My wife is the reborn boss

Chapter 262 What's in the Treasure?

Chapter 262 What's in the Treasure?
"Here?" Jie Se was speechless, "So casual?"

"Lie Fenghan came here to establish the sect more than ten years ago." Wu Qiong said holding a map, "I guess he took root here only after he got the treasure map."

Unexpectedly, the treasure map was finally taken away by Xien Liuxiong of Xien Villa.

"Isn't the treasure gone long ago? After all, it's been more than ten years." Jie Se scratched his head and asked.

"It should still be there." Wu Qiong was also not sure.

Although this treasure cannot be opened without the true essence of "Overbearing" and "Wang Dao".

But the jade seal fragments found from King Jingjue gave him a bad feeling.

Lie Fenghan couldn't open it, but it didn't mean Qu Wuming couldn't open it!
"Stop talking nonsense, find a place first." Wu Qiong waved his hand, then squatted down.

Seeing this, rebooting also crouched down.

He tapped the ground lightly, frowning and said: "It's solid, it seems that even here, the shallowest is several feet below."

He raised his head and said, "Forcing the demolition to attract guards will be troublesome, and we don't have much time."

Wu Qiong smiled casually: "Who said it will be demolished?"

He transported his true essence and poured it into the ground.

The blue bricks on the ground turned into powder without a sound, and the soil turned into fine sand and scattered, revealing a door that lay flat on the ground.

A bronze door three feet wide and seven feet long.

And it sensed that Wu Qiong's real essence had been opened quietly.

Below is a black hole, with the least innate eyesight of a few people (except Lin Changxi), they can't see anything inside.

Closing the eyes to sense, is also chaotic.

"Brother Wu, what should we do?" Jie Se swallowed.

He was so curious that he couldn't wait.

Bai Xuanji narrowed her phoenix eyes, and said, "Qiang, you wait up there first. The three of us go down and have a look first."

The three of them are "Tao follows the natural environment", relatively speaking, they are a little safer.

"Ah? Xuanji, what are you talking about?" Wu Qiong's voice came from the pit.

Bai Xuanji: "."

Are you dancing a little too fast? !

"Don't worry, there is no danger below." Wu Qiong said calmly, "Leave a few people above, and the rest will come down."

Xiaobai told Lin Changxi: "You keep watch."

"Oh" Lin Changxi responded, but she was not interested in going on.

Anyway, the treasures will not have their own share, and it is better to stay on them than to be sad when seeing some golden treasures.

Her Majesty looked around, Zhang Yu dozed off little by little, and she stayed on top.

What about people who quit sex?

"Brother has already gone down." Ye Qingxuan pointed to the pothole, and smiled wryly, "It's better for the poor to stay up there."

Bai Xuanji nodded, turned around and jumped into the hole.

Xiaobai Shi'er has already gone down.

After falling about tens of feet in the air, several people finally stepped on the ground.

I saw Wu Qiong leaning on the stone wall with his arms folded and his eyes closed.

Jie Se was staring at a dark passage in front of him in a daze.

This place is a stone room about three feet square, and there is nothing but the passage in front.

Looking up, there is only a faint blue light shining through, as if the bronze door separates the two worlds inside and outside.

"Brother Poor, are you in any trouble?" Li Jianshi asked.

Wu Qiong shook his head: "No, I just wait for you to come down and walk together."

He patted Jie Se on the shoulder: "Let's go."

After all, let's go into the passage first.

As soon as he entered, the oil lamps in the half of the stone walls on both sides lit up one by one from Wu Qiong's place to the end about three hundred feet away.

There were a lot of people around, and the passage was made of bronze as a whole, engraved with mysterious runes and obscure abstract murals.

Bai Xuanji frowned: "This place is not made by ordinary people."

She is the emperor, because of the conch, she also cares about craftsmen.

The entire passage, which is almost one kilometer long, is all cast in bronze, and it can be seen that it was formed at one time.

To be able to do this, at least ten peerless masters of innate or higher realms are required to join forces.

I really don't know where this secret room was built hundreds of years ago.

Wu Qiong smiled and said nothing, just took the lead and walked forward.

It's just a setting in the game, but he didn't take it to heart.

