Chapter 294: Fen Treasure Cliff

Things have been like this, everyone is no longer holding on to any hope at this time, but the way everyone looks at Hongyun has become different.

Whether this is a cause or an effect, in the end, Hongyun needs to bear it himself.

Seeing that the matter was over, Shangqing, who was sitting at the top at this moment, suddenly shouted, "Master, I haven't found any treasure until now, I hope Master will show mercy."

"I hope Master will take pity on you." Yuqing and Taiqing also said hurriedly.

Seeing this situation, the others were no longer calm, and immediately started the mode of howling ghosts and howling wolves just now, which even surprised the two of Zhunti at such a speed.

"Okay, since I want to fit in the way of heaven, it's useless to keep these, so I'll give them to you." Hongjun said.

Looking at Taiqing who was sitting on the upper floor, Hongjun said, "Since you are my apprentice, I will give you this map of the universe and society."

"Thank you, Master." Taiqing immediately kowtowed to thank him.

"Shangqing, the Pangu Banner in the hands of my teacher is more suitable for you, and the other treasure is for you together." Hongjun said.

After waiting for this guy to thank him, Hongjun looked at Yuqing and said, "You have a bold personality. As a teacher, I have the Four Swords of Jade Immortals and the map of Jade Immortal Swords. I will hand them over to you. After becoming a saint, the Four Sages are invincible."

Hearing Hongjun's words, everyone was surprised, this thing is a bit powerful, and his two elder brothers in front suddenly began to feel that the things in their hands were not very fragrant.

Yuqing was even more stunned, she didn't expect to give herself such a powerful thing, and immediately began to thank her.

"Master, disciple, the West is barren."

"Okay, stop barking." Seeing Zhunti in the west pick up the two of them, Hongjun said helplessly.

Then a colored lotus appeared in Hongjun's hand, and he said to the two of them, "This is the golden lotus of the twelfth rank of merit, and I will give it to you two." Hongjun said.

"Master, my junior brother and I are two people."

"It's just the demon-subduing vajra, and I'll give it to you." Unable to stand the hypocrisy of the two, Hongjun said directly.

Then Hongjun looked at Nuwa, and then said, "I have a demon banner in my hand, which may be helpful to you, so I gave it to you. In addition, this is a red hydrangea, which is in charge of marriage in the world, and it is also given to you."

"Thank you, Master." Nuwa said slightly.

It feels really good to be treated differently.

Seeing that Hongjun's disciples had obtained the treasures, the people in the back began to worry, but before they started to complain, Hongjun said directly, "There is a treasure cliff outside the hall, you can go and get it yourself. "

As Hongjun said, everyone began to lose their composure. Except for Nuwa and Houtu, everyone rushed out immediately.

But the two of them had nothing to do when they stayed, and they also walked out behind everyone.

The originally lively place suddenly became empty. Hongjun was sitting there by himself, with two boys standing behind him.

"Do you still feel that what Fellow Daoist Time said earlier that you are not worthy of receiving the prophecy's items is an insult to you?" Hong Jun said directly to the boy without turning his head.

"Taozu, I."

"Actually, Fellow Daoist Time is not wrong. Others may be fine, but under the Dao of Heaven, there are absolutely no more than five people who are qualified to hold this." Hongjun said.

"Ancestor Dao, I don't know what this is?" the boy lowered his head and asked curiously.

Even Daozu has already said so, the things inside must be very precious.

"The things in this are what the Great God Pan Gu pursued back then, but he didn't get them until he died."

Hearing Hongjun's words, the boy was startled suddenly. What is it that the Great God Pan Gu, who created the world, could not get?
But the boy also understood what Hongjun meant, and immediately knelt down and said in repentance, "Daozu, Tong'er knows he was wrong."

The main reason for saying that he was wrong was that the branch he gave to the Time Demon God would never bear peaches at all.

For such a thing, it is possible to hide it from Hongjun.

"Let's do it on our own," Hongjun said, standing up and walking inside, while the notice was kneeling on the spot alone.

He really didn't dare to get up without Hongjun's order once.

Outside, everyone rushed towards Fenbaoya like crazy, and everyone used their life's ability to start taking away as many magic weapons as possible.

The competition of thousands of people seems to be quite lively.

"Sister Nuwa, why don't you go and get one or two?" Houtu said with a smile, looking at Nuwa who was standing here watching the excitement.

"There doesn't seem to be anything more precious here. The magic weapons piled up in the corner of the Prophet's Space are much better than this." Nuwa said with a little disgust as she watched the people in front of them scrambling for it.

"Sister Nuwa said that the food here is indeed not as good as that in the Prophet's Space. If you want to cook a delicious meal for Mr. Time, you will probably get much better food than here." Houtu also said with disgust with.

The two of them are already completely full and hungry.

There are quite a lot of things on Fenbaoya. For them, these things are not needed by themselves, and it is still quite good to give them to disciples or subordinates.

After everyone's scramble was over, Fenbaoya, which was still full just now, was already standing there alone.

But by now all the people who were scrambling for the treasure had left.

"Why doesn't anyone want this Fenbaoya?" Houtu asked Nuwa curiously.

"You see it too?"

"Yes, since Fenbaoya can withstand so many treasures, it must be a treasure in itself, but no one has seen it, which makes people more curious." Hou Tu said with a smile.

"That's all right, since no one wants it, we'll just take it away." Nuwa said, and with a wave of her hand, the entire Fenbaoya fell directly into her hands.

Looking at the Fenbaoya in his hand, for Nuwa, this thing is really not very useful, but since it is here, it is good to take something with it.

Just when the two of them had just walked away, Shangqing came to this side, looking at the empty place, the whole person suddenly showed regret.

This is the kind of person who realizes later, but has no chance.

Zixiao Palace preached three times, each time everyone got a lot of things, especially this time, everyone got real things.

Currently the happiest one belongs to Yuqing, the sword formation map on Zhuxian Four Swords Street, after being sanctified, he will be the most powerful among all of them.

But that's all for later.

When it came to Xianza, the only one who didn't get any treasures was Houtu. Nuwa finally took away Fenbaoya, but Houtu didn't get any of them.

(End of this chapter)

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