Chapter 282 Zixiao Palace

For this time, the confinement of several members of the Feng clan was not done by Zhao Bi, nor was it done by the Time Demon God, but this space was already set like this at the beginning.

But the few people in the time vortex will not be tortured, it is nothing more than confinement.

"Sister Feng Wu, you said that we knew that we would be punished if we went to the restricted area above, but why did we go there?" said the youngest girl in the time vortex.

Feng Wu didn't know what she was thinking, and didn't answer immediately. She didn't react until the person next to her touched her.

"You all think so, right?" Feng Wu said with a smile.

"Yeah, sister, why did we go there when we knew the situation?" Another said.

"Feng Yun, it's not that my sister is stupid. The Feng clan is gone outside now. I just want to know the situation and let the prophet know about us." Feng Wu said, but there was a different look in her eyes .

"Hey, what kind of strength do you think the prophet is? Even the gift for the saint is bitten and the worst is chosen?"

"Okay, you guys, don't discuss the matter of the saint." Feng Wu said directly to the group of people.

The time of the ten Yuan Hui passed quickly, and besides, one could still cultivate while staying here.

Finally, it was time for Zixiao Palace to prepare for the lecture.

It's just that many people started rushing towards Zixiao Palace after Hongjun finished speaking.

The so-called targeting those who are predestined is not just a first-come, first-served matter.

"Time, are you ready for the things you have prepared?" Zhao Bi looked at the Demon God of Time and said.

Today's Zhao Bi is extraordinarily handsome, obviously he has specially dressed up his image.

"Prophet, since nothing is too bad, I brought out a bunch of auras." Time Demon God said.

"Yes, this thing is already very good." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Lingyun can condense laws, which is already a very good thing for Hongjun, and the most important thing is that Zhao Bi doesn't even want to give it away.

In the void, Zhao Bi and the Time Demon God had already seen many people heading towards Zixiao Palace, but they didn't need to think about those people below Da Luo Jinxian.

As he moved forward, the Time Demon God looked ahead and said, "Prophet, should we go last?"

"What are you waiting for before going in the end? When the doors are closed, these people cannot get in, so don't worry." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

The fact is that the situation is really the same as what Zhao Bi said. The current Zixiao Palace has begun to close after welcoming the last two people, but Zhao Bi and the others are still far away?
Inside the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun hadn't come out at this time, but the outside was already in a mess. There were about 3000 people who came in, but there were only six futons in front of them.

After the last two people came in, the six futons were already full of people, and there was room in other places, but the two of them didn't like it at all.

Ever since, the two of them started to cry directly in front of them. This scene made Hongjun's two boys feel a little bit unbearable.

But according to what Hongjun said, these people are all predestined people, and the two disciples have no way to say anything.

"Don't cry, it's just a seat, I'll give it up to you." The fourth person stood up and said to the two lying on the ground.

"The great karma is coming." The people behind watched him get up and shook their heads and said.

The one who stood up was called Hongyun, an innate creature cultivated with Pangu's last breath before his death.

"What qualifications do you have to sit here, you bastard?" The two of them were not satisfied with getting a seat and started cursing at the Kunpeng sitting at the back.

"That's right, you'd better get up quickly, this is where you can sit?" The person sitting in the second place also said directly.

In fact, even if they didn't talk about it, Kunpeng felt that he couldn't sit still anymore. It seemed that there was a force of repulsion against him.

Seeing their expressions, Hong Yun immediately pulled up after getting up and said, "Give it to them, it's the same wherever you sit, peace is the most important thing."

Kunpeng who was pulled up looked at Hongyun, his eyes were full of anger, but before he left, the two guys sat directly on the futon.

Feeling helpless, Kunpeng sat directly in the back row.

Just after the two of them took their seats, Hongjun slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Greetings to Taoist Ancestor." Everyone stood up and worshiped directly.

"Let's all sit down," Hong Jun said to the boy next to him, "Go and open the double doors, and some distinguished guests will come."

Everyone who heard the words at this moment was shocked, who else could make Hongjun call him a distinguished guest?
For a while, Shi Hongjun didn't start his lecture, but sat there looking in the direction of the gate.

Not only him, even other people are also looking in this direction.

After a long time, a voice came directly.

"Prophet, this is the Zixiao Palace? It doesn't seem to be all that good?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, but after seeing that Hongjun hadn't moved, no one spoke.

After the person came in, Hongjun stood up and took two steps forward.

Hongjun had already got up, and the others naturally followed suit and stood up to look at the person who was coming.

"Speaking of Hongjun, it's really hard to find your place?" Zhao Yu just walked in and looked at Hongjun and said with a smile.

The two met for the first time but felt as if they had known each other for a long time.

For such a thing, Hongjun didn't show any anger, but said happily, "It's really an honor for the Prophet to come here."

"Okay, I heard that you have become a saint, so come here to celebrate. Time." Zhao Bi shouted directly at the Time Demon God as he spoke.

At this time, the Demon God of Time also looked at Hongjun very interestingly and said, "This is something the prophet gave you, I really don't want to part with it!"

Hearing the words of the Demon God of Time, Hongjun also smiled, and then said, "That means this thing is indeed destined for me."

After Hongjun finished speaking, he said to the boy behind him, "Hurry up and prepare two futons for the two of you, the prophet's one must be at the same level as mine."

No one in the field dared to speak, only Fuxi said to Nuwa, "This person seems familiar?"

"Don't pretend, I stayed with him for more than a dozen years, and it was him." Nuwa said.

This was directly heard by the people behind, who grabbed Fuxi's shoulder and said, "Daoist friend, do you know this person?"

"I don't know, it's just that my sister is very familiar with it." Fuxi said.

After Fuxi finished speaking, the two people behind looked directly at Nuwa, and both eyes had already started to glow.

(End of this chapter)

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