Chapter 174 The Thousand Renzhai Was Disbanded

After making the selection, Zhao Quan's consciousness also broke away from the system.

Returning to reality, Cheng Qi was still surprised when he heard that Zhao Quan would not blame him.

Immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you, Chief Zhao, for your great kindness, Cheng Qizheng will never forget it."

Zhao Quan curled his lips slightly, these businessmen are really tolerable.

In this matter, Cheng Qizheng and his Great Yi Chamber of Commerce suffered losses inside and out, but now they even have to send a heavy gift to Zhao Quan to make amends.

In the end, Zhao Quan promised not to pursue him, but instead he wanted to be grateful to Zhao Quan.

He sighed slightly in his heart, Zhao Quan knew that this was the beauty of power.

It can control life and death, and it can also reverse black and white.

Now above the Northland, as long as it is not close to the Blood Cloud Sect and the Xingxiu Palace, and these areas close to the south, he will be in charge of all of them.

Zhao Quan is already equivalent to the local emperor.

It's just that there is a very strong atmosphere here, and uprisings are not popular.

With a slight smile on his face, Zhao Quan said to Cheng Qi: "This matter is the fault of Qianrenzhai. Why is Boss Cheng guilty? Don't worry, Zhao will definitely uphold justice for Boss Cheng."

Cheng Qizheng was dumbfounded.

He thought that if Zhao Quan could not pursue the crime he committed, it would be a high incense.

But he didn't expect Zhao Quan to say these words. Could it be that he wanted to recover his losses and judge those bandits in Qianren Village?
This is simply too unreal!
Even if Cheng Qi was taking over the Dayi Chamber of Commerce from his father and rooting it in the Northland, the strength of the Chamber of Commerce had been multiplied several times. At this time, there was also a little buzzing, and he was directly confused.

The iron blood of the Shocking Society is obvious to all. The poisonous three-corpse brain pills that controlled many forces in the former Alliance, as well as the forces that disobeyed the Shocking Society, were all uprooted and the whole family was wiped out.

In addition, after defeating the Shenniu gang, all the diehard members of the gang who refused to surrender were killed.
All of these, all of which tell the story of how iron-blooded and domineering the shocking world will be.

Unexpectedly, today, Zhao Quan was able to say such words, which really made Cheng Qizheng feel that he had subverted the three views.

Here Cheng Qizheng was still a little confused, while Zhao Quan had already waved his hand, indicating that he could step back.

Cheng Qizheng didn't know what to do, after he hesitated to speak, he cupped his hands and said: "Then Cheng will take his leave first."

Zhao Quan nodded: "Boss Cheng, go slowly."

After Cheng Qizheng left, Zhao Quan beckoned to a maid guarding the hall and said, "Let Hong Bo and Liu Hongyu come to see me."

The maid saluted generously: "Yes."

He went straight out of the hall.

Zhao Quan did not wait in the hall, but turned back to Jingshilou.

Go to the second floor and ask all the maids serving on the left and right to exit.

Zhao Quan flipped through the memorials.

Sure enough, he found the secret letter that Cheng Qizheng handed in inside.

Opening it up, I can see that the words in it are quite fierce and indignant, and it can be summed up in one sentence-the Qianrenzhai will not be destroyed, which will damage the majesty of the Shocking Society!

There was a flash in Zhao Quan's eyes, no wonder Cheng Qizheng was so terrified in the hall today.

Destroy this secret letter casually, and continue to read other memorials.

Others, but not too important information.

Mostly it was the reaction of people from all corners of the country, such as the death of Li Shentong, whose head was hung on the highest point of Lijiazhuang.

In a certain city, a few Jiang Hu people clashed.

Or somewhere, suddenly there was an unknown boy who killed the senior master and became famous in one fell swoop.

It's all trivial matters in the rivers and lakes.

Before you know it, time passes.

Then I saw a maid came up the stairs and said to Zhao Quan: "Master Hong, Master Hong and Master Liu have arrived."

Zhao Quan put down the last memorial and said, "Got it."

After the maid left, Zhao Quan also stood up and moved around.

Looking at these things is more tiring than fighting with people.

With a laugh, Zhao Quan walked downstairs slowly.

I saw Hong Bo and Liu Hongyu waiting in the meeting hall on the first floor.

Seeing Zhao Quan came downstairs, Hong Bo and Liu Hongyu quickly stood up straight, clasped their hands together and said, "Your subordinates will see the leader!"

