My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 261 "Old Man Under the Moon" Wu Qiong

Chapter 261 "Old Man Under the Moon" Wu Qiong

The end result was that Wu Qiong took out a lot of candied haws, one for each person.

There is no part in rebooting and Ye Qingxuan.

Xiaobai didn't eat it while holding it in his hand, and then put the candied haws into the shrine.

Wu Qiong cast a puzzled look.

Xiaobai said flatly: "Treasures should be stored carefully."

"." The reboot on one side showed an unbearable expression, Ye Qingxuan took out his notebook and wrote it down.

Shi'er licked it lightly, showing a toothache expression, and then carefully placed the candied haws in the shrine.

She specially opened up a large area in the shrine to store the things Wu Qiong gave her.

Her Majesty the Queen stared blankly at the candied haws in her hand.

for a long time
She ate one lightly and closed her phoenix eyes.

A teardrop trickled down from the corner of his eye.

"very sour."

I ate another one.

Still a familiar taste.

She opened her black and white eyes with complicated eyes: "This taste. It hasn't changed."

She was in a good mood, so he still remembered
Wu Qiong smiled softly: "I bought it from the same place."

"It's said that the old man's body is quite tough, and it hasn't changed much after all these years."

The main reason is that the candied haws sold by his family are a penny cheaper than those sold by others.

Because it is too sour.

"Huh? Why don't you eat? Look down on me?" Wu Qiong raised his eyebrows and ran to find fault with Lin Changxi.

"Ah? No!" Lin Changxi hurriedly ate a candied haws, puffing her cheeks with a bitter face, "It's just...why do I have a share?"

"It's just that you are pitiful." Wu Qiong chuckled, "Haven't you eaten?"

"No, when I was young, Master and the others were just running for our lives. How could we afford to buy candied haws?" Lin Changxi shook her head, and carefully ate another one with a bitter face. "It's so sour. Why do children like such sour candied haws so much?" eat?"

Wu Qiong complained in his heart, because this is cheap and low-quality candied haws.
He sighed: "Girl, I'll let you try the real candied haws some other day, the sweet kind."

It's not the "candied haws" on his body, but the candied haws he bought. I need to explain this.

Before Lin Changxi could agree, she was kicked on the buttocks.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go." Xiao Bai said indifferently.

Zhang Yu couldn't guard against it, this Lin Changxi must guard against it!

Lin Changxi stood up and patted the dirt on her body as usual: "Oh."

Wu Qiong shook his head endlessly, this girl is really a fool.

When he looked up, he saw Xiaobai looking at him coldly, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, "Let's go."


Ye Qingxuan took back the small book silently.

Jie Se asked: "What's wrong?"

You don't take notes anymore?

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "Forget it."

Brother Wu's routine. I can't learn it. I can't learn it.

He couldn't figure out why Brother Wu could get the hearts of three girls so easily.

He knew Junior Sister Zhang well.

As the saying goes, "If you want to master a woman, you must master her stomach first."

Obviously, his junior sister's stomach has been mastered. After all, Wu Qiong is the first man of the same age to feed junior sister Zhang in so many years.

As for the three girls, he couldn't figure it out.

In fact, the reason is very simple, it is the same as frozen eel.

Why can a lot of girls like a good-for-nothing male lead?
In addition to the nonsense reason of "Asahi", it is that the male protagonist "Asahi" to the young female protagonist or female partner when he was young.

This tells us a truth, when you finally get close to the end, you realize that it is just someone else's starting point.
Two hours later.

Wu Qiong looked at the valley in front of him and smiled coldly.

Treasure here I come!
And that Lie Fenghan, according to the previous life novel, he will definitely make trouble for himself in the future.

Instead of waiting until the time is too much trouble, it is better to kill him now!
He led the crowd to stride inside.

"Stop those who come!" The two guards crossed their spears and stopped several people.

One of them asked: "I don't know who are they? What are you doing here?"

Wu Qiong waved his hand behind his back and said with a smile: "I have the lord Liefeng of the noble sect who is a good friend, please let me know, and just say that the old man is visiting."

The guard muttered, "Why are there so many old friends here?"

"Huh?" Wu Qiong's eyes flashed, "Brother, did someone from the suzerain visit before?"

"Yes." The guard replied, "Yesterday, a person came to visit, and he also claimed to be the old suzerain."

Wu Qiong asked: "Is he dressed in black silk, with an ugly face full of bitterness and hatred?"

"Uh..." the guard hesitated, "It's true that he's wearing a black silk dress, but there's nothing serious about it. As for his face, let alone, he's quite handsome, at least better than your Excellency. Cough cough."

At the last moment, he finally remembered that this might be the suzerain's guest.

Wu Qiong didn't care either: "I know him. In fact, we came to find Sect Master Gaefeng together, but he came to inform Sect Master first. Brother, you have to trust me."

Ha ha!God help me too!This time, not only can I get the treasure, but also get rid of future troubles, and I can also pretend to be a coward in front of my senior brother!
This is no longer double happiness, it is triple happiness!

The guard scratched his head: "But the suzerain went out to explore the world last night, I'm afraid you are late."

Wu Qiong: "."

What a fart!Who goes out in the middle of the night to roam the rivers and lakes!
Also venture into the world? !Are you going to the night market to watch the World Cup? !And beer? !

It seems that the guy Xuanji said came to investigate last night was indeed Lie Fenghan's subordinate!

Why is this guy so clueless?As a villain BOSS, if he didn't wait in his hometown and waited for him to knock on the door, he could still escape early?
He said helplessly: "What about our companion? He won't leave too, right?"

