape, Pangu's phantom started to wave again, this time towards Zhao Bi.


"Shut up, get behind me" Zhao Bi yelled loudly when he saw such a situation.

The Time Demon God didn't dare to complain at all, it was also the kind that hurriedly got behind Zhao Bi and looked at everything in front of him, and didn't even dare to blink his eyes.

"Pangu, since you already know your destiny, why bother with it?" Zhao Yu yelled directly at Pangu.

But the other party didn't intend to listen at all, and the huge ax of the phantom behind him still fell towards the two of them.

"I'm stubborn." Zhao Bi said directly, and then the long sword in his hand glowed purple-red.

Along with the tension of the Demon God of Time, the huge ax in the hands of Pangu's Demon God Xu Ying still fell.

Looking at this power, Zhao Yu also frowned, and directly shouted "war"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Bi swung the long sword directly. This time it was different from the first time he held it. The power of this sword was full of killing.

An ax blade and a sword blade moved directly in one direction.

At this time, it was not only the Time Demon God who was nervous, but also Zhao Bi.

But now there is no expression on Pangu's face, and his serious look is the reason why Zhao Bi pays attention to it.

The main reason is that Zhao Yu feels that the current Pangu does not seem to be operating with his own consciousness, but more like a puppet.


A voice that resounded through the entire chaos appeared directly.

When Zhao Bi and Pangu's slashes collided, all the stars around the impact were blown away, and the entire impact area instantly became a vortex shape, which was also full of damage.

In the middle of the current collision, let alone the Time Demon God, even if Zhao Bi passed by, it is hard to say whether he can come out alive.

This attack still made Zhao Bi take two steps back, but Pan Gu didn't take a step back.


Seeing this situation, the Time Demon God hurried forward to greet Zhao Bi's situation. The reason why the Time-consuming Demon God dared to come forward was that Zhao Bi had said before that the ax in Pan Gu's hand could only be used three times.

"I'm fine," Zhao Yan said with a serious expression.

While speaking, Zhao Bi was still staring in the direction of Pangu.

But at this moment, with a crisp sound of "Kaba.", the jade plate of good fortune that was originally on Pangu's head suddenly shattered.

At the same time that the jade butterfly was shattered, Pangu's expression slowly returned to normal, and his eyes felt different.

"Thank you, Prophet." Pan Gu's voice came directly to Zhao Bi.

Just after Pan Gu finished speaking, he strode directly into the world he created.

What happened after that, Zhao Bi can almost imagine it.

"Prophet, Pan Gu just now?"

Now Time Demon God also sensed the difference in Pangu, so he opened his mouth and asked directly.

"Time, there are some things that can't be said, can't be said, if you don't take that step, don't know about this kind of thing." Zhao Yu went to persuade the Time Demon God himself and said.

"I know the Prophet."

"Hurry up and heal your wounds. After you recover, I will take you into that world to have a look." Zhao Bi said directly.

"Good prophet."

After the time was up, the two left here in an instant.

Not long after the two left, or almost one Yuanhui after the two left, an old man with yellow eyebrows appeared at the place where Zhao Bi and Pangu were fighting.

Seeing the blow after a Yuanhui time, the old man directly said with emotion, "I didn't expect the prophet to be so powerful. It seems that the Time Demon God is really lucky!"

After the area where Zhao Bi and Pangu fought has passed through a Yuanhui, the storm formed in this area can kill any demon god at will, that is, anyone in the Da Luo Jinxian realm.

In the future, this place will also become a restricted area for everyone.

The guy with the yellow eyebrows who came over this time is the Space Demon God. Of course, he also has a name, which is Huang Mei.

Huang Mei was standing in this area. Although he didn't know the situation of the battle back then, it was already making him feel terrified just like this.

In order to avoid Pangu's attack, the Space Demon God directly created multiple spaces to appear, but in the end he was seriously injured and his realm dropped.

This is why he is more envious of the Golden Demon God.

However, the Demon God of Time is sitting cross-legged somewhere in Chaos to heal his injuries. As for Zhao Bi, he is not far away now.

Although Zhao Bi was also sitting, he kept looking at the dark red long sword in his hand, or what it should be called now-Hongmeng Sword.

This sword is a product of the period of the primordial world that appeared before the appearance of the chaotic world, and is an innate product of the period of primordial primordial.

Of course, there is no need to say more about power.

This sword is not as good-looking as imagined. The whole is more like a pile of dark red capitals, and there is no so-called blade.

But it is precisely because of this that the Hongmeng Sword has a completely different feeling.

Although Zhao Bi now wants to enter the world created by Pan Gu, Zhao Bi also understands that if he goes in now, something will happen to him, or the world will shatter.

The current world has not stabilized, and everything is too fragile. If someone with Zhao Bi's strength enters, the consequences will still be great.

And there is a Dao order to maintain it, so I won't do such thankless things.

With the passage of time, the surrounding stars are also constantly changing, and in this way, the time of the first time and the second time of the calamity appears.

During this period, Pan Gu's world has almost stabilized, and Zhao Bi can still enter if he wants.

"Prophet." Time Demon God stood up and looked at Zhao Bi at this moment and said.

"Yo, are you finally ready now?" Zhao Bi said speechlessly.

"Sorry Prophet, the current strength has not returned to what it was before, but it is almost the same, at least the injuries on his body are completely fine." Time Demon God said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhao Yu didn't want to say anything anymore, this girl can be reborn after such a long time, did she not expect to do this?
(End of this chapter)

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