Zhao Quan waved his hand and said, "There is no need to be too polite."

Then he sat on the first seat and said to the two, "I thought about it and decided to disband Qianren Village."

As soon as this remark came out, it could be said that Hong Bo and Liu Hongyu were immediately stunned.

Hong Bo didn't understand, so he said: "Dare to ask the leader, why?"

Seeing Hong Bo's nervous expression, Zhao Quan chuckled and said, "Because I have a better idea."

Then he said to Hong Bo: "From now on, there will be no more Qianren Village, but it will be changed to Qianren Hall, with you as the hall master and Liu Hongyu as the deputy hall master, officially incorporated into the Shocking Society."

Hong Bo knew that he had participated in the fight against the Shenniu Gang, and the last time Liu Hongyu brought brothers from the village to Qianshan City for rescue, it had already exposed the fact that Qianren Village belonged to the Shocking Society.

Therefore, it was a matter of time before Qianrenzhai merged into the Shocking World Association.

It's just that he didn't expect that Zhao Quan would cancel Qianrenzhai and change it to Qianrentang.

The difference of this word is far away.

Still being a stronghold, it means that even if they merge into the Shocking Society, they still want to do their old jobs, and they are still people in the green forest who robbed their way.

But after changing to a hall, they left the green forest and could no longer continue to do their old jobs.

Hong Bo was still thinking, but Zhao Quan continued: "As far as I know, the road across the Lianjing Mountains is not an official road, but a road that has been walked for many years, so it is somewhat rugged, right?"

Hong Bo was familiar with the road conditions in the mountain, nodded immediately and said: "That's right, that area is already a relatively gentle mountain area, and almost all caravans pass through the mountain through there."

"But sometimes in order to avoid us, we will find another way to cross the mountain from other areas, but if the terrain is more dangerous, there will be danger."

Zhao Quan nodded and said, "If you want to get rich, build roads first. So I decided to spend 400 taels of gold to build a wide official road in Lianjing Mountain."

Hong Bo was shocked, he never thought, what is the reason for the gang leader today? Could it be that he has changed his personality?

Not only did they want to disband Qianrenzhai, but they also wanted to spend huge sums of money to build roads.

Zhao Quan waved his hand and said, "Don't panic, just listen to me."

"Not only do I want to build roads, but I also want to set up a pass in the mountains. Anyone who needs to pass through here will have to pay tolls on a per-person basis."

"The cost doesn't need to be too much, even ordinary people can afford it."

"In addition, those of your men are stationed in Lianjing Mountain, stationed within this pass, and become a tight line of defense for Qianshan City."

"I'll let you do this matter. If you don't have enough money, you can ask me for approval at any time."

After hearing this, Liu Hongyu said with excitement in his eyes: "The master's move is a strategy of slow water and long flow, and it is a strategy of turning darkness into light, and my subordinates admire it!"

Hong Bo heard Zhao Quan's words, and heard Liu Hongyu's words, so he couldn't say anything more, he just cupped his hands and said: "Please rest assured, the subordinates will not disappoint the leaders' expectations."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, and said: "Okay, you all go down, the gold is going to the Luzhangke."

In the past, when Qianrenzhai robbed in the mountains, they were only able to grab some goods from caravans and bodyguards. Although the lucrative water was good, they were still a business that only earned a fortune by robbing, and it was still not so stable.

After all, there are still some caravans who are willing to take risks and find another way to cross the mountain.

Or they would rather bear some losses and take a detour.

Not to mention these, and those ordinary people, if they want to go north, they would rather choose a longer detour to ensure safety.

But now that Zhao Quan has turned from the dark to the clear, directly disclosing the price, there is the World-Shocking Club as a guarantee, plus a more spacious and easy-to-travel official road that saves time.

There is no need to elaborate on how those caravan escort teams, or ordinary people would choose.

Moreover, Qianshan City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, surrounded by the Lianjing Mountains.

But behind this, caravans often come and go, and the mountain is relatively gentle. If an enemy sneaks in from here, it is easy to disguise as a caravan.

So Zhao Quan's move is not only to turn Qianrenzhai from darkness to light, but also to collect tolls.

It is also necessary to build passes to enhance the tightness of this line of protection in Lianjing Mountain.

Make sure that you can find the traces of the enemy at the first time, report them in time, and allow time for response.

(End of this chapter)

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