Chapter 293 Hongmeng Purple Qi
Seeing Hongjun's appearance, the Time Demon God was dissatisfied. For the Time Demon God, giving Hongjun this thing was tantamount to a waste, even worse than drawing his own blood.

But since the prophet has persuaded him, he has no choice but to do so.

The thousands of people sitting below were all curious about what the prophet gave Daozu, so that the two of them could treat him like this.

After Hongjun thanked him, he went straight to the Demon God of Time, respectfully took the box in his hand, and then said with a smile, "Thank you for the kindness that fellow Daoist Time sent over. I, Hongjun, took over this karma."

"It's better to have some real ones. The flat peach branch you gave me hasn't produced peaches yet. Hurry up and get some and I'll take them back." Time Demon God said with a displeased expression.

"Hehe..., what did fellow Daoist Time say, let the boy take you there later." Hongjun said with a smile.

In this way, it would be a little better for the Time Demon God, otherwise it would be a waste to send this thing out.

Hongjun, who had already sat down, specially placed this box beside him. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that this box was at least at the level of innate treasures, let alone what kind of things it contained.

Not to mention other people, even Hongjun, who has become a saint, couldn't help but get excited.

It's not to blame for the Time Demon God's appearance, he himself was a victim back then, so even if he didn't look at the things here, he already knew what it was.

The people below were curious, but none of them asked.

After waiting for the time for the demon god to follow the boy away, Hongjun made adjustments and said, "Now we will start speaking for the last time. After the end, I will select a few disciples from among you."

Just one sentence shocked everyone, Daozu disciple, this is not a joke.

All of a sudden, the excitement on everyone's faces was obvious, but there were still a few of them who were not very interested.

After Nuwa and Houtu saw Zhao Bi's ability, they didn't have much interest in Hongjun. As for Kunpeng, he still had self-knowledge.

At the beginning of the sermon, a vision suddenly appeared in the entire Zixiao Palace, and it was different from the previous two times.

Everyone listened carefully, as if they were afraid of missing something.

Everyone is expecting to become the next saint. The guy with the highest cultivation should belong to Styx, and he has already killed two corpses. Compared with others, his speed is much faster.

The time of 3000 years is simply too fast for this group of people, and it is over without feeling at all.

Perhaps the 3000 years for these people is about the same as the 3 minutes for ordinary people.

It's just that no one left after the sermon this time. After all, there are still better things behind, that is, Hongjun began to recruit disciples.

After the sermon was over, everyone's eyes were on Hongjun sitting on the stage, not only looking forward to the next thing, but also wanting to know who can become his disciple.

The three brothers sitting on the futon in front glanced at each other, then knelt down and shouted "Teacher" to Hongjun

When the others were still curious, they only heard Hongjun say with a smile, "The three of you were born of Pangu Yuanshen, so you should be my disciples."

Shangqing, Taiqing, and Yuqing immediately kowtowed and shouted: "Greetings, Master."

"You take care of these three primordial purple qi, this is the key to becoming a saint." Hong Jun said and waved out three purple rays of light and flew towards the three of them.

"Teacher, I'm relatively poor in the west, and I hope the teacher will take pity on me." At this time, the two brothers Zhunti and Jieying immediately began to howl, looking really pitiful.

Hongjun looked at the two, frowned but still said, "You two have a certain cause and effect with me, so just accept a registered disciple."

As he said that, Hongjun also sent out the Hongmeng Ziqi to the two of them.

For the two of them, Hongjun did have a relatively large cause and effect. The battle with Luo Hu directly led to the loss of Western aura, but it is really not easy for these two guys to be able to practice like this in such a place.

This time, it can be regarded as a cause and effect for them.

After hearing this, Jieyin and Zhunti were stunned for a moment, and then shouted happily, "Thank you, Master."

The performance of the two really made people feel very good, after all, there are still a few places in the back that no one knows.

All of a sudden, the entire Zixiao Palace became a place of mourning, everyone tried their best to talk about their suffering, hoping to get Hongjun's approval.

But facing those people, Hongjun shook his head directly.

When all the dust settled, Hongjun looked at Nuwa and said with a smile, "Nuwa, you have the qualifications to become a saint in the future, would you like to be my disciple?"

Unlike others, Hongjun directly asked about Nuwa's side, which stunned all those who were still crying, and even Fuxi was taken aback for a moment.

Nuwa herself was also taken aback for a moment, but she thought that before she came, Zhao Yu told herself that there would be a karma when she came this time, and it was best to let herself take over.

Nuwa looked at Hongjun with a smile, then kowtowed and said, "I am willing to meet Master."

This different way of treating them made even the three Shangqing brothers feel a little upset, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

After Hongjun saw that Nuwa agreed, he laughed directly at the corner of his mouth, and then waved out a burst of Hongmeng purple air.

"Ancestor Dao, please have mercy on him."

Now everyone is not calm, everyone already understands the significance of which futons are placed, but it is useless to talk about it now.

"No wonder the Prophet gave Nuwa a futon to sit on when he came up." Kunpeng watched this scene and immediately felt that there was an inextricable cause and effect between himself and that guy Hongyun.

"The Taoist ancestor has mercy."

The voice is shouting wave after wave
"Okay, I still have a primordial purple aura in my hand, and then it depends on who of you is destined." Hong Jun said, a primordial purple aura appeared in his hand.

Everyone was watching helplessly, hoping that this thing could fall on their heads.

Hongjun let go of his hand, and Hongmeng Ziqi flew out immediately, circled around everyone, and finally landed slowly in Hongyun's hand.

"This kid is finished." Looking at the red cloud, Yuqing smiled directly, thinking this in his heart.

Even Hong Yun himself didn't expect such a situation to happen, he had no idea about this at all, and he didn't expect that it would be himself in the end.

Hongjun didn't have a surprised expression, as if it should be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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