I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 576 It's up to you!

Chapter 576 It's up to you!

"Master Shen, why don't we add up again?"

Looking at the door in front of him, Lu Ze looked anxious.Although there is Shen Kang, a top expert, by his side, he still feels something is wrong.After all, the three major families have been entrenched for many years, with deep roots and countless masters.

Even though Shen Kang was well-known, Lu Ze still felt guilty when facing so many people alone.

Vision determines everything. For someone like Lu Ze who is studying and mixed with officialdom, Jianghu seems to be another world.He may not understand that what is written in the book is an enemy of ten thousand is not an exaggerated lie.

"Why, Master Lu is afraid?"

"Afraid? How could I be afraid!" With a wry smile, Lu Ze was ready to die in the line of duty when facing three assassins.For him, life and death are not enough to make him afraid, he is only afraid that he will not die well!

Once upon a time, their Lu family was also a well-known family in the world, but after encountering some things, the ancestors of the Lu family chose to quit the world and join the officialdom.Gradually, the children of the Lu family took pride in studying for the imperial examinations, their martial arts gradually fell into disuse, and there were fewer and fewer masters.

Otherwise, if one's martial arts are sufficient, why should he be afraid of a few young people?Even when the danger is approaching, he can only let his servant who is proficient in the technique of restraining breath hide, and use himself as a bait to deceive the truth hidden underground in Nanchuan Mansion.

It's not that he didn't think about pretending to be false first, and then investigate slowly, but time didn't allow it at all.On the way to his post, he saw the misery of those victims, which made his fiery heart a little numb.

Countless people have been displaced, and people are lying on the side of the road every moment of every day.The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles.It was only when these miserable scenes that had only been seen in history books appeared before his eyes that Lu Ze realized how powerless he was.

After entering the magistrate's yamen and handing over, Lu Ze prepared to help the victims, but was surprised to find that there was nothing he could do.He checked the ledger, and found that the government's disaster relief funds and the Nanchuan Mansion's granary had been used up without a trace.

As for the relief victims, I'm sorry, at least Lu Ze has never seen one.Anyway, all the money has been spent, and all the food has been used. As for where it was spent and where it was used, the ledger is there, and you can find it yourself.

To be able to do this step, and to make all of this seamless, so that no one can interfere.This kind of layout is enough to show the power behind all these arrangements.

What's more, he received 500 million taels in the front foot, and someone killed him in the back foot, which is enough to prove that the yamen is already riddled with holes, and the people in the yamen are even more useless.His situation is not an exaggeration to say that he is besieged from all sides.

In such a situation, it is very difficult for him to fight these people with his own strength.Even if he could afford to fight, the victims outside the city couldn't afford it.

Therefore, the moment the three of them entered the magistrate's yamen, he thought of using himself as bait to hang out the person behind the scenes.Unexpectedly, the three major families of Nanchuan Mansion were all involved.How dare these people earn money stained with blood like this openly?
Lu Ze was already very happy to find the people behind this and where their food was. Even if he was killed, it was a well-deserved death.His servants hiding in the dark will pass on the news. Lu Ze believes that the three major families will be punished and the people will be relieved.

Who would have thought that Shen Kang would appear at this time, not only saving him, but also choosing to push down the three major families.As far as he knew, there were hundreds of guards in each of the three major families, not to mention that there were so many masters in the sect, everyone was successful in martial arts.

To deal with such a family, shouldn't we mobilize heavy troops to encircle and suppress them? Will they be killed if we come to the door in such an open and aboveboard manner?Brother, do we want to stop summing up?

"Lord Lu, let's go!" Patting Lu Ze on the shoulder, Shen Kang walked directly to the gate of Chi's house and kicked the gate of Chi's house open.

"Where is the Patriarch of the Chi family? Something happened to your family!"

