Chapter 278 The Lively Prophet Space

As for Fengzu's statement, no one believed it. Since he knew it, it seemed that other hundred clans might have the same choice.

"For those who go this time, all the members of the Phoenix Clan will have to fight to select the better ones. At the very least, we must preserve a trace of blood for our Phoenix Clan." Yun Xiang, the elder of the Feng Clan, looked at Fengzu and said.

"Just do what Yun Xiang said." Feng Zu immediately settled down.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Phoenix Clan started the selection this time. Although they didn't know who the other party was and they only wanted maids, the Phoenix Clan also started a large-scale selection for this time's quota.

Just when the Phoenix clan was bustling, the Time Demon God had already arrived at the side of the Qilin clan.

The same as when he was in the Phoenix Clan, the Time Demon God walked in swaggeringly, talking about the same topic.

But the patriarch of the Qilin clan has recognized the time demon god at this time. This guy is the one who captured his clansman before, but at the same time he didn't say anything.

Replying to the words of the Time Demon God, the Qilin family has the same words, and the process is also relatively simple.

What they fancy is what the Time Demon God said can withstand the calamity, and this is the fundamental reason why they are willing to believe.

For those with relatively strong strength, it is easy to compare prices if they want to know what will happen in the future.

Therefore, the people of hundreds of clans know that there are countless people who add calamities to their bodies.

Knowing it is one thing, being able to avoid it is another.

In a short period of time, the Time Demon God swam to more than a dozen races of creatures, and the most uncooperative ones should be the creatures of the dragon race. Of course, the Time Demon God was really worried that they would agree to such a thing.

After this matter was over, the Time Demon God returned to the Prophet Dimension.

At this time, Zhao Bi was lying on the deck chair he made and basking in the sun, when the Demon God of Time came to the side and said with a smile, "Prophet, I have completed what you told me to do."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yu asked with some doubts.

"Ah? Prophet. Didn't you say that tea and water need to be served here?" Time Demon God said a little surprised.

"What are you talking about? If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about it?" Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Originally, Zhao Bi didn't like to be served by others, but after living for so much time, Zhao Bi's mentality has long been different from before.

But looking at the appearance of the Demon God of Time, Zhao Yu asked curiously, "Where are all the people you mentioned?"

"Haha. Prophet, they are thousands of miles away now, I will let them come here now." Yes, the Golden Demon God said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the Time Demon God directly activated the summoning, and within a short while, a large crowd had already appeared outside the Prophet's Space.

There are men and women here, and there are at least tens of thousands of people just by the number of people.

"Prophet, everyone has arrived, do you want to take a look?" Time Demon God came to Zhao Bi and said.

"Just look at the arrangement yourself." Zhao Bi closed his eyes and said indifferently.

"Good Prophet, I'll go right away!" Time Demon God said.

It's just that the group of people standing outside now behaved very differently.

"This place seems to be a barren mountain, why did the ancestor let us come here?" At this time, a woman from the Qilin clan said.

"Yuluo, don't talk. What the ancestor said must have his meaning, so you should watch carefully." Another woman from the Qilin family next to her also opened her mouth.

In fact, this is not one of them complaining. Most of them can't help complaining when they see the situation here. The most important thing is that there are creatures of all races here.

Those creatures from big clans naturally don't like those creatures from smaller families.

As time went by, the demon god suddenly appeared, and a huge barrier immediately appeared at the location of the barren mountain, and there was the word "prophet" on the gate of the barrier.

Among the people who came here, most of them are very powerful beings. Looking at the two words full of laws, many people have already fallen into it.

The people who were talking about the yellow one here just now began to shut their mouths slowly, and many people have already begun to look forward to what it will look like inside.

"All of you have made up your mind. This time, you don't know when you will come out. You need to forget your race inside. There is only one identity here, and that is maid or handyman." Time Demon God shouted loudly. .

Seeing that no one raised any objections, the Time Demon God waved his hand, and the barrier door opened immediately.

As the people in front entered, everyone saw what it looked like inside the enchantment, and it was like a paradise here.

Looking at the palace suspended in the sky and the flowers and trees below, many people have fallen in love with this place in a short time.

Zhao Bi, who was lying on it, heard the noisy sound, and when he turned his head to look, he was really startled.

The densely packed crowd underground, at least tens of thousands of people.

"What the hell is going on at this time? Why are there so many people here?" Zhao Yu thought directly in his heart.

In the originally good space, only a dozen people are needed, so it's all right now.
Looking at the current state, Zhao Bi didn't know how to describe it at all.

As everyone entered, the originally quiet space of the Prophet suddenly became lively.

"Prophet, how is it?" Just when Zhao Bi'an was still having a headache, Time Demon God flew to Zhao Bi's side and began to say.

"Time? Just tell me what are you going to do with so many people coming?" Zhao Yu said speechlessly.

"Prophet, I haven't thought about this yet?" Time Demon God said after thinking for a while.

For the sudden increase of so many people, the Time Demon God himself has no idea at all, anyway, the more the better.

But looking at Zhao Bi's appearance, Time Demon God still said timidly, "Prophet, these people have already come, what do you think they need to do?"

"Are you asking me? You are really talented." Zhao Bi was even more speechless.

After a while, Zhao Yu said, "Since you have already let them in, you should settle down first. When I find some time later, I will also open up a space in the chaos, and let them come in." Let the group of people plant flowers and raise grass in the past."

"Yes, Prophet, you can also open up a world, I believe it will definitely be much more powerful than Pangu." Time Demon God said a little excitedly.

But Zhao Bi really didn't want to talk about the idea of ​​Time Demon God, did Pangu develop it himself?This is just opened up by the rules of the road, and it has a Mao relationship with him.

(End of this chapter)

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