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Chapter 351 Change the sky and strike the earth, World Wheel Chapter

Chapter 351 Changing the sky and hitting the earth, the reincarnation of thousands of generations ([-])
The woman's name is Hongnan, and she is the number one red card in Yanyu Pavilion in the capital.

This time I went out of the city for outing, but accidentally fell into the lake while taking a boat tour.

Fortunately, Yan Yue rescued him and saved his life.

Hong Nan fell in love with Yan Yue at first sight, but she couldn't help herself by selling herself in a brothel.

I can only secretly meet with Yan Yue every now and then, enjoy the flowers and the moon with him, and study hard in the cold window with him.

Yan Yu successfully passed the palace examination and got the honor of Tanhua.

Although it is only No.3, it is also very beautiful.

It was also when the Flower Exploration Banquet was held in the Xinghua Garden that he got acquainted with the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

In order to make further progress in the officialdom, Yan Yue finally chose to marry the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Hongnan didn't know about it yet, so she secretly came to congratulate Yan Yu, but was thrown out of the mansion by Yan Yu's order.

Hongnan was heartbroken, and only said that Yan Yue was cold by nature, so she returned to Yanyu Pavilion and stopped entangled with him.

Three years later, Yan Yue gained a firm foothold in the capital through the support of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Then he thought of Hongnan back then, who would have thought that Hongnan had become a popular person around the second prince at this time.

In the same year, the First Prince and the Second Prince competed more fiercely for the Crown Prince.

And Yan Yue's father-in-law, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, belongs to the Taifu's lineage.

The Tai Tuo has always supported the First Prince.

As time went by, the old emperor's health became worse and worse, and it even appeared that he did not go to court early in March.

Yan Yue became more tactful and more insidious and cunning after being polished in the officialdom. He even stepped on the old man's shoulders and opened up a relationship with the current prince.

He also established a friendship with the eldest prince through the Taifu, and became the most important retainer of the eldest prince.

However, the second prince was talented and resourceful, and he was better than the first prince.

As the No.1 prostitute in the capital, Hongnan can stand out and become the most popular confidante around the second prince.

But not only relying on appearance and figure, but also various wit and grasp of the current situation between the DPRK and China.

It has been five or six years since we first met.

The poor scholar and the red card in the brothel used to cling to each other, but now they have become each other's thorn in the flesh.

In the end, he didn't expect that Hongnan's skills were superior, and the second prince successfully suppressed the eldest prince and ascended to the throne of God.

A group of ministers who stood on the side of the eldest prince were brutally purged.

And Yan Yue, who was the eldest prince's first guest, was naturally the most important thing.

He was imprisoned in the sky jail and sentenced to death for an unwarranted crime.

Because of her bad background, Hongnan could not become a queen, but the second prince deeply felt that he still relied on her a lot for his victory.

Therefore, she was bestowed with endless glory and accepted as a noble concubine.

However, the woman's heart was in the bottom of her heart. It turned out that Hongnan followed the second prince and helped him defeat the first prince all these years, just to get rid of the evil spirit that was abandoned by Yan Yu back then.

Now Yan Yuzheng is in jail, but Hongnan misses her old love again.

She couldn't help but quietly rescued Yan Yue from the dungeon, planning to take him with her to escape the capital and wander the world ever since.

Unexpectedly, she was betrayed by Yan Yue again.

After reporting Hongnan to the second prince, who is now the emperor, Yan Yue no longer threatens him. On the contrary, he still appreciates Yan Yu's talent very much.

For Hongnan's betrayal, the second prince was very angry, and abolished it, leaving him in the cold palace.

And Yan Yue had Hongnian as a nomination certificate, successfully gained the trust of the second prince, and returned to the officialdom.

Decades later, in the Yanyu Pavilion, the No. [-] Fengyue place in the capital.

Zhao Quan was sitting in the private room on the second floor, looking out the window while drinking a glass of fine wine.

Many people gathered on both sides of the street, and in the middle was a team of officers and soldiers escorting a prison cart.

