Chapter 577 I Like It

"It's rich, it's really rich!"

Looking at the wealth looted from the three major families, the smile on Lu Ze's face could not be stopped.The three major families are all sold off, and the family assets have to start at least tens of millions.What's more, the food and grass hoarded by each of their households is enough to support disaster relief.

Not only Nanchuan Prefecture, but the entire Xizhou disaster situation will be brought under control!
However, Lu Ze couldn't help but twitched when he thought of the members of the three major families who were completely brought down.Who would have thought that the three major families occupying Nanchuan Mansion would be wiped out so easily, and the whole process did not take more than a quarter of an hour.

At first, he thought that Shen Kang would choose courtesy first and soldiers later, and he would somewhat take into account the power of the three major families.Unexpectedly, this person chose to push directly, and there was no time for people to react.

He directly took the three people who assassinated him to look for from door to door. The three people who assassinated him seemed to have become very obedient in Shen Kang's hands, asking and answering, directly betraying their respective families.

And the three big families that look like giants in my own eyes may be just a slightly bigger bug in the eyes of others, and it will not take much effort to pinch them to death.

During the whole process, Lu Ze didn't see Shen Kang making a move, and his momentum alone completely crushed them.Afterwards, the three major families had already lost, and they were completely defeated.It was only at that moment that Lu Ze realized how terrifying a real master is.

Unlike Lu Ze who was counting money outside, Shen Kang was now facing the heads of the three major families.Under the expressions of panic and uneasiness, the three of them gave an answer that surprised Shen Kang.

"So, someone ordered it from behind?"

Behind the three major families, there seems to be a pair of invisible hands manipulating them.According to what they said, someone found them, first subdued them by force, and then gave them various orders behind their backs.

Whether they are hoarding grain and raising grain prices.Let them stir up disputes secretly, or even evacuate the imperial granaries secretly, and then buy and sell them, all are the orders of the people behind this.

Shen Kang held the mirror of the mind, and it was impossible for the three of them to lie in front of him.That is to say, this is not a coincidence at all, there are really people who are manipulating all this behind the scenes.

Moreover, these people seemed to have known for a long time that there would be a disaster, and every order was just right, making this already serious disaster more and more uncontrollable.It also made the victims outside fall into despair a little bit.

Moreover, Shen Kang believed that the three major families were definitely not the only ones being manipulated.According to Lu Ze, less than half of the western states were affected by the disaster, but so far, except for Nanchuan Prefecture, no other places have taken any action to relieve the disaster.

Maybe these places are also in the same situation as Nanchuan Mansion. What good will it do them to drive these poor people into a desperate situation?Could it be that they still want to stir up civil unrest?No, what good would it do?
Shen Kang understands that almost all the top figures understand that in this world where force is paramount, no matter how many ordinary people gather, nothing will be shaken at all, and only those top combat forces can decide everything.

As long as there is no problem with the imperial court's hole cards, this kind of civil unrest will have no effect at all, and it will not even cause the slightest wave.No matter how violent the disturbance is, it will only be crushed ruthlessly.That being the case, what exactly are these people trying to do?
"Master Shen, I've already said what I need to say. We really have no choice. We don't want the food, gold and silver. Can you leave a way for my family?"

"You have done so much and harmed so many people, why have you ever thought of leaving a way for others? Look at the victims outside, are you too embarrassed?"

"Master Shen, it's really not our fault, that man is too scary, we have no choice but to obey!"

"Have to follow? Humph! Then you have to follow the abducting and trafficking of people while the people are dying? You have to follow the killing and reckless killing in the street? You all think that no one knows what you are doing What!"

Shaking his head, Shen Kang interrupted them directly, and said coldly, "Your sins cannot be redeemed by death, don't worry, I will personally send you on the road!"

"Master Shen, you, you can't, let us go."

"Let you go? Who will let those innocent people go. You have killed so many people, and you should bear the price. Besides, with such a large amount of chivalry, I can't let you go!"

In the next period of time, Shen Kang explored several other counties that were affected by the disaster.As guessed before, there are indeed problems in these places, and it can be said that it is the worst situation.

Some prefects in various places have been brought under control, while others have been evacuated by the people below.Those who did not cooperate, like the former prefect of Nanchuan Prefecture, had also been secretly executed.

To put it bluntly, as long as the people behind it give an order, most of the western states may have to change their flags.

A small half of Xizhou, no, maybe the entire Xizhou, is under the control of a pair of invisible hands.Moreover, the locust plague seems to have spread. By then, Xizhou and even the surrounding counties may be caught in the locust plague.

But Shen Kang has never been able to find any news about those people who are manipulating everything behind the scenes.It was like a gust of wind, after blowing, it left a mess.And they themselves have disappeared without a trace since then, and no news can be found.

At this moment, he has already notified Bai Haochu, hoping that the inner secret agents can send experts to come.After all, investigating cases is really not his specialty, and it needs professional people to do it.

During this process, Shen Kang also drew a prize and got two king treasure chests, one diamond treasure chest, and one gold treasure chest.Temporarily storing the gold treasure chest and the diamond treasure chest, Shen Kang only planned to open the two king treasure chests.

"System, open the king's treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the technique of hundreds of insects! The technique of hundreds of insects is a masterwork of the sages. Entering the Tao with insects, absorbing them in your body, you can control hundreds of insects after learning it!"

Just as the system sound fell, a ray of light flashed.In an instant, Shen Kang's whole body seemed to be surrounded by countless knowledge, and endless power poured into his body.At this moment, Shen Kang seemed to have been with all kinds of insects since he was a child, and had gone through vicissitudes for hundreds of years.

Hundred Insect Art is a kind of insect control place, which can control hundreds of insects.Including ordinary insects, poisonous insects, and special Gu insects, it can be said that they have basically taken this business as a joke.

Combining the insect body with one's own body is a special way to improve oneself by continuously cultivating hundreds of insects.All kinds of insects are different, so the art of hundreds of insects can be unpredictable, practiced to the deepest level, it definitely does not belong to other martial arts in the world.

Shen Kang got the Hundred Insect Technique, and the system empowerment has been completed.Of course, if he really wanted to use this to improve himself, the fused bugs would have to be cultivated slowly.However, Shen Kang is not very interested in this.

He was a little surprised that such a unique thing was opened from the King's Treasure Chest.But if you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, if you hide two hands, it is difficult to guarantee that you will be able to use them in the future.

"System, open the king's treasure chest!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got the treasure-hunting spirit mouse! The treasure-hunting spirit mouse has the ability to search for treasure. It is naturally sensitive to spiritual things, and its four claws are as hard as iron. Digging holes in mountains is like searching for things. It has the power of space, which can break open space .Besides, Treasure Rat has its own treasure-hunting skill, which has a certain chance to cut off the connection and seize other people's treasures!"

"The system prompts that treasure hunting is risky, and you need to be cautious when using it. Before the host seizes the treasure, please be prepared to be chased and hacked!"

"Damn it, what's wrong with the system today, maybe it's a convulsion? But stealing other people's treasures, so domineering? I like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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