Tianlong: Immortal Cultivator in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 275 Zhou Shan's Newborn Nuwa

Chapter 275 Zhou Shan's Newborn Nuwa
Zhao Bi is here, his daily life is to be a salted fish, and he has nothing else to do. The Time Demon God keeps going out to find food.

But when Zhao Bi was still lying down, his heart suddenly moved, and Zhao Bi sat up suddenly.

"Prophet, what's wrong with you?" Time Demon God asked casually while looking at Zhao Bi while he was still eating.

Because he understands that the current Zhao Bi will not have anything or anything that can threaten his prophet.

"I sensed that she came out." Zhao Bi said with the corner of his mouth raised.

"Prophet, who are you talking about?"

"My partner has come, hahaha" Zhao Bi said with a happy smile.

At this time, the Time Demon God was still in a daze, and he had no idea what was going on with Zhao Bi's reaction?
Even though he looked at the current Time Demon God with a look of incomprehension, Zhao Bi didn't explain too much.

Zhao Bi looked ahead, and then said to the Time Demon God, "You stay here, I'm going out for a while."

Zhao Bi said that the whole person disappeared directly in front of the Time Demon God.

When Zhao Bi appeared again, there was already a high mountain reaching straight to the sky in front of him, and this mountain was still very steep, but the landscape here looked so beautiful.

"I didn't expect to be born halfway up the mountain, did you?" Zhao Bi said looking at the top of his head.

Under this mountain, Zhao Yu could clearly feel that as long as it wasn't for the creatures of this mountain, it would draw the coercion from this mountain.

But this kind of thing is completely unfeeling to Zhao Bi.

From the first moment he came here, Zhao Yu could tell that this place was transformed by Pangu's spine, and Pangu's will even stayed here.

Now Zhao Bi is not interested in all this at all, and more is looking forward to the one who is in the middle of the mountain.

After sensing the direction, Zhao Bi began to levitate vertically upwards, and arrived at a platform in a short time.

Of course, this place is not so much a platform as it is the feeling of a world.

Zhoushan is so big that it may take more than ten miles to reach a stone, let alone others.

Zhao Bi, who just came up, looked at the environment here, and it was really nice, full of greenery.

Standing on the edge, you can see very far directly, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a paradise.

Standing here, looking at the wriggling ivy, Zhao Bi began to walk slowly inside.

Not long after, a boy with a snake-tailed human head appeared in front of Zhao Bi.

Because he had never seen a stranger before, the boy seemed very curious about Zhao Bi's arrival, and he didn't even show a trace of panic.

"Your name is Fuxi, right?" Zhao Bi said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Fuxi was immediately surprised, and then asked Zhao Bi curiously.

"Not only do I know you, I also know that you have a younger sister!"

Hearing Zhao Bi's words, Fuxi didn't have any vigilance, and quickly said, "You are really amazing, you knew when my sister was born?"

"Yeah, that's why I came to see your sister." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

For these innate beings, they already had their own names before they were born, and then they were born directly with them.

When seeing Nuwa who came out with the same image, the corners of Zhao Yu's mouth immediately began to rise.

Looking at this little girl who is only four or five years old, although she also has the image of a snake and a snake, it does not affect Zhao Yan's feeling that this girl is cute.

"Brother, who is he?" Nuwa said with a slightly shy or frightened expression.

"Oh, it seems that I really don't know your name?" Fuxi looked at Zhao Bi curiously and said.

"My name? Don't know it now, we will definitely meet again in the future." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

This time, Zhao Yu probably just wanted to come over to get acquainted. They are too young to know things, and it is completely unnecessary to know whether they know.

It's just that the image of Nuwa is really cute, and I feel pity for it.

"Why did you come here?" Nu Wa started to look at Zhao Bi and said.

"I, I just came to see you," Zhao Bi said, and took out a jade pendant-like brand from his arms, appeared and handed it to Nuwa, and then said, "This is for you, you can own it." Three defenses, keep it safe."

Seeing Zhao Bi's appearance, Nu Wa carefully took the things in his hands, but she was still a little wary of Zhao Bi.

"It's so small, what a beast!" Zhao Yu began to slander himself in his heart.

This person also saw them and delivered the things. Zhao Bi immediately stood up, looked at them and said, "You guys are safer here, Fuxi, you have to take good care of my sister, he is my future partner."

After Zhao Bi finished speaking, he jumped off Zhoushan and disappeared.

Now there are only two brothers and sisters left with blank faces.

Creatures that are too difficult first will wake up their consciousness first, and even know a lot of things by birth. They also know a little bit about the partner Zhao Bi mentioned.

"Brother, what did he mean just now?" Nuwa looked at Fuxi who was only a year or two older than herself and said.

"Brother doesn't seem to understand, what a strange person?"

When listening to Fuxi, Nuwa was still looking at the jade pendant that Zhao Bi gave her. Even though she is not very strong now, she can also see that this thing is not simple.

"Brother, this is for you" Nuwa picked up the black jade pendant and handed it to Fuxi and said.

"Sister, this is given to you by someone else, you should just keep it for yourself. Besides, he has already said that this thing can release three defenses. It is a life-saving thing, and my brother will not want it." Fuxi revealed Said with a smile.

"But brother."

"It's nothing to worry about, my brother will definitely become very powerful and won't use this thing." Fuxi directly interrupted Nuwa's words.

In fact, it was Nuwa who wanted to give it away, but Fuxi couldn't take it. When Zhao Bi delivered the item, he had specially set an enchantment that only Nuwa could wear in it.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhao Yu looked at the huge Mount Zhou, but it would turn into Mount Buzhou after a few years, which is really a pity.

People have also seen it, and if they want to wait for Nu Wa to grow up, there is no time to measure the calamity, so there should be nothing better to watch.

It's just a calamity, and this kind of thing is completely affordable for Zhao Yu.

This period of prehistoric times was when all the innate beings emerged together, not only Nuwa and Fuxi, but even the creatures transformed by Pangu himself began to appear one after another.

No matter who appears in this world at the end, it has nothing to do with Zhao Bi. Anyway, no amount of calamity will appear on Zhao Bi in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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