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Chapter 175 The Shocking Society Needs Talents Like You

Chapter 175 The Shocking Society Needs Talents Like You

As soon as the news came out, the whole city erupted instantly.

Whether it's a teahouse or a restaurant, wherever people can be seen, they are discussing this matter.

Naturally, everyone is in favor of building the rugged mountain road in Lianjing Mountain into a wide official road.

However, some people are in favor of setting up gates and charging tolls, while others are against it.

Of course, those who objected were only in their hearts, and they never dared to speak out.

This is Qianshan City, where the headquarter of the Shocking Society is located, ordinary people naturally have to be cautious in their words and deeds.

At this time, Cheng Qi was still staying overnight in the largest inn in the city, and had not yet left Qianshan City.

After hearing the news about the World Shocking Club, I couldn't help shouting a good word.

There was no sorrow or joy in his eyes, only admiration.

In his opinion, although this move temporarily cost money, it is not as sufficient as Qianrenzhai to block the road and rob.

But the victory is smooth and steady, and the water flows slowly.

From his point of view, Zhao Quan's move is naturally a good one, because he will not be blinded by the immediate interests if he can get involved in such a family business, but will choose a longer-term development prospect.

Moreover, once the pass is built, it will also be an excellent protection for Qianshan City, and it can be used to screen people passing by to see if there is anything suspicious.

Although there are quite a few bandits in Qianren Village, it may not be enough to repair the mountain road across the Lianjing Mountains.

So Hong Bo openly recruited coolies in the city, and the wealthy Zhao Quan directly allocated him 400 taels of gold, so the price Hong Bo offered to the coolies was naturally not too small.

It immediately caused a second commotion, and many farmers put down their hoes, intending to apply for jobs to earn a wave of money.

Zhao Quan didn't need to pay attention to all kinds of things like this.

This is also one of the benefits of the upper class. If you want to do something, you only need to order it with one sentence, and someone will naturally do it for you.

There is no need to do it yourself, and you have plenty of time to do your own things.

If you are an ordinary Jianghu person, you have to do something to make a living, no matter if you become a bandit, join an escort agency, or become a guard in a big family.

We all need to fulfill our responsibilities, so not all the time belongs to us.

But with power, you don't need to do all of this yourself, you just need to give orders and wait for the result.

This is also one of the reasons why Li Shentong created the Shenniu Gang.

At this time, Zhao Quan was using all his time to practice martial arts.

Zhao Quan didn't come down from the third floor until a maid reported that a man named Yang Wuxie asked to see him.

Yang Wuxie walked into Qianshan City like an ordinary person, and the shocking world will come.

It is completely different from the bells and whistles of Sikong Zhaixing back then.

But he is not an ordinary person, because no one can figure out all the current situation of the Shocking Society just by walking around the city.

There is no need for Zhao Quan to introduce him again.

You must know that whether it was the two elders Xuanming or Ye Gucheng, when they first appeared, it took a period of time to get familiar with and understand the world and the World-Shocking Society.

Yang Wuxie, the elder of the Xuanming Er, brought Yang Wuxie to Jingshi Tower, and when Zhao Quan went downstairs, he immediately noticed him.

He was just too compelling.

He looks young and handsome, with a mole on his forehead.

He has a gentle and elegant manner, decent and polite, and a slender figure.

He is taller than the average person.

Seeing Zhao Quan going downstairs, without the introduction from the elder Xuanming, he cupped his fists and said, "Your subordinate Yang Wuxie, I have met the leader."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly and said, "Alright, Jingshi needs a talent like you."

Yang Wuxie smiled slightly: "I dare not be innocent."

Zhao Quan waved his hand, and said to He Biweng: "Go and call Ye Gucheng and the others to see if Sikong is in the gang, and if he is, call them too."

Crane Biweng took the order, hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Yes."

Then quickly walked out of the Shocking Building.

Zhao Quan, Lu Zhangke and Yang Wuxie came to the meeting room, and after they were seated, Zhao Quan briefly introduced to Yang Wuxie the problems facing the Jingshi Club.

The main one is for Ding Qi who may come at any time.

Zhao Quan said: "Wu Xie, what advice do you have for the current situation?"

Yang Wuxie was silent for a while, and then said: "We still know too little about Ding Qi and the Blood Cloud Sect, and we have no way to make detailed analysis and suggestions."

Zhao Quan nodded, and then said: "I will introduce someone to you in a while. I believe that the two of you are together, and it should be called a perfect match."

Yang Wuxie raised her eyebrows, and said with some interest, "Oh? Then this subordinate should have something to look forward to."

After a while, I saw Ye Gucheng and Gui Hai coming to the Jingshi Tower.

Zhao Quan said, "Where's Sikong?"

As soon as the words fell, a voice sounded in the meeting hall: "Hey, boss, I'm here."

Zhao Quan looked around, and saw Sikong Zhaixing's slightly thin figure, sitting securely on the seat.

Crane Biweng also rushed back.

Except for Zuo Lengchan who was in Kaibei City, the top leaders of the Shocking Society were all present.

Zhao Quan said: "Now let me introduce my new colleagues."

As he spoke, he pointed to Yang Wuxie who was sitting next to him, and said, "Yang Wuxie, from now on, I will be in charge of data management at the Shocking Society."

Yang Wuxie immediately stood up and gestured to everyone.

Except for Gui Hai Yidao who still had a cold face, everyone else greeted Yang Wuxie.

Zhao Quan said: "As for them, they don't need my introduction."

Yang Wuxie smiled lightly and said, "Don't bother the leader."

Zhao Quan then said to everyone: "I originally planned to classify Wuxie as a dark hall, but after thinking about it, I still think it's better to let him be independent."

After saying that, he turned to Yang Wuxie and said, "What do you think?"

Yang Wuxie said: "It's all up to the leader's order."

Zhao Quan nodded, and then said: "When I first created the Dark Hall, I emphasized the importance of intelligence to a faction. If there is no information, it will be no different from a blind man."

Ye Gucheng said: "The dark hall has trained the third batch of spies, and they have been scattered everywhere."

Zhao Quan said, "Where are they all?"

Ye Gucheng said: "It reaches Xingxiu Palace in the north, Linjiang City in the south, and Binhai City in the east."

Zhao Quan nodded and said, "Not bad."

Then he said to Yang Wuxie: "This is Ye Gucheng, the master of our dark hall."

Yang Wuxie said: "Could it be that the person the leader of the gang just mentioned is Hallmaster Ye?"

Zhao Quan waved his hand and said, "I'm talking about Sikong."

Sikong Zhaixing always sat in a relatively rear seat, a little far away from Zhao Quan.

At this time, when Zhao Quan said him, he pointed to himself in surprise: "Me?"

Zhao Quan nodded and said, "Not bad."

Then he said to Yang Wuxie: "The dark hall is divided into spy department and assassination department. The assassination department is also called Feiyue Tower, and it is managed by the owner Leng Feiyue."

"As for the spy department, Sikong Zhaixing is in charge. You have seen his lightness skills just now. In fact, he is also good at disguise, and he is quite accomplished in concealment."

"The person I just mentioned is Sikong. His spy department collects information, and your Tianji Pavilion coordinates and summarizes the intelligence information from all over the place. This is what you are best at."

Yang Wuxie had nothing against Zhao Quan's arrangements, but she still said: "Tianji Pavilion?"

Zhao Quan smiled slightly and said, "That's right. I just thought of it. Since you are going to be independent, it is natural to build a place similar to the 'White Building', so I call it Tianji Pavilion. What do you think?"

Yang Wuxie cupped her hands and said, "Thank you for your trust, Chief."

(End of this chapter)

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