Chapter 296
Now that the establishment of the Heavenly Court has spread throughout the Great Desolate Continent, the rise of the Yaozu is already unstoppable.

However, on the current heaven, many monster races have all gathered here.

Di Jun even conferred the title of Ten Demon Saints and Ten Demon Commanders before the Heavenly Court was established.

Di Jun sat on the top seat, Donghuang Taiyi sat not far away, and the others stood below.

"The Demon Court will be established soon, have you confirmed who you need to invite?" Di Jun looked down and said.

"Heavenly Emperor, the list of invitations has basically been finalized, please take a look here to see if there is anything else that needs to be added?" Said the demon sage Shangyang.

"This matter is up to you to decide for yourself. No matter what, the establishment of the Demon Court after 3 years must be known to the entire prehistoric world. This is the time to show off the strength of my Demon Court." Di Jun looked Talking to the people below, he then turned to Donghuang Taiyi and said, "How is the invitation from Beihai Kunpeng?"

"Brother, Kunpeng doesn't want to participate in these things, and now he basically doesn't see anyone." Donghuang Taiyi said with a bit of regret.

"Let's just leave this matter as it is, and then hurry up and prepare for the establishment of the Demon Court." Di Jun said calmly.

He wasn't angry because Kunpeng didn't want to join.

"Heavenly Emperor, when we integrated the Yaozu recently, we discovered that the food of the Wuzu mainly eats our Yaozu. I think this matter can no longer be like this in the future, otherwise some people will definitely think that my Yaozu is weak and easy to bully. "Bai Ze stepped forward and said directly.

"It's better to wait until the demon court is established before going to settle accounts with them. Now everything should be based on the establishment of the demon court, and other things are not necessary for the time being." Di Jun directly recalled this, and then looked at Fuxi standing at the front said, "Fuxi stays here, you go to work first."


Everyone immediately shouted respectfully, and it had to be said that Di Jun did have an extraordinary appearance of an emperor.

In less than a while, only Fuxi was left in the entire heaven, still standing there watching.

"Fuxi, do you have any news from Fellow Daoist Nuwa?" Di Jun said in a gentle voice.

"Heavenly Emperor, I don't know what you are looking for with your sister?" Fuxi believed in Di Jun very much, and did not take any precautions during the overdue period, but just wanted to know what Di Jun's purpose was.

For Fuxi, if he participates in the affairs of the Heavenly Court, it's fine if his sister doesn't want to participate. After all, Fuxi is very happy for his sister to come now.

"Fuxi, the current Heavenly Court looks very powerful, but we are actually still very weak. Fellow Daoist Nuwa is already a disciple of the Dao ancestor, and his identity has a very important position for the Heavenly Court, but you can rest assured, Nuwa said After the friend comes over, we will definitely not let him participate in anything, and then we can let her suffer the belief of the monster race and help her become a saint." Di Jun directly started to draw a big cake and said.

But the current Fuxi really agrees with this statement, the power of faith, which is also what Hongjun mentioned, can indeed improve strength.

In fact, Di Jun did have plans in this regard. Having Nuwa, a Taoist disciple here, would play a big role in gathering the monster clan.

"Heavenly Emperor, don't worry, I'll go and persuade my sister to come to the Heavenly Court to discuss important matters." Fuxi said excitedly.

"Okay, then wait for the good news from Fuxi." Di Jun stood up with a smile and said.

In fact, Fuxi still quite approves of Dijun's grand blueprint, not only because of his status as a demon clan, but also because of Dijun's idea of ​​unifying and ending disputes.

Regarding the establishment of the Demon Court 3 years later, Fuxi has been taking the lead in doing it for many years.

When Nuwa returned to the place where she used to be, Fuxi had already sensed her existence. After all, that place was the birthplace of the two of them.

Tens of thousands of years are too short for a quasi-sage, and there will not even be much change.

Nu Wa is like this, for tens of thousands of years, she has no way to calm down to understand these things, and I am afraid that she herself does not understand what is going on.

After finishing the meditation, Nuwa stood up and looked under Zhoushan Mountain. Before she could feel emotional, Fuxi appeared directly behind her.

"elder brother……"

Nuwa suddenly turned around and looked at Fuxi and shouted.

"I knew you were here." Fuxi said with a gentle smile.

"You probably knew about it just after I came back?" Looking at Fuxi, Nuwa said directly with a smile.

"Haha... You saw it."

Seeing Fuxi's appearance, Nuwa suddenly remembered what Time Demon God said, and said to Fuxi, "You should call me if you have something to do?"

"Why, do you have to have something to do when you come back to see your sister?" Fuxi said with a smile.

"That's not true, but brother, why do you have time to come and see me at this time?"

Fuxi sat on the rock, thought for a while and said, "It's nothing more than tired outside, come back and have a rest."

Hearing this, Nuwa didn't say anything, but at this time Fuxi said again, "Sister, what are your plans for the future?"

"I want to practice hard first, but I can't calm down recently, so I'm still troubled during this period of time." Nuwa said with a sigh.

"I can't calm down anyway, do you want to go to Heaven to take a look? Maybe it can bring you a different feeling."

Listening to Fuxi's words, Nuwa closed her eyes, and said after a while, "No need, the whole prehistoric world has already been spread, and the matter of the prehistoric demon clan heavenly court is about to be established, in fact, I also want to see what it is like? You may find out later.”

"Sister, now that the demon clan is unified, there will be no fighting in the whole world, how about going to Heaven with your brother?
The Emperor of Heaven also said that when the time comes, you will be able to condense the power of faith of the entire monster race to help you become a saint. " Fuxi said earnestly.

Now there is no need to hide and hide.

Looking at Fuxi, Nuwa smiled directly. She understood Fuxi's thoughts, but she still said, "Brother, I don't want to participate in the matter of the Yaozu. Thank the Emperor for his kindness for me."

"Hey... why did you do this? Is it because of the prophet?" Fuxi said incomprehensibly.


Seeing that Nuwa had given her own answer, Fuxi was not disappointed. Everything was originally to hope that Nuwa would have a better life, and the current result should be the best for her.

In any case, there is no need to worry about safety by the prophet's side.

"Brother, the prophet told me before I came back that I should not be contaminated with too much karma, otherwise it will affect the sanctification in the later stage." Nuwa said suddenly.

Hearing this, Fuxi was shocked. It must be no problem to be told about sanctification by the prophet. He was also very happy for his sister from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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