Chapter 295
Zixiao Palace has completely become deserted by now, and after everyone has left, it is also in a state of directly closing the gate.

But right now, Hongyun's side should be the worst.

As a good old man in the prehistoric world, Hong Yun is indeed a bit troubled, but this time, even he himself knows that he can't bear the kind of printing.

That's why when everyone was still going to Fenbaoya to grab things, Hongyun had already left the range of Zixiao Palace at this time.

"Bai Ze, is there Hongyun's house""''""The guy's whereabouts?" Di Jun looked at Bai Ze and asked.

"It's really not there yet. The other demon saints have gone to Hongyun's Fire Cloud Cave to see it just now, but that guy doesn't seem to have gone back." Bai Ze said.

"Hmph, this guy will fall into our hands sooner or later." Di Jun looked at the front angrily and said this, and then directly ordered to Bai Ze, "Order all the monster races in the world, as long as you find the trace of that guy Hongyun, I will report it." They all send an Acquired Treasure."

"Yes," Bai Ze said, and flew directly into the distance.

At present, they are not the only ones looking for Hongyun, the witch clan is also looking for it, or those who have not obtained the Primordial Purple Qi are all looking for that guy Hongyun.

As for the other few, no one dared to attack, after all, the name of Hongjun's disciple was relatively easy to use.

After Dijun gave the order, it can be said that the entire prehistoric world has completely boiled over, and they are all joining in the search for Hongyun.

But at this time, Hongyun is staying in a special place.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, don't worry if you are here, the biggest function of this treasure is to shield the secrets of heaven. As long as you stay here and don't go out, no one will know that you are here." It was a relatively young man who spoke, but behind him A tree not far away is very familiar. This thing is the ginseng fruit tree that Zhao Bi despised too badly.

"Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, this is really thanks for taking me in. It is estimated that the whole prehistoric world is looking for my whereabouts." Hong Yun said with a wry smile.

He must know this kind of thing himself, otherwise he would not have left without grabbing the treasure.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, what you said is out of the ordinary. I should have thanked you at the beginning. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have transformed so quickly, wouldn't I?" Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile.

The current Zhen Yuanzi is also in the realm of a Taiyi Golden Immortal, compared to those who are looking for Hongyun, he is completely an ant.

"Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, it's just that I have indeed encountered a catastrophe this time, and it doesn't seem to be very easy," Hong Yun said with a direct sigh.

"You don't have to worry about it here. It's good to stay here for the rest of the day. It's good to have you and me as companions." Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile.

But things still have to be accepted after all, Hong Yun still has a bitter expression on his face, but there is nothing he can do about it.

After Nuwa left Zixiao Palace, she took Houtu back to the Prophet's Space. On the whole, the comfort here is what the two want most.

"You guys are back? Shouldn't you have a good harvest in Zixiao Palace this time?" Just after returning, Time Demon God appeared in front of the two of them and began to ask.

"Sister Nuwa has now been accepted as a disciple by the Taoist ancestor, she is very powerful." Houtu said with a smile.

"Fart, isn't it just a Hongjun, what's so good about it, the one who is worse than the Prophet is not the guy at 01:30." The Time Demon God said disdainfully.

"Okay, Mr. Time, I know that your family is a powerful prophet, but he is also a Taoist ancestor, or a saint." Nuwa also said hastily.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, why did you come back so soon?" Time Demon God said curiously.

"What else do you want to do if you don't come back so soon?" Nuwa asked curiously.

"The prophet said that within 10 years, there will be major changes in the prehistoric world." Time said directly.

"Did the prophet say anything about changes?"

"I don't know, I thought you guys wouldn't come back." Time Demon God said looking at Houtu.

Seeing that the two did not speak, the Time Demon God suddenly patted his head and said, "By the way, I almost forgot to talk about the business, Nuwa, the prophet said that you should not participate in all the next things, and you should hurry up and get involved in the next things." Get ready to be a saint."

Listening to the words of the Demon God of Time, Nu Wa asked curiously, "Did the Prophet say that I would not be allowed to participate in something? Or why not let me participate?"

"I don't know this kind of thing. The prophet just said that you can't participate in too much karma at the moment, so that's why he said that." Time Demon God said.

"Congratulations, sister Nuwa, it seems that you will become a saint next time!" Houtu said with a smile.

"Okay, don't congratulate the two of you, the prophet tells you not to stay here, your chances are all outside, so go out quickly." Time Demon God said directly.

"This person is really serious. He doesn't want to say anything. It's too much." Nuwa was a little dissatisfied immediately, but it was just a rant.

"Stop talking about this, you should go out and find your chance." Time Demon God said.

"That's all right, I haven't been back for a long time, just go back and have a look this time." Houtu looked at the two and said.

At this time, Zhao Bi was watching the situation here from the highest point, and what happened next might make the whole prehistoric world more lively.

After leaving the Prophet's Palace, Nuwa returned to the place where she was born before, in the middle of Buzhou Mountain.

I haven't come back here for many years. Since I reached Taiyi Jinxian, I left here, and now it has been dozens of yuanhui.

It's just that after returning to look at this venue now, according to the current strength, I discovered what the protective barrier here is like.

"This bastard, it seems that he has already started thinking about this when he was just born," Nuwa said with a smile on her face.

As she said that, Nu Wa walked in directly, and saw that the flowers and plants inside basically remained unchanged.

But I have to say that this is indeed a more suitable place for cultivation.

"After reading everything, find a place to practice hard, so that it will be easier for you to condense the power of your law."

Nuwa still remembered what Zhao Bi said to herself back then.

Up to now, I have never had time to sit down and meditate to practice, so this can be regarded as a relatively good opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, 5 years have passed, and the current prehistoric is already extremely lively, much more lively than when the Hundred Clans were back then.

But this time it's not the same as that time, there are so many races, and now it's just that the strengths of the two are relatively relatively lively.

(End of this chapter)

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