An old man with disheveled hair was imprisoned in the prison van, who was Yan Yue.

Yan Yue re-entered the officialdom back then, and his journey went smoothly, but within ten years, the power has been transferred to the government and the public.

He had mixed praises and criticisms throughout his life. He not only made great achievements, but also murdered many loyal ministers and righteous men in order to eliminate dissidents.

It's a pity that there is one emperor and one courtier.

The second prince back then was confident that he could catch Yan Yue, but now he is also very old.

Worried that his son would not be able to control this old guy, he tried to bring down Yan Yue before he abdicated.

This is how it is today.

Soon, Yan Yue was escorted to Caishikou. The fat and strong executioner sprayed a mouthful of strong wine on the beheading knife.

Raising the knife in his hand and dropping it, Dou Da's head rolled down.

This is the end of Yan Yu's life.

As for Hongnan, in the third year of being trapped in the cold palace, due to successive betrayals and endless loneliness, she suffered from insanity.

In the fifth year, he had already hanged himself in the palace.

Until his death, Yan Yue never looked at her again.

Zhao Quan drank the fine wine in his glass, and couldn't help sighing: "Loving each other and killing each other, the fates of the two of you are really cut and messed up."

370th V.

The rivers and lakes have always been known as the Southern Sword and the Northern Sword.

Nan Dao is the saber maniac Sun Zhong, who had worshiped under the Shaolin sect in his early years and learned the art of Ananda breaking the precepts.

Later, he was expelled from the monastery for committing several precepts, and began to roam the rivers and lakes alone.

Among the many unique skills of Shaolin, Ananda's Saber of Breaking Precepts is only average.

However, Sun Zhong, relying on his extraordinary talent, forcibly cultivated him to a superb level.

One who can study a martial art to the extreme, even the most common Arhat Fist, can use it to run wild in the world.

This was the case for Sun Zhong, who gained such a great reputation by relying on Ananda's saber skill.

Together with Qingping, who is known as the sword master in the north, it is called Nan Dao Bei Jian.

Sun Zhong was an upright and aboveboard person throughout his life, and he valued friendship the most, so all the major sects in the world were willing to give him a three-pointer when they met.

Friends and brothers are all over the world.

Sun Zhong had three apprentices in total, among which the eldest disciple was named Wang Hai, the second disciple was named Xunsha, and the third disciple was Sun Zhong's own daughter named Sun Mei.

However, most of the martial arts that Sun Zhong taught the three of them were just some martial arts cheats that he collected after he stepped into the rivers and lakes.

As for Ananda who became famous for breaking the precepts, he never taught him.

The second apprentice, Xunsha, is most proud of being Sun Zhong's apprentice.

At the same time, he is also the one with the highest talent in sword skills among Sun Zhong's three apprentices.

Even if Sun Zhong had told him that Ananda's breaking the precept sword was not a magic skill, it still could not shake his determination to search for sand.

For him, the title of Master Crazy Saber is the highest honor. If he is determined to inherit the title of Master, he must learn the sword technique that Master is famous for.

However, Ananda's saber-breaking method originated from Shaolin, and Sun Zhong could not teach it to others without authorization.

He had no choice but to let Xunsha go to Shaolin alone, if he could ask Shaolin's permission, Sun Zhong could teach him Ananda's Breaking the Precepts Saber, if he couldn't get his permission, Sun Zhong would never teach him this saber technique.

Shaolin Temple does not have a good opinion of Sun Zhong, after all he is an abandoned disciple of Shaolin.

Even his perception of Xunsha is not good. Hearing that Xunsha needs Shaolin's permission for him to learn Ananda's Breaking Precepts Knife, he naturally disagrees.

However, Xunsha was very persistent and couldn't afford to kneel in front of Shaolin Temple.

In the end, Arhat Hall was moved by the persistence of searching for sand, and offered a compromise solution to Abbot Shaolin.

That is, Xunsha needs to enter the Arhat Hall and become a disciple of non-Buddhist sects for five years before he can practice Ananda's saber.

(End of this chapter)

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