There was no talking all the way, because there was no mechanism in the passage, it didn't take long for the few people to pass through the passage to the real treasure room.

This room is larger than the one below, about eight feet square.

The ground, walls, and ceiling are also made of bronze, and they are also engraved with inexplicable runes and murals.

This is different from the bare stone room outside.

The room is full of countless bronze boxes that should have been like this.

Wu Qiong felt pain in his heart as he looked at the traces of the empty ground that seemed to be pressed down by boxes.

How much treasure there is!It's all gone!And my "Tian Dao"!No more!
He endured his grief, walked to the only box left in the middle of the room, and kicked the lid off.

The box was empty, more empty than God's purse.

wrong!It's a little better than God's wallet, at least there is a booklet in the box.

Trembling, Wu Qiong picked up the booklet and opened it.

[Surprised or not?Is it surprising?Are you happy? 】

Wu Qiong: "."

He suppressed his anger and turned back.

[Don't ask me who I am, I am Qu Wuming, I bring salt for myself]

Continue to flip back.

[Don't look at me with that look, I know what you want.The half of "The Way of Heaven" here has been divided into four parts by me.If you came from Da Zhou, then you must have already got the two pieces from Jingjue Kingdom. 】

Wu Qiong pursed his lips in disdain, you know everything, and even said "if".

He continued to turn the next page.

【Then you should also get the 560 million taels of silver notes I left there (he even drew a smiling face of a kobold), and those are all sold off here in exchange for gold, silver and jewelry】

Wu Qiong's hand holding the booklet kept shaking as if he had Parkinson's, and then his eyes went dark and he fell backwards.

"Ah Qiong!" "Brother Poor!"

Xuanji Shi'er hurriedly supported him from left to right, and Xiaobai asked, "What's the matter?"

Although the voice was flat, anyone could hear the tension in the tone.


He shouted: "The Lemon-eating King! I'm going to hack you to death!!! Hack you to death!!!"

Wu Qiong, who was so angry and bloody, completely disregarded his image at this time, and even yelled swear words.

"Huh?" Her Majesty the Queen frowned, took the crumpled booklet from him, unfolded it, and examined it carefully.


After reading it, Bai Xuanji was silent.

For Ah Qiong, this is probably the cruelest thing in the world.
She told a few people the contents of the booklet, and Shi'er comforted him while helping him: "Brother Poor, it's okay. Let's go back to the Jingjue King to get the money back. It's not worth getting angry about."

To be honest, the money was indeed a lot, but she didn't feel anything.It's just a few million taels of silver, so it's like no one else.

But when she thought of being a poor brother, she understood.

"Hoohoo." Wu Qionghong gasped heavily, "Go back! Go back now! I miss him so much! I want to give him a surprise when I go back this time!"

When he said the word "surprise", he wanted to bite his steel teeth.

"No hurry." Bai Xuanji said, "The question now is where are the other two fragments."

"I don't care! I'm going to go back and hack him to death now!" Wu Qiong began to roll and roll.

Bai Xuanji: "."

She sighed: "Okay, I've heard about Ah Qiong. Let's go back to Jingjue Country now."

After they left the secret room, Bai Xuanji turned around and stroked the ground with bare hands.

The underground treasure chamber has been silently wiped out.

Lin Changxi came up to meet her and was about to speak when she saw Wu Qiong's devouring eyes. She was so frightened that she stopped talking and hiccupped accidentally.

"Are you mocking me?!" Wu Qiong stared at her fiercely.

"No, no, no!" Lin Changxi shook her head desperately.

"Humph!" Wu Qiong snorted coldly, and disappeared in place in an instant.

He didn't want to wait a minute or a second, he just wanted to see King Jingjue again sooner.

He wants to let that guy know what cruelty is!

Bai Xuanji shook her head and chased after her.

"What happened?" Ye Qingxuan didn't know why.

"Ai" sighed, Jie Se shook his head, "Let's talk on the way."

Several people woke up Zhang Yu, Xiaobai mentioned Lin Changxi's collar, and they also disappeared in place.

An hour later, several people had appeared at Jingjue Palace.

Looking at the King Jingjue's bedroom with only wreckage left in front of him, Wu Qiong spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This time he really fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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