"Not this one." The guard signaled his companion to get out of the way, "That gentleman should still be there at the moment, I'll take some of you up to find him."

Wu Qiong cupped his hands and smiled: "Thank you, brother."

Brother, brother, do you really want to know the truth?
He decided that if the senior brother asked about what happened ten years ago again, he would tell him everything.

After all, according to my guess, in fact, only I can help the master to be freed, and the senior brother can't do it.

When they arrived at the place, the guard asked a disciple guarding the door: "Xiao Chan, where is that gentleman?"

The disciple said: "The gentleman said he has something to do, so let's go first."

The guard turned his head and apologized, "Uh, how many people. It seems so unfortunate, how about I send a few people away?"

He gestured to Xiao Chan with his hands behind his back, asking Xiao Chan to leave and inform everyone.

He has already noticed that something is wrong, these people are not with that gentleman, he told a lie!

But he also knew what the man was wearing and what he looked like, which meant that they were his enemies!

That person is acquainted with the suzerain, so aren't they the suzerain's enemies? !
But the suzerain is a peerless master of "Tao follows the natural world". Since these people dare to come to him, it means that their combined strength will not be weaker than the suzerain at worst!

No!Is stronger than suzerain!

No wonder the suzerain left at night.
But what do we do? !

He decided to stay and delay these people, so as to buy time for Xiaochan to tell everyone to run for their lives!

The guard has already decided at this moment, for everyone, he will sacrifice himself!

Xiaochan asked suspiciously, "Brother Xiaoyun, what are you doing?"

"I see!" She slapped her forehead and suddenly realized, "You want me to prepare refreshments for the guests, right? Then you can just tell me, what are you doing with gestures?"

The guard turned his head, showing a cry-like expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Chan, you are really smart."

"So you discovered it." The voice of the enemy behind him came, "Then there is no other way."

The guard turned back, saw the other party's sneer, gritted his teeth, and shouted at Xiao Chan: "Xiao Chan! Go and let everyone escape! I'll hold you back."

Before he could finish the word "they", he was already stunned.

I saw Xiaochan standing tremblingly beside those people, with a soft and plain hand resting on her neck.

The guard roared angrily: "Come at me for anything! You let Xiao Chan go!"

Wu Qiong raised his eyebrows, yo ho~ there is a situation!
He smiled and said, "It's okay if we let her go, but I want you to do one thing."

The guard tightened the weapon in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Say it!"

As long as Xiao Chan is fine, let him do anything!As long as you don't betray the sect!
"Brother Xiaoyun! No! Don't betray the sect! I'm just a maid, it's not worth it!" Xiaochan cried.

The guard's eyes were red, he lowered his head not to look at Xiao Chan, and said in a deep voice, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you." Wu Qiong smiled slightly, "Speak out what you have always wanted to say but dare not say."

"Ah?!" The guard suddenly raised his head and widened his eyes, "Are you kidding me!"

It seems that the other party does not intend to let himself and Xiao Chan go.

"Ah what?" Wu Qiong said impatiently, "Say it quickly, if you don't tell me, I will kill her first, and then I will kill you."

"Now you can only listen to me. If you don't say it, both of you will die. If you say it, maybe I will let you go?"

The guard muttered twice, gritted his teeth, and said to Xiao Chan, "Xiao Chan, I...I like you!"

Xiaochan opened her mouth wide and forgot to struggle.

The guard saw her stunned on the spot, her dark face flushed slightly, and then summoned up her courage and said, "Xiao Chan, I'm just a guard, I have never dared to say these words to you."

"But today may be the day when you and I die. I don't want to take these words to the ground! Xiaochan, I like you! I like you very much! I like your cheerfulness, your innocence, and the cheerfulness of everything you do. Happy look! I also like your strength, sometimes you are scolded, I see you secretly hiding in the corner crying, I want to go over to comfort you!
But I dare not me."

"Stop talking!" Xiaochan's teary eyes forced her smile on her face, "Brother Xiaoyun, I actually like you too! I liked you before you liked me!"

"You are brave, witty, and kind-hearted. But sooner or later, you will go to the suzerain's side as a guard. Then you will be a high-ranking big shot, and I am just an ordinary little maid. I am not worthy of you.
Now that I know your novelty, I am very satisfied. We cannot be a husband and wife in this life. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely be your wife!You like me to laugh, and I will laugh for you in the next life for the rest of my life! "

The guard trembled his lips and shed tears: "Xiaochan."

There was a smile on Xiaochan's pale face, but the tears in her eyes no longer hung in the corners: "Brother Xiaoyun"

"." Jie Se straightened his teeth, "Brother Wu, why does this poor monk feel as if we are the bad guys who beat mandarin ducks?"

Wu Qiong chuckled, and cut Xiao Chan's back with his palm: "Kill one first, then we'll talk about it."

"Xiaochan ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the guard's neck was bulging, his eyes were red and he stabbed Wu Qiong's chest with a gun, "You pay for my life for little Chanhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Uh..." He felt a pain in his abdomen and fell down slowly.

Xiaochan, let's see you in the next life.
Wu Qiong withdrew his hand that hit his stomach, and curled his lips helplessly: "It's just to knock him out, do you want to play so much?"

Jie Se and Ye Qingxuan tied the two of them into rice dumplings and found a nearby room where groceries were kept and threw them in.

"Brother Wu, where is the hidden treasure?"

Wu Qiong took out the treasure map, looked at it, and pointed to his feet: "It's here."

(End of this chapter)

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