Chapter 173 Yang Wuxie

After looking at the options in the system, Zhao Quan knew that this selection mission was for Qianren Village.

The first option is naturally the easiest, continue to let Qianrenzhai be blocked in the Lianjing Mountains, and carry out roadblocking and robbery activities.

And there is no need to worry that these caravans and dart teams will not pass through here, because if they want to detour, the losses may be even more serious.

And passing through here, since you already know that Qianrenzhai is a subordinate force of the Shocking Society, you will naturally pay enough tolls, which can be regarded as a lot of money.

The martial arts character rewarded by choosing this item is Zhuo Bufan who is known as the sword god.

Zhuo Bufan was originally a disciple of Yizihuijianmen.

All 62 members of the sect from three generations were killed by Tianshan Tonglao except him. Later, they got the sword manual in Changbai Mountain, practiced hard for 20 years, finally reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and achieved great martial arts.

After he achieved great martial arts, he originally wanted to seek revenge from Tianshan Child Elder.

Unexpectedly, before seeing the face of Tianshan Child Elder, he was defeated by Xu Zhu who possessed the inner strength of the three masters of Xiaoyao School for more than a hundred years.

Also a sad character.

Although this person's title of Sword God has a lot of water, his strength is not weak.

But Zhao Quan thought of Ye Gucheng, and another person with the title of Sword God.

Shaking his head slowly, there is still a big gap after all.

However, as the easiest choice task reward, Zhuo Bufan is equivalent to giving it for free, which is not bad.

As for the second option, it requires some sacrifices.

The system demanded that Qianrenzhai be disbanded, so that there would be no bandits and thieves in Lianjing Mountain, so that the passing caravans and bodyguards could survive in peace.

It would be easy to disband Qianrenzhai, just let it merge into the Shocking Society.

But the price of doing so is to give up a very rich oil and water.

Just to gain a good name?
As for the martial arts character who was rewarded, it was Yang Wuxie who had the title of 'Children Without Deception'.

This person is the confidant of Su Mengzhen, the owner of the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower, and also the host of the White Tower.

The so-called White Building is the location of the database in the Golden Wind and Rain Building, which records in detail the appearance, physical signs, martial arts, origins, etc. of all the forces on the rivers and lakes, and all the masters.

As the saying goes, there are only wrong names in the world, but no wrong nicknames.

Yang Wuxie dared to call him 'Tongsouwuwucheng', which meant that his memory of things was very accurate, no matter how old people asked him, he would not make a mistake.

You just say a person, a thing, a name, a place, and he can immediately tell all the relevant situations.

Even the annals, features, ins and outs, he knows everything about it.

Moreover, he doesn't just narrate information, he will add his own analysis to everything.

It is said that he is in charge of a lot of data, starting from the life of every martial arts person, all kinds of big and small things during the period, including feelings, martial arts, and family changes, can be said to be very detailed.

What is even more convincing is that he will remember it once he has seen it, and then store it in his brain.

This has enabled him to form a super memory and analysis ability.

His analysis is incisive and unique, and any wise leader would be happy to hear it.

This person can be regarded as an extremely strong arm, and it is also the talent Zhao Quan needs most at present.

As for Yang Wuxie's martial arts, Zhao Quan thought about it for a while, but he was a little confused.

Because according to memory, the description of Yang Wuxie's martial arts is really a bit confusing.

In the first article "A Gentle Knife" about who is the hero, when Su Mengzhen's life is dying, Yang Wuxie is actually stopped by Lei Jiao.

One must know that Lei Jiao, Lei Gun and the other three, plus a sneak attack, could still be wounded by Bai Choufei's finger.

From this point of view, it shows that Yang Wuxie's martial arts are not good.

But in the later chapter of "The Head of the Dragons", Yang Wuxie was able to block the seven, three and four moves of Xiaguan.

This is a bit fantasy, you must know that Guan Qi is known as the God of War.

It is one of the top four masters in Wenshu, and is known as Yan Kuangtu, Xiao Qiushui, and Wei Qingqing.

His unique skill "Body Breaking Invisible Sword Qi" is even more tyrannical.

However, Yang Wuxie's martial arts were definitely not the focus of Zhao Quan's attention. If he asked Yang Wuxie to fight the enemy for him, he would be fooled by the lard and overqualified!

If it is said that Yang Wuxie's martial arts are not worthy of Zhao Quan's consideration, then Zhao Quan couldn't help but be tempted by the reward of the third option, his martial arts is so high.

Tianshan Child Elder, Misty Peak of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, the eldest disciple of Xiaoyaozi, the head of Xiaoyao Sect.

At the age of six, he began to practice "Eternal Spring Kungfu of Everlasting and Immortality", but this martial art has two other names, namely "Eight Desolation and Liuhe Sovereign Art" and "Heaven and Earth Sovereign Art".

Rejuvenate once every 30 years. Every time you rejuvenate, you need to re-train your internal skills, and you need to drink raw blood at noon. In this way, you can restore your skills and appearance for one year in a day.

The Xiaoyao faction is in the Golden Book, it can be regarded as the existence of a green chicken, and Tianshan Child Elder has a bright future.

In the end, because of the rivalry and jealousy, it led to the tragedy of her life.

To this, Zhao Quan just wanted to say: "Oh, woman."

But in any case, Tianshan Child Elder's martial arts are extremely strong.

In particular, she is also good at a magical control skill "Life and Death Talisman".

Zhao Quan had been looking forward to the system's task rewards, the "Life and Death Talisman", but instead of the Life and Death Talisman, he waited for the Black Sky Book.

But now, he still didn't get the life-death talisman, but he waited for someone who could use the life-death talisman.

But the mission requirement of option three is to let Zhao Quan take the initiative to destroy Qianrenzhai to show that Jingshihui has nothing to do with these bandits and thieves.

It can be regarded as an advanced version of option [-], just to gain a good reputation, and it is even more ruthless.

After all, Hong Bo and Liu Hongyu made great contributions to him in the previous battle of the God Bull Gang.

In the end, if he turned his head around, he would kill them all. It can be said that he would cross the river and tear down the bridge, and kill the donkey.

However, if you choose this option, you can not only get a good reputation, but also get a master like Tianshan Child Elder.

It can also be regarded as a heroic option.

Zhao Quan stroked his chin, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Every time you face a system task, it is a choice.

And every different choice will have an immeasurable impact on the future.

So Zhao Quan has always been very cautious.

But sometimes Zhao Quan is not so cautious.

Because he always upholds his heart, ignores many temptations rewarded by the system, and makes choices that suit his heart.

Just like before, this time, Zhao Quan did not intend to be led by the nose by the system.

There is no doubt that Yang Wuxie is the talent he needs most at the moment, and he may soon face the threat of Ding Qi, so Tianshan Child Elder's force is naturally a big help.

As for Zhuo Bufan in option [-], it turned out to be tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

Zhao Quan has never considered himself a hero, so he reluctantly ruled out option three.

As for option two.
The corner of Zhao Quan's mouth curled into an arc slightly, the solution was all thought up by people, who said you can't take care of both sides?
Immediately said to the system: "I choose two!"

(End of this chapter)

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