"I'll wipe!" He patted his forehead speechlessly. On the way here, Lu Ze had thought countless times about how they would deal with the members of the three major families.But I never thought that it would be a frontal and tough one. These people in the rivers and lakes must have some pits in their brains, not only pitting themselves but also pitting teammates!
"Who? Dare to trespass on my Chi's house?" Soon, a large number of guards surrounded Shen Kang and the others.But Shen Kang didn't do anything, and the right master hasn't come yet, so wait a little longer.

However, Shen Kang looked indifferent, but Lu Ze was a little uneasy: "Master Shen, if you can't beat me later, Master Shen can escape directly without worrying about me. I just hope that Master Shen can report the matter here in Nanchuan Mansion to the court. , request the imperial court to provide timely relief to the victims!"

"Escape? Master Lu, have you never been in the rivers and lakes?" He glanced around coldly, surrounded by so many people, anyway, Shen Kang didn't feel much.No matter how many ants there are, can they really kill an elephant?
"Don't Mr. Lu know that the number of people is no longer a problem for Grand Masters?"

"Who dares to attack my Chi family?" Soon, the right lord that Shen Kang was waiting for came.The Patriarch of the Chi family didn't know Shen Kang, but he knew Lu Ze who was beside him. "Lord Lu, what do you mean?"

"The head of the Chi family, right?" Throwing the person in his hand on the ground, Shen Kang asked sharply, "Say, what have you done in the Chi family? Did you kill the previous magistrate? Did you embezzle the disaster relief funds?" of?"

"Yes, the assassination of the previous magistrate was personally ordered by the head of the family. The disaster relief funds from the imperial court have just arrived here, and before they entered the Yamen, they have already been divided among our three major families!"

After saying this, the man's eyes widened immediately. He didn't know why he said all this, he didn't want to say it.Thinking of the ruthlessness of his Patriarch, the man couldn't help shivering.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, I don't know how this happened, I didn't want to say it!"

"Then there's no problem! Master Lu, tell me, what kind of crime is it to assassinate the magistrate and embezzle the imperial granary and disaster relief funds?"

Whether it was assassinating the magistrate or embezzling disaster relief funds, it was not a small crime.Under the combined punishment of the three crimes, it would be considered light for all members of the three major families to raid their homes.It seemed that the magistrate wanted to tear his face apart.

"Lu Ze, we call you the magistrate, do you really think of yourself as a green onion? Even if you are the magistrate, you can't frame us good people!"

"Good people? Are you worthy of being called good people? It's really shameless!" With a sneer, Shen Kang was in no mood to talk nonsense with them, and asked directly to Lu Ze behind, "Lord Lu, how far away is it, I'm going to attack!"

"If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse. The prefect Lu Ze is greedy, and he even slandered my Chi family for extortion. Today, my Chi family is passively resisting. Come, kill me!"

"Cut, you're stubborn!" Facing the guards rushing up frantically, Shen Kang's face remained unchanged, and he didn't even bother to move.

The three major families of Nanchuan Mansion are very famous, but unfortunately the strongest is only the peak master, not even a master of Yuanshen realm.poor!
"Bang!" In an instant, an invisible wave erupted centered on Shen Kang, and almost all the guards who rushed towards the two of them flew back under this force, and the team of hundreds of people could not even get close.

Immediately afterwards, a palpitating and terrifying aura suddenly appeared, covering the entire Chi family compound.In an instant, everyone felt as if they were carrying a mountain on their backs, and even moving became a luxury.

"This, this..." Cold sweat spread all over his body in an instant, and the Patriarch of the Chi family looked at Shen Kang with difficulty, only endless fear remained in his eyes, "Who are you, exactly who are you?"

"This is the owner of Wanjian Villa Shen!" Nuo Da's Chi family can't even make people feel real. Are these people in the Jianghu really so scary?

"Wanjian Villa? Dao Realm Great Master! Impossible, how is it possible?"

"Lord Lu, I'll leave it to you, don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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