Chapter 283 Lecture

As for Fuxi's words, Nuwa who was sitting next to her could also hear clearly. Although she now looked suspicious about Zhao Bi's identity, she couldn't open her mouth to say anything at this moment.

At this time, the eyes of the two people behind them also kept wandering around Nuwa, as if they had to get to know each other later.

On Hongjun's side, the boy still had a look of disdain after taking the things brought by the Time Demon God. While the two were talking, he opened the box directly.

Immediately afterwards, once the blue light burst out, the boy instantly wanted to drop the thing in his hand, mainly because he could no longer hold it.

"It's really presumptuous." Hongjun glanced at the boy and said angrily.

"I was wrong, please punish Daozu." The boy quickly knelt on the ground and shouted.

"Okay, you still have to give lectures later, don't care about such small things." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

At this time, Hongjun saw someone begging for mercy, and smiled and said, "I didn't expect this item to be in the hands of the Prophet. It's really an honor to get this item this time."

"Don't be embarrassed, this thing is destined for you, besides, this thing belongs to that guy Time." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Hongjun was originally the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God, and it could even be said that he was not a reincarnation, but these things were all determined by God.

Hongjun glanced at the Demon God of Time, feeling a bit disdainful. Back then, this guy relied on the Prophet to be like this, but he hasn't been sanctified yet, so it's normal to be despised.

"Prophet, please sit down. We'll give the lecture first. If there are some deficiencies in the middle, please don't mind the Prophet?" Hong Jun bowed his head towards Zhao Bi and said.

"You just tell your own story. I'll just listen in here again. By the way, let them bring some fruit." Zhao Yu smiled and said to the little virgin who brought him a futon just now.

Hongjun smiled, and then gave the virgin a look.

This time, it is considered to be the beginning of preparing for the formal lecture.

Zhao Bi, who just sat down, looked at the people below, everyone was a legendary figure, when he saw Nu Wa, Zhao Bi curiously said to Nu Wa, "Haha, Nu Wa, you said you are here It's been so long, and you haven't even sat on a futon for a long time?"

Hongjun looked at the prophet next to him speechlessly, his fingers were still moving, and then he shouted at the boy, "Send a futon to Fellow Daoist Nuwa."

This time I really surprised everyone. Although I don't understand the use of futons, things are definitely not that simple.

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Hongjun began to give a formal lecture. When he opened his mouth, the infinite rays of light began to surround his body, and his whole body suddenly became holy.

"Prophet, does this guy really look like that?" Time Demon God whispered while sitting behind Zhao Bi.

"Come and taste it, this thing tastes really good." Zhao Bi casually threw a flat peach to Time Demon God and said.

The two of them should be the only ones on the field who didn't listen to the speech.

This time the lecture will be held in 3000 years, Hongjun is expected to give lectures three times, and each time will take such a long time.

As time flew by, Zhao Bi began to doze off while sitting here, and the two boys should be the most uncomfortable.

Zhao Bi is sitting here doing nothing, but he always feels that peaches are quite delicious. After 3000 years, he has eaten [-] peaches alone.

Fortunately, the peaches are relatively big. The most important thing is that they only have one flat peach from the mother plant. This time, they almost ate all these peaches directly.

After 3000 years passed, Zhao Bi stood up immediately after seeing the lecture was over, still saying "Finally the lecture is over"

Seeing such a situation, Hongjun shook his head helplessly, but didn't say anything.

Nuwa was the first to wake up among these people. In the past few thousand years, she should have heard Li the least. She kept thinking about Zhao Bi's identity in her mind. He is actually a more powerful existence than a saint.

When it was over here, Zhao Yigang stood up and was about to leave, but Nuwa shouted directly, "Is that all you want to leave?"

Hearing these words, Time Demon God also hurriedly walked towards the gate, for fear of hearing something later.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yu turned around and said.

"Why are you lying to me?"

Seeing Nuwa's aggrieved look, Zhao Yu looked confused, then took two steps towards Nuwa and said, "What did I lie to you?"

"You are so powerful, you still lied to me to accompany you for more than a dozen Yuanhui?" Nuwa said.

"I said, you don't seem to have asked about my strength, did you?" Zhao Bi looked at Nuwa speechlessly and said.

This sentence directly impacted the other party. Thinking about it, it seems to be true. I have never asked what his strength is like?
Fuxi, who was standing not far away, twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw this situation, thinking in his heart that this girl is really not very smart?Back then, people came to you when you were just born. Doesn't that prove it?
But now Fuxi is at least quite relieved in his heart, at least he doesn't have to worry about his safety in the future.

When they just left the house, the two people who had chatted with Fuxi hurried forward and said to Fuxi, "Friend Daoist, my name is Dijun, and this is my younger brother, Donghuang Taiyi. I don't know if they are all lucky enough to invite you together?"

While several people were still talking, everyone suddenly felt something, and their minds were shocked. Immediately afterwards, Di Jun said, "Daoist friends, are you all going to have a look together?"

"Okay then," Fuxi said with a smile.

Nuwa was still angry at Zhao Bi at this time, but Zhao Bi said, "Go now, this thing will be of great use to you."

"Hmph, you are with me, I want to see how you are doing?" Nuwa said angrily. .

At the beginning, Zhao Bi directly said that he was a Taoist couple when he was born. Now it's all right. When they meet again, Nuwa always feels that this is fate, but now it seems that this guy is more like a liar.

Looking at Nuwa's appearance now, Zhao Bi really smiled helplessly, and then said, "Let's go, I will accompany you."

The current Zhao Bi's identity will soon be known by the whole prehistoric world, an existence that makes saints respectful, how terrifying is this?
As the crowd moved forward, when they arrived at the destination, there were already many people here.

When Zhao Bi came over and saw him, everyone bowed and shouted at Zhao Bi, "Prophet."

"You don't need to care about whether I come or not. If you have something that is destined for you, you can grab it yourself. I won't participate." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

This sentence can be regarded as a reassurance for them here.

(End of this chapter)

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