Chapter 279 Coincidence
For things like this, Zhao Bi really didn't have the mood to think about those things. The sudden arrival of so many people made even Zhao Bi feel a little unbelievable.

For those who just came in, this place is full of novelties. Although I don't know what the elders in the family have asked them to come here, but Xianza still looks very good.

When everyone came in, the Time Demon God had already said that, except for the top position, all places could move freely.

The restricted space created by Zhao Bi is almost the size of a world, which is quite enough to accommodate these people.

But the girls that Zhao Bi saw inadvertently were really good-looking.

After everyone has lived in this place for 10 years, everyone's strength has grown a lot, but for them, the only requirement for everyone is that they cannot leave this prophetic space.

"It's been so long, it seems that we still need to go out and take a look at the situation." Zhao Bi murmured while lying on the top of his mouth.

It's still early for the calamity to start, let alone dozens of families from Yuanhui.

But now the entire Great Desolation has begun to surge undercurrents.

When he first came out of the Prophet's Space, Zhao Yu looked at this barren scene, and there really wasn't any beauty to say here.

"Master Prophet."

Just when Zhao Yu was about to stretch, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Are you talking?" Zhao Bi said, looking at a pile of stones on the ground.

"Yes, my lord prophet."

"How do you know me?" Zhao Bi asked.

"When the Prophet built the Prophet's world, the villain had already developed consciousness, but after 10 years, the villain still has no form." The little stone opened his mouth and said.

"This is more interesting." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

But then, Zhao Bi squatted down and tapped this guy lightly, and then a rather burly man with his upper body naked appeared in front of Zhao Bi.

Xiao Shitou took a look at his appearance, then happily knelt down towards Zhao Bi and said, "Thank you, Master Prophet, for your kindness."

"You can stay here from now on." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, Lord Prophet."

For such stone monsters, there are really too many in this world, but this guy's luck is better, which is also caused by fate.

When he came out this time, Zhao Bi didn't choose where to go directly, but walked directly forward.

The scenery along the way looks quite good at this time. It is completely impossible to walk through such a huge flood.

It's just that Zhao Bi also doesn't want to spend these endless years in such a boring way.

"What do you want to do?"

After walking like this for nearly a Yuanhui, a voice suddenly shouted from the front.

When I was not interested in this kind of thing, I just glanced at it, but this person is someone I am more familiar with.

The main reason for being able to recognize it at a glance is that there is no such thing as a snake-tailed existence in this world.

Seeing such a situation, Zhao Bi walked over directly. At this time, there were more than a dozen monster guys standing there with ominous faces in front of Nuwa.

"We discovered this first. Since we are both monsters, I don't care too much, just return the things to us?" said a guy with two horns standing in front at this time.

Nuwa looked at the faces of these people opposite, and although she was very confused in her heart, she still said, "You guys discovered it first. I have been here for tens of thousands of years. Why do you say it belongs to you?"

"It makes sense," Zhao Yu stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Who are you?" The tauren looked at Zhao Bi and said unkindly.

"Get out" Zhao Bi said directly with a stare, but Qingda's power made these good guys stunned for a moment, and his legs seemed a little unsteady.

"It's you?" Nuwa said in surprise seeing Zhao Bi's appearance.

Nuwa still remembers Zhao Bi's appearance quite clearly, after all, the tag on her neck was a gift from him.

"I didn't expect you to remember me?" Zhao Bi said with a smile.

"Why are you here, are you looking for me?" Nu Wa began to ask curiously.

"This is not the way, I just came here by accident, do you think this is fate?"

Seeing Zhao Bi's smile, Nuwa said softly, "Thank you this time."

"What's there to be grateful for? Do you remember what I said when I left?" Zhao Bi said.

Nuwa is now seventeen or eighteen years old. Although she still has a human head and a snake body, this appearance is already the most beautiful existence Zhao Bi has ever seen.

It's just that the temperament has not yet come up, and she is a relatively pure type of big girl.

But after hearing Zhao Bi's words, Nu Wa remembered what Zhao Bi said when she was a child, and her face turned red immediately.

"By the way, why are you here?" Zhao Bi said.

"Isn't that just for this?" Nuwa spread her hands, and there was a green mass in her palm.

"what is this?"

"This is the mother of green crystals. It can be used to cultivate any kind of tree, and it can also be used for cultivation." Nuwa said with a smile.

Looking at this thing, Zhao Bi really didn't know what to say.

I really can't understand that I don't care about my own safety for such a thing.

"Where's your brother Fuxi?" Zhao Bi asked.

"My brother went out. I don't know the details. I came out this time to look for my brother. I didn't expect to meet this, so I have been waiting here for nearly ten thousand years."

Listening to Nuwa's words, Zhao Bi was even more speechless, is this really his future person?

"Let's go, look at you like this." Zhao Yu said helplessly.


"Of course I'm going where I should go." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

For Zhao Bi, Nu Wa always felt that his appearance was very familiar, and he had a sense of guard that she couldn't raise at all.

After saying that, Zhao Bi turned around and started to leave. Nu Wa followed after thinking for a while.

The current strength of Nuwa is also the strength of Jinxian, and even the worst ones in her prophet space are much better than her.

It's just that Zhao Bi didn't intend to take her back this time.

"Where are you going?" Nuwa said cutely.

"I don't know, let's go wherever we go."

As Zhao Bi said, he continued to walk forward without turning his head.

Nuwa followed Zhao Bi in a serpentine manner like this. Although she was very curious on the way, she still didn't say anything in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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