Chapter 273 Chaos Sea

Regarding the Time Demon God, Zhao Yu really didn't want to say anything more, it was just too useless. ,

It's just that what Zhao Yu didn't know was that this time the Demon God received a mental shock, and he was almost able to recover after two calamities.

For the demon god, time is simply infinite, and one or two calamities have no effect on his body at all, and it even feels like an instant thing.

Looking at the Pan Gu world in the distance, the Time Demon God said curiously, "Prophet, can we also enter the world created by Pan Gu?"

"I said, what are you thinking? That guy Pangu used his own death to prop up that world. Do you think we can easily let us in?" Zhao Yu said casually, without even looking at the Demon God of Time.

"Prophet, isn't this Pangu dead? Why can't we go in?"

"Are you stupid? Pangu used his last strength to directly sacrifice himself to protect that world. Now that there is a great blessing in it, it doesn't matter if I go in. If you go in now, you will probably be cold." Zhao Bi said directly.

"How dangerous is it?"

"But you don't have to worry. I have calculated that there will be five or six kalpas at most, and creatures will appear in that world. With the appearance of creatures, the blessing of the Dao will become relatively smaller. By that time There's nothing wrong with us when we go in."

"Prophet, according to what you said, isn't it true that there are many good things that we can't get?" Time Demon God said unwillingly.

"It's just rubbish. Pangu himself doesn't have any good things. What good things can he create in the world?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"What the prophet said seems to make sense?" Time Demon God said after thinking for a while.

The current chaos is much quieter than before. Pangu's blow almost wiped out all the demon gods in the entire chaos, and there are even few other creatures.

But for now, Zhao Bi has long been used to living in chaos, and such a life is relatively simple.

Fortunately, there is a Time Demon God beside him who is more verbose, otherwise Zhao Bi would have ventured directly into the world created by Pan Gu.

But in the current period of time, Zhao Bi can take the Time Demon God out of this world outside the chaos to take a look.

"Time, have you ever thought that our chaos has a boundary, but what is the world outside the chaos?" Zhao Yu asked curiously.

"Prophet, don't ask me such things? I have always been by your side, Prophet, how would I know anything else?" Time Demon God said.

"Let's go, there's nothing to do now anyway, do you want to accompany the Prophet and me to the edge of chaos to have a look?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"Prophet, I'll follow you wherever you go, anyway, you don't have to worry about anything dangerous?" Time Demon God said with a smile.

After perceiving it for a while, Zhao Yu found that he was relatively close to the easternmost distance of Chaos, so he took the Time Demon God directly to the edge of the direction he had set.

"Prophet, where is this place?" Time Demon God said looking at the black smoke rolling in front of him.

"This is the place where I can touch the most marginal position when I set the orientation, but I didn't expect that it would be like this outside?" Zhao Yan said.

"Prophet, let's go back. I still know about this thing. This is a chaotic tide. No matter what goes in it will die, so there are not even rules for the avenue."

Hearing what the Time Demon God said, Zhao Bi became even more curious.

Looking at the tumbling black smoke, what Zhao Yu can confirm is that there are definitely other worlds beyond this chaotic sea.

But it doesn't look good right now.

After standing by the side for a while, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand and swung a sword light, but just entering the Chaos Sea area, the sword light disappeared immediately.

"Time, take out a treasure from your body and throw it in for a look?" Zhao Bi said.

The Time Demon God didn't care much about these things. As soon as Zhao Bi's words fell, an object similar to a disc appeared in his hand.

Zhao Bi took the thing in Time Demon God's hand, looked at it and put it directly on the edge of the tide, but what the two of them didn't expect was that the thing disappeared in an instant just after putting it in.

"Prophet, I've said it all, this chaotic sea is too weird, we can't get past it at all." Time Demon God said.

"Don't worry, I just want to see if I'm sure I can't make it through?" Zhao Bi said with many doubts.

But the two of them stayed like this for more than a dozen yuan on this chaotic sea, and in the end there was still nothing they could do.

But on this day, yes, the Golden Demon God suddenly shouted, "Prophet, look, is there something in the sea of ​​chaos?"

Zhao Bi regained his energy immediately after hearing the words, and then began to look in the direction that Time Demon God said.

"Fuck, time, didn't you say that the Chaos Sea is silent, did some creatures enter it?" Zhao Yu cursed directly.

"Prophet, what exactly is that?" Time Demon God said looking at the huge tail just now.

This thing looks like a fish at first glance, the key is that this thing is a bit big.

If it was said that Pangu was already relatively large, but the creature that appeared just now, with only one tail, shocked the two of them.

"It's time, I feel like we really have a hard time getting through it." Zhao Bi said with a bit of a cry and a smile.

Both of them have been at the edge of the chaotic sea for so long, but now they can't even get in the black smoke in the chaotic sea, let alone the wider area behind.

"I think it's the same, Prophet, or we'd better leave."

This time Zhao Bi agreed rarely, mainly because it was completely unnecessary to spend time here.

But just when the two of them left, a huge head slowly appeared in the sea of ​​chaos, and the eyes were already shining ahead like horizontal stars.

On the edge of this chaos, a pair of eyes has already changed the surrounding time and space to varying degrees.

It can be said that the current guy in the chaotic sea, even the current Zhao Bi, may not necessarily be an opponent.

Not long after it poked its head out, it slowly sank into the chaotic sea after turning its eyes.

The big guy is too dark to see what it looks like except the eyes.

It's just that this kind of thing will never end like this. Sooner or later, Zhao Bi will come to this place again.

(End of this chapter)

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