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Chapter 352 Change the sky and strike the earth, World Wheel Chapter

Chapter 352 Changing the sky and hitting the earth, the reincarnation of thousands of generations ([-])
Arhat Hall is where Shaolin monks train.

Most of them were abandoned, or their families could not support them, so they were sent to Shaolin Temple.

The discipline of Shaolin Temple is strict, and these low-level monks may work hard for a lifetime, but they will not be able to touch martial arts of the level of 72 stunts.

But for those who want to change their destiny through martial arts, Shaolin's most famous 72 stunts have an unparalleled allure.

At this time, he learned that a disciple from a foreign family who suddenly stepped in could successfully inherit a unique skill in only five years.

Naturally, it makes them feel envious, and a few people will even give birth to jealousy and hatred.

People's hearts have always been concerned about inequality rather than scarcity.

They are also monks. They may not be able to touch things in their entire lives, but they suddenly find that people around them can have them in just five years.

How can we not ignite the fire of jealousy.

Even in a place where Buddhism is authentic in this world, humanity cannot be completely extinguished.

As a result, Xunsha was isolated.

I was isolated at first, but later I found out that he didn't resist, and even developed to bully him.

And Xunsha, in order to fulfill the promise of the head of the Arhat Hall, will not fall short on the grounds of violating the precepts during this period, and endured all the bullying.

Time flies, the 15-year-old boy has gone through hardships, and finally at the age of 20, he fulfilled the promise of the year.

But Shaolin Temple will not let him go so easily. The head of Prajna Hall and Bodhidharma Hall unanimously disagreed to let him learn Ananda's Breaking Knife.

Arhat Hall had a dispute with it, the abbot of Shaolin mediated it, and finally decided to take a step back after negotiation.

As long as Xunsha can break through the Eighteen Bronze Man Formation, he can go down the mountain and return to Sun Zhong to learn Ananda's Breaking the Precepts Saber.

Obviously this is intentional to make things difficult, the Eighteen Bronze Man Formation is not easy to break through, if you can't break through Xunsha, you will have to be a monk in Shaolin Arhat Hall for the rest of your life.

But they really underestimated Xunsha's talent in martial arts. In the past five years, he never gave up practicing martial arts hard.

His martial arts are already very superb, and he easily broke through the Eighteen Bronze Man Formation.

On the day he went down the mountain, only the head of the Arhat Hall came to see him off.

Five years passed by.

Speaking of not long, but life can have a few five years.

Xunsha walked all the way, not in a hurry, but walking slowly.

Seriously look at the flowers and trees on the road, every grass and tree.

Looking back at the time when I went up the mountain, it seemed like a lifetime away.

However, along the way, there was a piece of news that shocked him.

That is the sword master in the north, who has declared himself the number one master in the world.

Xunsha was surprised. You must know that the sword master and his master Sun Zhong have always had the same reputation.

Could it be that something happened to the master?
When Xunsha thought of this, he no longer had the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery on the roadside.

He hurried back to where his master was, only to find that everything had changed in just five years.

The mansion that used to be full of people is now empty.

There is only one loyal butler in the mansion, who is doing daily maintenance.

After questioning, Xunsha finally knew what happened.

It turns out that senior brother Wang Hai likes junior sister Sun Mei, but Sun Mei is devoted to Xunsha and has been waiting for Xunsha to come back.

Wang Hai, who was left out in the cold, had a psychological change, and he actually joined the camp of the sword master instead.

Sun Zhong and Sword Master Qingping are known as the swords of the south and the sword of the north. Naturally, neither of them would accept the other, so they agreed to fight every five years.

If anyone loses, he will retire to the mountains and forests and stop interfering with the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

However, every duel between Sun Zhong and Qingping in the past ended in a draw, and there has been no winner.

This time it's time for a duel again, but Qingping has Wang Hai to help him.

Wang Hai learned martial arts from Sun Zhong's side since he was a child, and he is familiar with every routine and change of moves.

Unexpectedly, he leaked the flaws between the moves to Qingping, so that in the duel, Sun Zhong was defeated by Qingping by only one move.

From then on, Sun Zhong left the Sun Mansion and returned to Sunjiazhuang's hometown to provide for the elderly.

Sure enough, I will never ask about Jianghu anymore.

Xunsha is full of resentment!
He has always been most proud of the name of Kuang Dao, how could he tolerate Qingping using despicable methods to press the name of Kuang Dao in the quagmire and wantonly insult.

So he returned to Sunjiazhuang and found Sun Zhong who had retired.

Sun Zhong was naturally very happy to see him, and decided to pass on Ananda's saber-breaking sword to him immediately.

Xunsha intends to let Sun Zhong come out of the world again, defeat Qingping, and regain his former reputation in the world.

Sun Zhong sighed slightly, and told Xunsha that since he had already lost, he had no choice but to admit defeat and retire from then on.

Besides, I was already tired, and in fact, I already had the heart to retire.

Seeing this, Xunsha decided to work hard to learn Ananda's saber-breaking sword and take back the former glory with his own hands.

Let the name of Crazy Saber once again resound throughout the world.

Five years later, Xunsha used a mad knife to enter the world.

He has challenged several well-known swordsmen in the Jianghu, and after two years, he finally became the number one swordsman in the Jianghu.

Once again, the name of Crazy Saber was played out.

Qingping finally paid attention to it, instead of deciding to fight a year later.

In one year, the situation in the world has changed.

Various underground gambling houses set up handicap one after another, revolving around the duel between Xunsha and Qingping, which affected the nerves of the whole rivers and lakes.

During this year, Xunsha roamed the rivers and lakes, met several beauties, sang wine with friends, and fought with enemies in alleys at night.

Even because of the handicap of the gambling house, many people hoped that he would die early, but Xunsha resolved all these crises one by one.

When the time limit comes, Xunsha finally meets Qingping, and the sword duel is imminent.

It can be said that World War I shocked the world!

In the end, Xunsha defeated Qingping with a slight advantage, and successfully pushed the name of Crazy Saber to the top of the world!

Become the martial arts supreme!

However, Xunsha at this time is not even thirty years old.

But three months after the decisive battle, the news of Qingping's death suddenly spread.

All of a sudden, the entire rivers and lakes erupted.

It's a pity that the winner and the loser, Qingping, who had already been defeated by Xunsha, was soon forgotten even if he died.

As for who the real culprit is, no one knows.

Ten years later, Xunsha went to Shaolin alone.

On that day, the bloody light covered the sky, and the kindly Buddha statue also looked eerie.

In the entire Shaolin, only the head of the Arhat Hall lived alone.

But three days later, he sat down at the gate of the temple.

Shaolin's status in the arena is very important, and this massacre immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In the end, the murderer was found.

It is none other than the No. 1 in Jianghu today, Xunsha!

It turned out that everything he did was to keep the name of Crazy Saber, and not to fall from the position of Supreme Being.

Kill Qingping first so that no one can threaten him again.

The purpose of destroying Shaolin again is to pass on the exclusive sword technique of Crazy Sword in the future, and when Ananda breaks the Jiejian, there will be no more obstacles.

He wants the name of Frenzied Saber to resound throughout the martial arts world forever.

One person can rule the rivers and lakes arbitrarily!

(End of this chapter)

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