Chapter 276 Qilin
This time it was already the strongest group of innate creatures awakened, and they were all awakened after absorbing enough laws.

Unlike the dragons and phoenixes who had awakened before, most of the creatures awakened this time were related to Pangu.

The entire prehistoric world is also full of thousands of flowers at this time, and each one is a leader who is ahead of the times.

Standing under Zhoushan Mountain, Zhao Bi felt the entire Zhoushan Mountain, and even had to feel the greatness of Pangu.

The current prehistoric world is still maintained by the law of the great way, and the way of heaven has not yet appeared. For the current batch of creatures, there is still a great chance to transcend the way of heaven.

After returning to the place where he lived, Zhao Yu looked at his slightly dilapidated place, and at the Time Demon God who only knew that he had nothing to do to catch other living beings to eat, Zhao Yu instantly felt helpless appearing.

"Prophet, you're back?" The Time Demon God has reared an unknown creature from somewhere at this time. Anyway, the skin has been peeled off now, and its true colors cannot be seen at all.

Looking at how skilled time is now, Zhao Bi felt that he seemed to have taught this guy wrong.

"Time, where did you bring this?" Zhao Yu asked a little speechlessly.

"Haha..., Prophet, you don't know. I ran to look for it as soon as you left. This guy is very difficult to catch. They said that this thing is called Qilin or something. It looks too ugly. At first I didn't want it. , I just thought I hadn't eaten it yet, so I grabbed one and tried it. So..."

After hearing what the Time Demon God said, after knowing it was Qilin, Zhao Bi stopped listening.

But Zhao Bi had already left, and the Time Demon God was still chattering.

It's just that what he doesn't know is that the land of the Qilin clan is completely different at this time.

"Mo Yuan, have you found out if it's the Dragon Clan's fault?"

At this time, many people of the Qilin tribe have gathered here.

For unicorns, they already have a transformed form after birth.

Most of them appear in human form when they are in the clan.

The difference is that their foreheads are still covered with scales, without hair, and some are only slightly raised or completely protruded two horns.

Some unicorns still have catfish beards on the corners of their mouths.

At this moment, the Qilin tribe is very lively, and everyone has already begun to express their dissatisfaction.

"Patriarch, this time it must be the fault of the Dragon Clan. Mo Yu was taken away. I think it was the hands of the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, which other clan would dare to provoke us?"

A guy who looked like he was already middle-aged said, his tone and expression had completely expressed his dissatisfaction.

Sitting at the top was an old man whose black scales had begun to turn red and his face was already wrinkled.

Looking at the clansmen below who were arguing passionately, the Qilin patriarch didn't speak.

This time, it doesn't matter whether the Dragon Clan did it or not, what matters is who they think did it.

There have been conflicts between the Qilin clan and the dragon clan for tens of thousands of years, and the two clans have always been in conflict.

In the prehistoric world, these two clans are already the two most powerful clans, followed by the Feng clan.

So now both sides are constantly wooing the Feng Clan side, but its position is still quite embarrassing.

Because the Feng Clan has not accepted the invitation of any Clan, the two Clans have already felt that they have turned against each other.

In creating something out of nothing, the Feng clan was also involved in the struggle between the two clans.

It's just that this time the Demon God of Time actually captured a relatively capable general of the Qilin clan, which directly caused a strong turmoil in the Qilin clan.

The patriarch Qilin didn't speak at this time, and after he stood up, he exuded a powerful aura.

In less than a moment, the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet.

All the clansmen looked at Patriarch Qilin, wanting to wait for the other party's next reply.

"The movement this time was not caused by the Dragon Clan..."

Just after the Qilin patriarch finished speaking, the others immediately disagreed, but before they could say anything, the Qilin patriarch continued to say, "Although it was not done by the dragon clan, what the dragon clan has done recently has touched It has reached the bottom line of my Qilin clan, so next, I decided that our Qilin clan is going to recruit the creatures of hundreds of clans to prepare for the future war."

Listening to the words of the head of the family, there is no objection below.

Although this group of unicorns are more aggressive, they also understand that if they start a war with the Dragon Clan, they will definitely lose both sides. At that time, it will be the other clans that will benefit. It is indeed the best way to recruit hundreds of clans like this now.

"Since you don't have any objections, then this matter is settled like this. Mo Hua will be responsible for the later stage. I will see the result of this matter within ten thousand years." Qilin patriarch said.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I will arrange the affairs of the hundred clans later." Mo Hua said respectfully to the patriarch Qilin.

After the patriarch Qilin saw Mo Hua's reply, he turned around and walked outside, but when he reached the door, his eyes were still looking in the direction where Zhao Bi lived.

Zhao Bi is here.

"This is a bit of a blessing." Zhao Bi said looking at his masterpiece.

Because he felt that the place he lived in was a bit unsightly, Zhao Bi directly used the power of law to construct a relatively perfect cave.

Here, a luxurious residence is suspended above a height of [-] meters, and every connected step is suspended, and the distance between them is also relatively standard.

"Prophet, we live well, why did we make it like this?" Time Demon God said looking at Zhao Bi's so-called masterpiece.

"What do you think you know?" Zhao Bi looked at the Time Demon God and said.

After looking at the surrounding situation, Zhao Bi waved his hand, and the place that was originally in the shape of a dense forest suddenly turned into flowers and trees with various shapes, as well as small bridges and flowing water.

"Time, add your power of the law of time to the barrier." Zhao Yu said looking at the outer barrier.

I am also a Hunyuan Golden Immortal at any rate, a person who is more powerful than Pangu, the place where I live must need atmosphere and beauty.

Not only that, but there must also be a different style in terms of the outer barrier.

For Zhao Bi, there is no need to make any enchantment at all, it's just for the sake of looking good.

Now that Zhao Bi had spoken, the Demon God of Time walked directly to the edge of the barrier, and then the power of time began to slowly spread towards the entire barrier.

After it spread all over, a different white swirl appeared in the entire enchantment, and then disappeared and turned into a transparent color.

Now at the entrance and exit of the enchantment, the Time Demon God looked at the sky, and after a while, he directly gathered the power of time and started to brand.

Seeing his rather strange behavior, Zhao Yu went over to take a look, but he didn't expect that this guy was actually branded with the word "prophet".

(End of this chapter)

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