I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 505 1 Drop of Blood

Chapter 505 A drop of blood
"What the hell is the catcher doing?"

Leaving from Can Ye, Shen Kang always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.That's right, Can Ye was wary of his own attitude, and at that time he seemed to be trying to suppress something.

Ordinarily, a person like Can Ye is in a high position after all, and he has been in the officialdom for a long time, and he has acquired some corresponding habits to some extent.What's more, he is the chief arrester, has rich experience in the world, and has rich experience in handling cases. He has never seen anyone.

Even if such a person is on guard against him, he will never let Shen Kang see it, but will make Shen Kang feel like a spring breeze.But Can Ye's attitude at that time was completely opposite, as if he was very unwelcome to him.

That faint sense of alienation and resistance is definitely from the heart, and this kind of reaction is just because of some inexplicable inheritance?

Subconsciously, Shen Kang came to his senses and wanted to turn around.

"Kill!" At this moment, there was a loud shout, which made Shen Kang, who was just about to step through the space and leave, subconsciously look over.

I saw a middle-aged man fighting against several people in the mountains and forests.The middle-aged man is not weak, so he should be a master of Yuanshen realm, while the others are only masters.Given the gap in realm, these people are naturally not opponents at all.

The middle-aged man beheaded these people one after another, holding a long sword with blood on his body, and screaming up to the sky!His eyes are bloodthirsty and crazy, and he doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

"Zhengxintang?" Seeing the logos on their clothes, Shen Kang immediately recognized them.Both the crazy middle-aged man in front of him and the people he beheaded are all disciples of Zhengxintang.

The martial arts of Zhengxintang pay attention to being dignified and upright. When practicing martial arts, you must first straighten your heart. If your heart is not right, then it will be difficult to improve your mental skills.Therefore, all the disciples in the sect abide by the sect rules, which is a rare and famous sect with strict etiquette.

How can such a sect produce such a person?Could it be that this person betrayed his master, and after being chased and killed, he went straight to beheading all the disciples who chased him?

Not right, after all, Zhengxintang only has three primordial spirit masters, and the one in front of him should be one of the three masters, and he is a proper leader of Zhengxintang.

If such masters rebelled, ordinary disciples could only come to deliver food, so even if they were chasing and killing, it should be the two remaining Yuanshen realm masters in Zhengxin Hall, so why would ordinary master master realm masters come?
Also, didn't Zhengxintang all disappear suddenly, just like those villagers who disappeared without reason?
Oh, yes, Shen Kang remembered, it seems that Can Ye told him before that these villagers suddenly returned after disappearing, and the same is true for Zhengxintang.

By the way, if he remembers correctly, Zhengxintang seems to be nearby
"Ah, ah!" Shen Kang felt a little annoyed by the whistling sound coming from his ear. There was struggle and madness in that voice, as if he was trying to suppress it, but gradually he couldn't suppress the irritability in his body.

"I have never killed a good person since I entered Jianghu, but today I can no longer control myself. My Zhengxintang's martial arts are upright and righteous, and now the unworthy disciple has been blackmailed by Zhengxintang!"

After the long roar, the middle-aged man had a sad expression on his face, and amid another roar, he drew his sword and swung at him, but his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"The disciple is unworthy, his ability is limited, and he can't stop it! I am righteous and dead!"

"Zhengxintang is dead?? What do you mean?" In an instant, Shen Kang came to the middle-aged man, but he came a bit late.The blade had pierced through the neck, blood was spilled, and the vitality of the middle-aged man also quickly dissipated.

"What's going on?" After the middle-aged man fell heavily to the ground, the blood in his body seemed to flow away quickly. In this case, even if he wanted to save it, he probably couldn't save it.

Moreover, Shen Kang clearly saw that the people who had just died in his hands lying next to him looked the same, as if all the blood had flowed away.What kind of secret technique is this, how could it be so?
"Zhengxintang?" His brows were slightly frowned. At this moment, Shen Kang's heart was full of various speculations. What happened to the people in Zhengxintang?
The space in front of him trembled slightly, and Shen Kang's figure disappeared instantly. When Shen Kang's figure reappeared, he had arrived not far from Zhengxin Hall. Not a strong bloody smell.

After walking in, in the blink of an eye, there was blood all over the ground, and there were mummified corpses that seemed to have been drained of blood.The ornamentation on each of these people's clothing is enough to prove that they are all disciples of Zhengxin Hall.

"Zhengxintang, it's hard to be punished." The scene in front of him made Shen Kang even more confused.Zhengxintang, how could it become like this.Although he was mentally prepared when he came, he didn't expect to see this scene.

"Someone!" A small voice came from his ear, and Shen Kang hurriedly searched for the sound.But when he found the voice, he was slightly stunned there, the person in charge of clothing in front of him should be the head of Zhengxintang.

But at this time, the head of the Zhengxintang actually inserted a sword into the chest of a disciple. After hearing the voice of Shen Kang coming, he raised his head slightly, and his eyes met Shen Kang's. together.

What kind of eyes are those eyes, tyrannical, bloodthirsty, full of inexplicable desires.In the depths of his eyes, there is still a sliver of reason, but this reason is rapidly dissipating.

"Let's go, let's go!" At this time, the head of Zhengxin Hall seemed to be trying to suppress something, and he uttered a few words indistinctly.

"What are you going?" Before Shen Kang could react, a few disciples of Zhengxin Hall rushed up from some corner, and their eyes were exactly the same as the head of Zhengxin Hall in front of him.

No, it's not the same, the head of the Zhengxintang still has a little reason, but in their eyes there is only bloodthirsty frenzy, as if they are irrational and only know about killing, and they have fallen into a fierce and crazy beast.

"It's too late!" With a long roar, the head of Zhengxin Hall swung his sword and beheaded these disciples, and then he seemed to be unable to control himself anymore and wanted to rush towards Shen Kang, but then he seemed to have some power The surge was temporarily suppressed.

Shen Kang could feel that it was Zhengxintang's unique martial arts, and it was so upright and magnificent.At this time, that point of skill is like a candle in the wind, and it may dissipate at any time.As for the head of Zhengxin Hall, he was half kneeling on the ground with his sword in hand, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Go, go!" Chong Shen Kang shouted loudly, his voice was full of urgency, and finally the head of Zhengxintang chose to draw his sword and kill himself like that middle-aged man.

"What, what's going on here?" Shen Kang was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Walking around the gate of Zhengxin Hall, there were corpses of Zhengxin Hall disciples everywhere, as if their bodies had been completely drained by blood.

At the corner, there were still a few remaining disciples who rushed forward bravely, but were easily restrained by Shen Kang.

Shen Kang inspected their whole bodies carefully, and felt as if some power was swimming freely in their bodies, covering their rationality and making them fall into the most primitive bloodthirsty madness.

"Hmph, I want to see what this is!" Invisible power surged up, and the power of space was activated. Shen Kang wanted to guide this inexplicable power out.

But I didn't want the strength in these disciples to seem to feel this pulling force, and they rioted in an instant.Even Shen Kang couldn't control the whole process, but these Zhengxintang disciples all exploded to death.

"This is... a drop of blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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