Chapter 285 Wuzu
For those who enter this prophetic space for the first time, it looks like a dreamlike world.

Even Nuwa is no exception.

After entering the Prophet's Space, the environment here directly makes people intoxicated, the colorful world, and the huge space that makes people intoxicated. Not only that, but here you can feel an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

"Here. This is where you live?" Nuwa said in surprise.

"Right? It should look okay, right?" Zhao Yu said, looking at Nuwa with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Nuwa saw an unimaginable scene, turned towards the women flying around, and then looked at Zhao Yu in surprise and said, "Here. Are they from the Feng clan?"

"That's right, there are all the hundreds of clans except the dragon clan." Zhao Yu said and started walking towards the inside with Nuwa.

With the palace suspended in the air and the suspended steps, even these Da Luo Jinxian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

For Nu Nuwa, although she can achieve this level, she still needs to think carefully about her design concept.

People from hundreds of clans fly back and forth here, and everyone has their own things to do, but what puzzles Nu Wa is why these people didn't have any accidents during the last calamity?
"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, are you curious why the hundreds of clans here are safe and sound?" The Time Demon God saw what Nuwa was thinking and said.

"Is it possible that staying in this space can ignore the calamity?"

"You are really right. The prophet can ignore the existence of the calamity, but you still know too little about the prophet." The Time Demon God said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, do you want to come up?" Zhao Yu saw that the two were still below, so he shouted directly.

When she got to the top of the suspended steps, Nu Wa always felt that she was living in a fantasy.

Who is the man in front of him?It shouldn't be right for an existence to be respected by saints.

When she got to the top, Nuwa still couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked, "Who are you? Why did even Daozu treat you like that?"

"Haha, fellow Daoist Nuwa, what you are saying is that when the prophet was born, the Dao ancestor didn't know where he was? Back then, the prophet was in the midst of chaos, and it was an existence recognized by the Dao." The Demon God of Time looked at Nuwa said with a smile.

"Time, can you stop talking too much?" Zhao Bi said to the Demon God of Time speechlessly.

"Time? You can't be the first creature of chaos, Time Demon God?" Nu Wa looked at Time Demon God curiously.

"Haha, don't talk nonsense, I'm not the first, when Primordial Meng turned to Chaos, the Prophet was born, so I'm not the first."

Listening to the words of the Time Demon God, Nuwa was completely shocked and didn't know what to say. A person who had existed for endless years was right in front of her.

But this also explains why Daozu Hongjun treated Zhao Bi like this.

But Shocked Shocked Nuwa still enjoys living like this.

I don't envy any existence, which is actually quite good.

"When are you leaving?" Zhao Bi looked at Nuwa and said directly.

"I'm not leaving, I want to live here too." Nu Wa said and sat down without looking at Zhao Bi.

"Time, let someone arrange a place for her to live in."

Seeing that Nuwa was unwilling to leave, Zhao Bi didn't force anything, and the karma between the two would not end like this.

It will be 10 years before Hongjun's next lecture, and there is indeed a lot of time in between.

For the rest of the day, Nuwa basically stayed in the Prophet's space and wandered around, and the people of the Hundred Clans were still very polite to her existence.

10 years is like a drop of water falling into a pond for the flood, basically there will be no major changes.

But in a place a million miles away from Buzhou Mountain.

"Brother, should we find a way to find that prophet and worship him?"

This is the witch clan, and at the same time, the innate soul transformed from the essence of Pangu's physical body.

A group of strong and reckless people, and their shortcoming is that they cannot practice any laws, and in the end there is almost no hope of becoming a saint.

The one who spoke was Gonggong, with a python-headed human body and black scales. He looked quite weird, but in this prehistoric world, not all the creatures looked quite weird.

"Gong Gong, you are not the only one thinking about this kind of thing, other people think the same way. At present, the only one who can get in touch with the Prophet is Nv Wa from the Monster Race, and I have not seen anyone else to say a word." Jiang said.

Di Jiang looked much better, more like an angel, with four wings on his back and bird-like feet, but his face still looked more handsome.

Now who dares to say that is good-looking, it is the same anyway.

"Brother is right to say that, but I think we can really look for someone who can make Daozu treat him like this. It seems that he is definitely not a simple person." Zhu Rong said the same.

For them, they also want a better asylum now. After all, in this wilderness, they may encounter danger one day.

Here, the only thing they worship is Pangu, and they directly call themselves descendants of Pangu. Of course, there are still many people who call themselves this way in the wild.

"Housu, you are the only woman. After the next Taoist preaching, you should also contact that Nuwa to see if there is a chance for us to visit the prophet." Di Jiang said to Houtu.

"I know, big brother." Although Houtu was a little reluctant, he still responded directly to such a thing.

The strength of the Wu Clan is still relatively weak at this time, but the number of Wu Clan is not small now.

Pangu's physical body is not only twelve of them, but there are Pangu's essence and blood in these dozens of bodies. No matter in terms of strength or other aspects, they can be said to be the top existence of the Wu clan.

As time passed, the bells between heaven and earth rang again, and everyone knew that it was time for Zixiao Palace's second lecture.

Ancestor Hongjun said that this is how many people want to go, but in the end there are only a few people.

But the only thing that Zhao Bi can miss in it is the flat peach, the mother plant of Zixiao Palace, and there is nothing else that can attract him.

"Aren't you going?" Nu Wa looked at Zhao Bi and said.

After 10 years, the current Nuwa is completely different.

Staying here, women from other tribes often told him about some time when the demon god told them what Zhao Bi liked, and he even started to help Nuwa dress up.

The current Nuwa is not only beautiful but also possesses a strong temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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