Chapter 286 The Innate Spiritual Root
Nu Wa finally has a different feeling now, time seems to be a good thing sometimes.

Facing Nuwa's inquiry, Zhao Yu smiled, and then said, "Do you think Hongjun can preach to me?"

"makes sense."

Nuwa smiled and was about to leave, but at this time Zhao Bi said to Time Demon God in the distance, "Go to Zixiao Palace and bring back some flat peaches from him."

"Prophet, shall we go like this?" Time Demon God said a little embarrassed.

"What are you worried about, go ahead, Hongjun will give it to you." Zhao Bi said.

This situation doesn't take much time for the Demon God, the past is basically back.

Looking at Zhao Bi's appearance, the Time Demon God had no choice but to agree in the end.

This time the Zixiao Palace sermon was completely different from the first time, this time it was exactly what they wanted to hear, and Hongjun began to talk about the key to sanctification.

In this 3000-year period, Hongjun talked about himself becoming a quasi-sage and killing the three corpses, and everyone became excited when they heard this.

Anyone sitting here has already reached this stage. After the sermon is over, there will be many more quasi-sages appearing in the prehistoric world. Of course, this is also normal.

Beheading the three corpses to become holy is just something that can't be done in the prehistoric world.

I have to say, this is indeed a very good way.

This time, not everyone who listened to the lecture could understand it. The so-called predestined people should be talking about this aspect.

The Time Demon God had been gone for nearly a hundred years this time. When he came back, Zhao Yu looked at this guy and asked directly, "Why have you been gone for so long?"

"Prophet, this time their Mrs. Pan is not yet familiar, but that guy Hongjun asked me to bring back a mother plant." The Time Demon God smiled and took out the branch in his hand and said.

"It's really useless. As the Time Demon God, you still have things you are not familiar with." Zhao Yu looked at the Time Demon God, and said with a look of disgust at this time.

"That's right, Prophet, why didn't I think of it?" Time Demon God himself said a little frustrated.

"Okay, you'd better plant it quickly and see how long it takes for it to grow well." Zhao Bi said.

There are really not many trees in the entire Prophet's space, so it doesn't hurt to plant one of these things.

Besides, there is a lot of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil in the space, not to mention this innate spiritual root, even the chaotic spiritual root can be planted.

When thinking of the chaotic spiritual root, Hua Wen seemed to think of something suddenly, and looked up to the sky with bright eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Bi came to a relatively cold place in an instant.

Here, you can feel a different feeling, the whole is completely desolate, but what you breathe here is fragrance.

"Lunar star didn't expect it to be so fragrant. It seems that the innate spiritual root laurel still has some effect." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

But after finishing speaking, Zhao Bi kept wandering on the lunar star, until he met two women, Zhao Bi fell down.

Just when he was about to speak, the other party directly fell to the ground and shouted, "Chang Xi, Xi He, the lunar star, pay homage to the Prophet."

"You know me?" This surprised Zhao Bi.

Although he also knew these two people, the key was that he had never seen them.

"The name of the Prophet has already spread throughout the Great Desolate Continent, and we both have heard of it." Chang Xi said.

"Okay, I want to ask, I heard that there is a laurel here, but where is it?" Zhao Yan looked at Chang Xi and said.

Seeing that the two were in a bit of a dilemma, Zhao Bi said, "What are you still kneeling on, get up quickly."

Not to mention, these two people are indeed very good-looking, but there are too many beauties from hundreds of families around Zhao Yu Xianza, and they already look down on such people.

"Prophet, do you want laurel here?" Xi He said a little nervously.

"What are you thinking? I just want to take a branch back. Don't worry, the laurel will not be damaged." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"Okay then, Prophet, please!" Chang Xi said directly, walking forward with a smile on his face.

After a long while, Zhao Bi finally saw the legendary laurel, which is indeed fragrant, but the appearance is not flattering!
"Are you sure this is a laurel tree?" Zhao Bi looked at this plant that was basically lying on the ground, and felt that it and the laurel were completely inseparable.

Zhao Bi had already flown over this guy's head several times before, but he didn't recognize that it was Yue Gui at all.

"Master Prophet, this is Yuegui." Chang Xi said doubtfully.

"It's too ugly," Zhao Bi said without concealing it.

Hearing this, Chang Xi and the two really didn't know what to say.

Although it looks a bit ugly, Zhao Bi still said, "Forget it, I will take one from you. I will make you look better for this cause and effect." Zhao Bi said with a little disgust.

As a congenital spiritual root, bay laurel also has a trace of its own consciousness, just like the ginseng fruit tree.

Just after Zhao Bi said wow, the laurel tree took the initiative to stretch out a branch towards Zhao Bi.

This scene was something that Chang Xi and the two had never seen even if they had been living on this lunar planet.

Looking at the fluorescent laurel branch, Zhao Bi touched it lightly, and a small branch fell directly into Zhao Bi's hands, but it looked relatively better.

"Forget it, let's make you look better." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, a gossip pattern rose directly under Zhao Bi's feet. After spinning, Zhao Bi whispered "Kun Gong."

As soon as Zhao Bi's words fell, the entire Lunar Star began to undergo tremendous changes, as if it had become a plaything in Zhao Bi's hands.

"Julingkan Palace."

In an instant, the laurel tree was directly surrounded by the law, and the tree began to grow tall and straight.

After the power of law submerged into the laurel tree, the laurel tree changed from lying on the ground to a towering tree in less than a while.

The top also began to become luxuriant.

Chang Xi and the two standing not far away were completely surprised by the situation in front of them. It's okay to be able to control the general trend of the world, but it's a bit unbelievable that they can use the world of laws to control the growth of innate spiritual roots.

The reason why the innate spiritual root is called this is not only because it is rare, but also because it is the spiritual root that has appeared at the beginning of the creation of the world, and it has grown for endless years and can be manipulated, which is a bit incredible.

"Okay, it's over now, it looks much better." Zhao Bi looked at the current laurel tree and said with a smile.

Zhao Bi is not subject to cause and effect, even if he doesn't help it, it's nothing, it's just a matter of convenience, how simple.

(End of this chapter)

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