I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 506 Special screen

Chapter 506 Special screen

"What a strong attraction!"

The drop of blood floating on Shen Kang's palm seemed to have extreme attraction, as if exuding a different kind of temptation, making one eager to swallow it in one gulp.

Shen Kang could even clearly perceive the huge energy contained in this drop of blood, after devouring it, it would definitely increase a person's strength considerably.

However, after Shen Kang's careful investigation, he found that the power in the blood drop seemed to have a strong suction on the blood essence, and it could even take a person's life through the blood almost instantly.

That is to say, once such blood is fused, not only will it become bloodthirsty, but it will also master a secret method without a teacher, a secret method that takes the essence of others for its own use.

The power absorbed through this secret method will be melted into the blood, part of it will be fed back to itself, and part will be completely swallowed by this drop of blood, making it continue to grow and develop.

This drop of blood also seemed to contain some kind of special will. Shen Kang even felt that this kind of will was above the Daoist Grand Master, but it didn't seem to have such a strong power. It felt very contradictory and special to him.

But even so, under the Dao Realm Grandmaster, unless the will is determined to the extreme, it may be extremely difficult to resist such erosion.He thought that these people who came to Zhengxintang must have been infected by such blood, so that they would become what he saw.

The will to infect them is too strong, even Zhengxintang's exercises are difficult to suppress, and it will even have a great counter effect.

Although the consciousness on this blood drop is bloodthirsty, it is not irritable. If it infects the human body, it must be slowly and slowly infecting.Let people's will naturally shift, and finally use it voluntarily.

However, since Zhengxintang's exercises are rigid and upright, he naturally has a sense of resistance to this kind of power, and the two are extremely conflicting.Under the conflict, the power in the blood was also thoroughly stimulated, making it instantly violent.

If the masters of Zhengxintang are strong enough to break through the realm of the Daoist Grand Master, their willpower will naturally be able to suppress this force.But Zhengxintang's strength is really not good, and the three masters of the Yuanshen Realm are only the second and third levels of the Yuanshen Realm.

So after this drop of blood was provoked, it began to infect and suppress Zhengxintang's rationality almost instantly in a violent and domineering way, completely transforming them, so that they became bloodthirsty and crazy.

Except for the three masters in the Yuanshen realm of Zhengxintang who still had some sanity left, none of the other Zhengxintang masters were spared.The disciples of Zhengxintang are all chivalrous men who stick to themselves, the deeper their skills, the stronger their tolerance and morality.

After knowing that it was inevitable, the three masters of the Yuanshen realm in Zhengxintang almost made the same choice. Even if they slaughtered all these disciples, they could not let them go out to harm the world.

It's a pity that such a sect ended up like this in the end
But where did the people in Zhengxintang be stained by this drop of blood, so that the entire Zhengxintang was wiped out, and no one escaped?

Wait, some time ago, all the people in Zhengxintang disappeared without reason, just like those ordinary people who disappeared without reason. What is the connection between the two?
All of a sudden, many doubts arose in Shen Kang's mind, and he left the place in an instant.When Shen Kang's figure reappeared, he had already come to a nearby village.

The surrounding people disappeared one after another. If it really happened as he guessed, these people must have the same fate as those in Zhengxintang.

"It's true, it's true!" When Shen Kang came here, the village had turned into a deadly land, and there were corpses like the disciples of Zhengxin Hall everywhere.

Before these people died, they all showed fear in their eyes, as if they had seen something terrible.It seems that these people should not have been infected by blood, otherwise they would not have the fear of ordinary people.

That's right, the blood drop must be very precious, and not everyone is eligible to be infected by blood.

Many masters of Kezhumen came here to investigate this matter, and they are nearby, so it is impossible for them not to notice such a change, why there is no news at all.Wait, what, could it not be.
For a moment, Shen Kang thought a lot in his mind, and turned to the place where the department was again, and strode across the air.When he was in the temporary residence of the door catcher, the mummy he saw by chance was exactly the same as these people.

"So fast?" Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Shen Kang was full of horror.It has only been half an hour since he left, but there seems to be nothing left around the trap door.

No, it seems that the chief catcher of the catcher, Remnant Ye, is not here, and it seems that several famous catchers of the catcher are not here either.Were they killed, or were they infested with drops of blood?

Taking a deep breath, Shen Kang's expression turned a little ugly, and he quickly walked around. He wanted to see how bad the situation was.Could it be that those who disappeared were all infected by this blood.

"Sure enough!" After searching around for a long time, they didn't find the whereabouts of those who were missing from the arresting door. On the contrary, many nearby villages have been destroyed.

Moreover, in the remaining villages, such situations began to appear one after another, and many people had been devoured by their blood essence.

It's just that the people in the village didn't know who did such a thing, and they thought they had offended some martial arts master, and they were in constant fear.But they don't know that after a while, they will all become nourishment for others.

These blood drops are slowly infecting ordinary people. At this time, the characters of the infected villagers have undergone a major change.At this time, they looked the same as usual, but inside they had already become bloodthirsty.

In such a situation, Shen Kang only needs to scan the surroundings with his spiritual sense to distinguish them instantly, and then directly kill these people.

The infected personalities of these people have changed drastically, and even if the blood drops from their bodies are pulled out, there is no way to turn back.

And according to what Shen Kang heard from those villagers, when they disappeared, an inexplicable force was sucked into a mysterious hall.

In this hall, there is a small blood pool with indescribable and terrifying power. Only the true brave can get the blood bestowed by God.The warriors who get these blood drops will become infinitely stronger than ordinary people.

If he hadn't looked at what the villagers said in a serious manner, Shen Kang would have thought that this was a story written by some boring scholar.However, these villagers have limited knowledge, and the description is mixed with some of their own understanding, which makes them look nondescript.

However, Shen Kang still got what he wanted from them. The power of space absorbs people into it, which may be some kind of mysterious inheritance.Sure enough, some people passed down the high-level secret method, while others passed down such a harmful method.

He felt that power at the arresting gate station before, but this power disappeared quickly, as if Yiban had never appeared.Shen Kang also felt that the trap door wanted to monopolize this so-called inheritance, and he didn't care at all, so he left.

When I went to that place to look for it just now, I couldn't feel it at all.This power of space is uncertain and should appear randomly.Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many villages, and even the distant forces like Zhengqitang would be sucked in.

"This is the power of space?" After searching around for a while, Shen Kang felt the familiar power again, and rushed over immediately.

The power of space in the body activated and collided with the power of space that suddenly appeared, and then Shen Kang directly stepped into this mysterious place of inheritance with the power of space.

The whole process went smoothly, there were almost no obstacles, and there was no need for any secret methods to be activated.This was originally used to attract people, even if Shen Kang didn't use the power of space, he must have been able to enter by himself just now.

Shen Kang's arrival seemed to activate something.Once stepping into it, in the center of the hall, a small pool of bloody water that almost bottomed out exudes a gleaming light, which seems to have a different kind of attraction.

At the same time, above the blood pool, many special scenes appeared, as if they were talking about some secrets passed down from ancient times.

"This, this is."

(End of this chapter)

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