Chapter 291 The Lotus Lantern

The world is changing, and there are still 2 years left before the third Zixiao Palace sermon.

The whole prehistoric world began to become different. With the number of beheading three corpses and becoming quasi-sages, even the few people who stayed in the heavens were already a little anxious at this time.

"Brother, I think we can only proceed according to the way Daozu said. Otherwise, our two brothers will be the lowest in strength in the end. How can we convince the public at that time?" Inside the palace, Donghuangtai said to Di Jun.

"Brother, why don't you want to do this? It's just that I saw the difference through Hetu and Luoshu. It is indeed like what you said. The establishment of the Heavenly Court is imminent, and we really can't delay it." Di Jun was a little unwilling talking.

But looking at Nuoda's heaven, who is willing to give up such a world.

In any case, this world still respects strength, and there is no other way to go.

There are already many people in the heavenly court busy back and forth at this time, not only that, the demon saints under his hands have already become quasi-sages, and the two of them really can't delay.

In this world, they are not the only ones who think so now, the Wu people are also facing such a choice.

Cutting the three corpses can be used by some races, which is the best thing. Even if the witch race does not cultivate the power of the soul, they can also use this method to improve their own strength.

"Master Time, there is no time left. Zixiao Palace is about to start, and we still have nothing to do. Do you want to help us?" Nu Wa looked at the Time Demon God and said coquettishly.

Facing this scene, the Time Demon God instantly felt as if there was air-conditioning coming from behind him.

"Nuwa, if you have something to do, just say it's over, don't do such a thing?" The Time Demon God said looking at Nuwa.

"Master Time, please give us some spirit treasures, so that we can kill the three corpses." Nuwa said with a smile.

"I didn't. Besides, why don't you go to the Prophet, he has a lot of treasures over there."

Listening to the words of the Demon God of Time, Nu Wa was speechless, but she still said, "It was the prophet who asked me to come to you, saying that you have a congenital treasure sent by the Phoenix clan here, and that thing is destined for me. Come here!"

"Prophet." The Time Demon God didn't know what to say. He got a lot of good things from the Hundred Clans back then, but now it's a bit heartbreaking for him to take them out.

"What? Master Time, don't you listen to the prophet's words?" Nuwa snickered.

The Demon God of Time looked at Nu Wa reluctantly. Although he was very reluctant, he directly summoned a lotus-shaped lamp to appear.

The lamp looks like a blue flame burning on a lotus flower, but the lotus seeds inside are all clearly visible.

The whole lotus looks quite extraordinary, with special imprints wrapped around it.

"Is this the innate treasure?" Nuwa looked at the lotus in front of her and already liked it very much, she wished she could directly own the one that belonged to her immediately.

"This thing is a lotus lamp, an innate treasure. Its main ability is to provide defense and healing power. This is also my favorite thing." Time Demon God said reluctantly.

"Master Time, don't worry, I will definitely help you heal your injuries in the future." Nu Wa said happily as she knotted the lotus lantern.

"Actually, you have a treasure yourself, why do you need mine?" Time Demon God said curiously.


Looking at Nuwa's appearance, the Demon God of Time said speechlessly, "It's what the Prophet gave you on your neck. It's the Chaos Boundary Monument. I wanted it back then, but the Prophet didn't give it to me?"

"Really?" Nuwa was a little surprised.

I only knew that this thing could be defended before, but I never thought that this thing was actually a treasure of chaos.

"Sister Nuwa, I really envy you!" Houtu said enviously as he looked at the things in Nuwa's hands.

"What are you envious of? I'll just ask the Prophet later." Nuwa said with a smile.

But Houtu and Nuwa are different, how can it be so simple?
"Okay, I'll accompany you to get one later." Seeing Houtu's thoughts, Nuwa said directly with a smile.

Anyway, I have got good things now, and I am in a good mood, so it is really nothing to do a favor.

"Then thank you, Fellow Daoist Nuwa." Houtu said with a smile.

"Let me tell you, there are many good things on the Prophet's side. In the past, the Prophet and I were in chaos, and almost all the treasures were with the Prophet, and the things in my hands were all that he didn't like." The Time Demon God looked at the two of them like this , immediately began to encourage and say.

"But wouldn't it be good for us to do this?" Houtu said with a little worry.

"There's nothing to worry about. I don't need the things of the Prophet anyway. Maybe I will give them to you." The Time Demon God said directly with a smirk.

"Sister Houtu, don't worry, I'll take you to ask if it's okay."

Saying that, Nuwa took Houtu directly towards Zhao Bi.

When he saw this scene, the corners of Demon God's mouth had already reached his ears.

Anyway, I don't know when this guy valued the treasures around him so much.

Nuwa looked at the Prophet's Palace, and when she was about to enter, Houtu suddenly pulled her and said nervously, "Are we really going to do this?"

"Don't worry, it's fine." Nuwa said with a smile.

After walking in, Zhao Yu was lying there with his hands behind his head at this time, but his mind had already left the prehistoric world.

At this time, Zhao Yu's mind once again came to the edge of the chaotic sea. This is something he would do from time to time in these years.

Even if the strength has reached this level, Zhao Bi has no way to touch the Chaos Sea for half a step.

When Nuwa walked up to Zhao Bi, she saw that the other party was really sleeping, and before she could say anything, Zhao Bi closed her eyes and said, "Is there something to do here?"

"Aren't you sleeping?"

Nuwa spoke directly, but Zhao Yu did not sleep just now, just when Nuwa came in, he directly received his mind from the sea of ​​chaos.

"Talk about something"

Seeing Zhao Bi being so casual, Nuwa smiled abnormally and said directly, "Could it be that I can't come over to see you if I have nothing to do?"

"Okay, you're not that kind of person!"

"Master Prophet, I asked Sister Nuwa to bring me here, and I want to ask for a treasure."

Houtu said a little embarrassedly, but he couldn't say that Nuwa brought him here, could he?

(End of this chapter)

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