Chapter 277 Picking

Zhao Bi didn't have anything else to do with the actions of the Time Demon God, he could do whatever he wanted.

The place where I live now has its own appearance. Although this place is not a good place, it still has its own flavor here.

"Prophet, do you think we should recruit disciples if we stay here?" Yes, the Golden Demon God looked at Zhao Yu and asked curiously.

"Then will you teach?"

Zhao Bi said something directly, and the Time Demon God shook his head after listening, and then Zhao Bi continued, "That's it, you don't know how to teach, I don't want to, so what kind of disciples do you accept? Besides, it's just the two of us so comfortable. "

Listening to Zhao Bi's words, Time Demon God nodded his head in agreement.

"But you can find some spirits and monsters to come here. At the very least, people who serve tea and water are still needed. The other thing is to find some guys who are more bricks. I can teach them how to cook." Zhao said. He looked at the Time Demon God and said.

After hearing this, the Time Demon God was immediately excited, saying that he would not need to make food by himself in the future.

"Don't worry, Prophet, I'll do it right away." Time Demon God said.

Watching the time demon god leave, Zhao Bi turned around and walked towards himself.

In fact, this space has completely become an independent space. It looks like a barren mountain from the outside, but now it has become a unique place inside.

As he walked on the floating steps, Zhao Bi felt what the life of a fairy is like.

It's just that the Time Demon God has caused something different in this world at this time.

The Demon God of Time, who is a million miles away, is now looking for different creatures strictly according to what he thinks the prophet likes.

The first stop he came here was at the Phoenix Clan. Anyway, he heard that there are more beauties here, so he chose to come here directly.

Different from choosing food as usual, this time the demon god walked in directly from the gate of the house and met the patriarch here directly.

When he first came in, the demon god looked at the Phoenix clan guarding outside, and directly released his strength to oppress them.

For these people, the strength of the quasi-sage is not something they can look directly at.

So until the Time Demon God walked into the Phoenix Clan, he didn't say a word.

The powerful strength made all the elders of the Phoenix family come out.

Unlike the quasi-sages among these people, the quasi-sages of the Time Demon God are already as powerful as the saints in this world.

"I don't know who you are? What's the business of coming to my Phoenix clan."

The Time Demon God looked at the old woman who was speaking, and kept a relatively calm expression on his face. Then he looked at the crowd and smiled and said, "Our prophet wants a maid, so we are going to choose from among your hundreds of clans."

"What are you prophets?"

"Shut up, Tianke." When a young man behind the old woman wanted to say something, she directly angrily shouted at him.

"Grandma, we Phoenix Clan don't"

"Pa" a crisp slap sounded directly.

This one called Tian Ke flew several meters away in an instant and landed heavily on the ground.

"Sorry, I made you laugh." The old woman saluted the Time Demon God and said.

"Haha, it's okay." Time Demon God said with a big smile.

Looking at the person named Tian Ke just now, his eyes have become unfriendly.

This point has been discovered by the old man of the Phoenix family just now.

As far as the Time Demon God is concerned, whoever dares to insult the Prophet will directly destroy the entire family here.

"Your Excellency, please sit down." The old man of the Feng clan said to the Time Demon God.

After the old man finished speaking, he waved his hand to everyone at the same time.

At this time, everyone understood what she meant, and within a short while, there were only a few elderly people around his age left in the room.

"I'm Yunxiang, the elder of the Feng clan. I haven't asked you how to address him yet." At this time, an old man who seemed to be full of spirit walked in front of the Time Demon God and said to him.

"Me? I'll let it go, let's hurry up and talk about it this time!" The Time Demon God said in a refusal.

"Then I'm really sorry, I was the one who waited abruptly, and I don't know what will be good for the people of my clan to come to the place you mentioned?" Yun Xiang said with a serious expression.

"It's not good. If I have to say it, it will prevent them from being punished." The Time Demon God said after thinking for a while.

After all, I have lived through the grand calamity from the prophet, not to mention that the calamity in the world is not a problem in this respect. After all, even Pangu is much worse than the prophet.

Although the seemingly casual words of the Time Demon God directly shocked these old guys.

What kind of person is it that can be erased by the amount of calamity added?

From their point of view, the Time Demon God in front of them definitely belonged to the ancient or Chaos Demon God. Although they had already guessed about the same, they still couldn't imagine that behind such an existence, there would be a more powerful one there.

"Then, may I ask if men from my clan can enter?" the old woman from the Feng clan said directly at this time.

The Time Demon God thought for a while, and then said, "I don't know if the Prophet likes men or not, but you can prepare a few candidates, and I will ask the Prophet when the time comes."

"Well, that's it. We'll start preparing for the choice. It may take a few days. I don't know where you are." The old woman looked at the Time Demon God and wanted him to stay for a few days.

"I can't stay here. After I'm sure, just crush this thing, and I'll come and pick it up." Time Demon said, taking out a small stone that contained his own power.

This method was taught to him by Zhao Bi, and he is still proficient at comparing prices.

"Then it's time to work. At that time, our clan will definitely choose better young men and women to go there." The old woman said.

"That's fine, I'll just wait for your news." The Demon God of Time smiled, and then disappeared directly into the land of the Phoenix Clan.

After a while, the few people present slowly took their seats.

"Old Ancestor, why should we agree to his request?" At this time, other elders of the Phoenix Clan said.

"Oh, it's not that I think, it's that we have nothing to do. I have already predicted that our Phoenix Clan will be among them in the next calamity, and there may not be any clansmen who can get through it safely." The old woman said.

"Then Patriarch, we can't just trust someone with unknown background?"

"The aura on his body is full of the law of time. It seems that he should be the ancient Chaos Demon God. Even so, there is still a prophet that he respects. This already explains the situation." The ancestor of Phoenix said.

(End of this chapter)

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