Rule Fragments
Zhao Yu had already guessed such a thing when they came in.

After all, those outsiders have almost become quasi-sages now, and killing the three corpses is indeed a relatively easy way to increase their strength, as long as they have a relatively good treasure.

Zhao Bi slightly opened his eyes, looked at the thick soil, and then directly in front of him was an unconventional hexagonal black treasure that appeared.

When he saw this thing for the first time, Houtu immediately felt that this thing belonged to him, and there was a great connection between him and him.

But this hexagonal thing is engraved with dense things on it, even Zhao Yu himself can't understand it at all.

"What is this?" Nuwa asked curiously.

Although she didn't know what it was, Nu Wa could still feel the power of this thing.

"How do you feel about this?" Zhao Bi ignored Nuwa's question and looked directly at Houtu and asked.

"Master Prophet, I think this thing is somehow related to me." Houtu said directly with a little embarrassment.

"Then do you know what the cause and effect will be after this thing is given to you?" Zhao Bi sat up directly and looked at the hexagonal treasure floating in front of him, and then said slowly to Houtu.

"Prophet." Houtu blushed a little at this moment, and didn't even know what else to say.

"Okay, this thing is indeed destined for you. It is called the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk, and it is the treasure of chaos. Not only that, but its ability will exceed your imagination. You will know it in the future. Keep it well. It is best to become your The accompanying magic weapon is ready." Zhao Bi said with a smile.

"Thank you, Prophet." Hou Tu bowed and shouted in thanks.

Although he knew the cause and effect he had to bear, Hou Tu still accepted this thing.

In fact, this is just one of the many treasures obtained by Zhao Yu, and he doesn't know how many such things he has in his hands now.

After wandering the chaotic world for more than a dozen times, almost all the treasures in the chaos were in the hands of him and the Time Demon God. It was only after reaching this level that he realized that these things really didn't seem to have much effect on him.

It is because there are too many that Time Demon God puts his things in every corner of this space.

Things that people flock to in the outside world, here, seem to be a pile of stones, and no one takes a second look.

For Nuwa and Nuwa, now they have got what they want, and the next step is to kill the three corpses as soon as possible to become the quasi-sage.

With Zixiao Palace's lecture coming soon, there is not much time left for the two of them.

In the blink of an eye, 2 years have passed.

"Time, come here." Zhao Bi called in the Prophet's Palace.

Zhao Yu already knew a lot about what happened next, and if he wanted to have a good time in this world, he had to establish a good relationship with Tiandao.

Although Zhao Bi doesn't care about such things, wouldn't it be better?
"Prophet, do you have anything to do with me?"

When the Time Demon God came over, he saw that Zhao Bi was standing at the door waiting for him for the first time.

Zhao Bi glanced at the Demon God of Time, then stretched out his hand and a colorful thing appeared.

"Rule Fragments." The Time Demon God was shocked when he saw the thing in front of him.

"There's nothing to be excited about, it's just a little fragment of the rules." Zhao Yu said casually.

"Prophet, this is a rule fragment!"

The Time Demon God obviously couldn't understand Zhao Bi's thoughts, why would he take out such a good thing, and it seemed to be worthless at all.

"This is what I collected after Pangu opened the sky. Except for your time rules, the rest are here." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

"I don't know what the prophet is?"

"You give it to Hongjun. After this lecture, Hongjun will probably merge with the Dao of Heaven. This thing will be of great use to him." Zhao Yu said with a smile.

Time Demon God was completely stunned, this kind of good thing is actually going to be given away?This thing is much better than ten Chaos Supreme Treasures.

"Is this thing really going to be given to that guy?" Time Demon God said in disbelief.

"This thing is of no use to us, so it's okay to give it to him."

This kind of thing is indeed the same as what Zhao Bi said. For these innate demon gods, this thing is really useless.

"Okay, Prophet, I understand." The Time Demon God said reluctantly.

When I hold this group of rule fragments in my hand, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

At this moment, the bell of Zixiao Palace finally rang, and the situation this time was much more cruel than the previous two times.

It was only after arriving at Zixiao Palace that only about 3000 of the original 1000 disciples came here this time, and the rest were unable to enter here because they had not yet reached quasi-sage.

Of course, no one would question such a thing.

After the gate of Zixiao Palace was opened, with everyone staying here, the first thing Hongjun said when he appeared was "This is the last sermon. After the sermon is over, I will merge with the Dao of Heaven and become a member of the Dao of Heaven." member."

The words shocked everyone, but everyone still bowed together and shouted, "Wang Taozu think twice."

"Okay, everything is doomed, you don't need to say more." Hongjun said directly.

"Hypocrisy." The Demon God of Time looked at the box in his hand and looked at Hongjun distressedly.

Even though he thought so, the Time Demon God still walked up and looked at Hongjun's unkind expression.

"Fellow Daoist Time, is it possible that you came here for the flat peach?" Hongjun said with a smile, looking at Time?

"Who wants your flat peach, this time I came here to give you something, it was given to you by the prophet, and I don't know what's so good about you." The Time Demon God said with a displeased expression.

Seeing the appearance of the Time Demon God, Hongjun immediately became interested. It has not been a day or two since he has known this guy.

The boy behind Hongjun immediately stepped forward to take the box from the Demon God of Time, but was stared back by the Demon God of Time, and angrily reprimanded him, "Little boy is also worthy of being contaminated with the treasure of the Prophet!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately expressed surprise, how dare they do this in front of Dao Ancestor?
Hongjun sensed from the Time Demon God's expression that this time it seemed to be different, and immediately got up and walked to Time Demon God's side.

"Hongjun, this thing is something that Pangu didn't get even when he died. You guys should understand what it is?" The Time-consuming Demon God said with a serious face.

Hearing these words, Hongjun also became serious, bowed in the direction of Zhao Bi and said, "Thank you, Prophet."

(End of this chapter)

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