Chapter 281 Hongjun Sanctification
As Nuwa walked down with Zhao Bi, the time of two yuanhuis passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Zhao Bi still insisted on walking to measure the world and see the changes in the prehistoric world.

Of course, this is also very good for Nuwa.

"Measurement Tribulation is coming!" Zhao Yu raised his head and said with a smile.

"What kind of calamity?"

"You don't know, it has nothing to do with you anyway." Zhao Bi said.

The current Nuwa has the strength of Taiyi Jinxian, which is already very good, and it is considered a genius to be able to reach such a level in such a short period of time.

"Why don't you leave?" Nu Wa looked at Zhao Chu and asked curiously.

"You don't need to go, just wait for the rest." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Regarding Zhao Bi's words, Nuwa couldn't understand what he said at all. It had been going for so many years, and it was a little unaccustomed to suddenly stop going.

"You smash it first, so you can go back and feel what you have gained. When you come out again, your strength will improve very quickly." After Zhao Yan finished speaking, he disappeared here.

"What a strange person!" Nuwa said standing alone.

It's just that Zhao Bi couldn't hear it anymore.

After leaving, Zhao Bi returned directly to the Prophet's Space, and the first thing he did when he arrived was to summon the Demon God of Time.

"Prophet, are you back?" Time Demon God said with a smile.

"Okay, there are not so many things, you brought so many people here, now you are responsible for their safety, the calamity has come." Zhao Yu looked at the Time Demon God and said.

"Prophet, what shall I do?"

"Now the Prophet Space is closed, and everyone is forbidden to go out, so just stay here." Zhao Yan said.

"Okay, Prophet, I'll do it now." Said the time, the demon god took the time to leave here, and left in the direction of the gate.

But these people brought by the Time Demon God are still very useful. At the very least, the current space has a completely different color.

"Master Prophet, what do you want to eat today?" A light voice came over directly after Time Demon God left.

This is not a place where these people are forbidden to go, so they often meet different beauties.

"Just do something casually." Zhao Bi said with a direct smile.

For beautiful women, his mentality is quite good.

In the entire Prophet's space, the men who came here suffered the most. They basically came to handle the cooking and chores.

After a while, the Time Demon God returned to Zhao Bi, looked at Zhao Bi and said, "Prophet, the matter has been settled."

"Time, after measuring the calamity, let's open up a space in the chaos."

Hearing Zhao Bi's words, Time Demon God was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Prophet, why are you in such a hurry?"

"After the calamity, the Dao of Heaven will appear in the prehistoric world. I don't know what will happen by then?" Zhao Bi said.

"But Prophet, haven't you already surpassed the way of heaven and are only bound by attainment?" Time Demon God asked curiously.

"You seem to be right, but we can't stay here forever. After so long, have you noticed how much your strength has grown?" Zhao Bi said.

"Prophet, I think it's okay, the monsters here can really increase their strength by eating them." Time Demon God said with a smile.

For the Time Demon God, he doesn't care about the cultivation situation at all.

If he wants to take another step, he needs to be approved by Dao, but such a thing is not so simple, it is not something that can be done if he wants to do it.

"Let's talk about this matter later, I haven't had a good rest for a long time." Zhao Bi said with a smile.

Back at his place, Zhao Bi lay on the deck chair and looked at the sun in the sky.

"The next calamity will be on you." Zhao Yu said to himself.

In a dream, the time of thousands of yuanhui passed.

Everything is still the same as originally thought, this time the amount of calamity directly left only a few races of the hundred races.

Even the long-standing Qilin and Feng clans have begun to disappear.

Now the only remaining members of the Hundred Clans are on Zhao Bi's side.

The powerful dragon clan can only live in the land of the world, without the strong appearance of the past.

For such a thing, it can only be said that it is self-inflicted.

Just after the calamity ended, a voice rang directly from the heaven and the earth, "I, Hongjun, became a saint today, and I will give a lecture in Zixiao Palace ten thousand years later. Anyone who is destined can come."

"Hongjun is now sanctified?" Zhao Bi said in surprise with his eyes closed.

This is simply too fast.

Immediately afterwards, after Hongjun finished speaking, all living beings in the world knelt down under a strong coercion.

"What? Even I have to kneel?" Zhao Bi opened his mouth and said directly, feeling a touch of coercion.

Just after Zhao Bi finished speaking, the coercion in the entire prophet space disappeared immediately.

Zhao Bi looked at the thousands of miles of red clouds and the hundreds of thousands of miles of purple air outside, the size of Hongjun's sanctification is not small, isn't it?

"Prophet, Hongjun is sanctified." Time Demon God hurried over and said to Zhao Bi.

"I know, you don't need to talk about this kind of thing." Zhao Bi looked at the Time Demon God speechlessly and said.

"Prophet, just now Hongjun said that Zixiao Palace will give lectures ten thousand years later, should we go?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yu thought for a while, and then said, "Go, why don't you go, you go and pick the worst one from your pile of treasures, and we can send it over later."

"Okay Prophet." Time Demon God smiled and ran directly to the place where he lived.

But these words were heard by several beauties not far away.

"Prophet, the few of us want to leave the Prophet's space for a while, is it possible?" one of them said.

"If I remember correctly, your name should be Feng Wu?" Zhao Bi said, looking at the woman who was speaking.

"Yes, my lord prophet."

"Don't go out now, wait for a while, you don't have to worry if you Feng Clan are not dead this time." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Hongjun had just declared sanctification here, and they came over, which was already obvious, which meant that the calamity had passed.

For this group of people, Zhao Yu is actually quite at ease, after all, their strength is already pretty good.

"Master Prophet, we know..." Feng Wu said as she stood up and led them outside arguing.

When they just left the restricted area above, a strong coercion suddenly appeared on several people, and at the same time, a voice appeared and said, "Ten Yuanhui are imprisoned in the time vortex."

This voice is not only for them, but also for all the people who stay here.

They even went to the forbidden area now, is that okay?

These people actually spent at most ten thousand years in the confinement space, and the Time Demon God would let them experience what ten yuan would be like.

(End of this chapter)

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