nine thousand years old

Chapter 113 Hitting a Snake 7 Inches

Chapter 113 Hitting the Snake Seven Inches (Third)

The dark clouds in the sky became more and more obvious, the cold wind in the air became more and more raging, and the whole world was filled with a depressing atmosphere, as if it was a harbinger of a storm, but there was still no damp feeling in the air, but a kind of The dry forest is pervasive, and it looks a little weird.

That kind of depression is even more breathless.

Zhao Junting stood near the gate of Datong Prefecture, his eyes swept over the Zhao family convoy that was gradually going away, his brows were slightly frowned, his face was full of solemnity, the second son, Zhao Huxun, had already started to move, and secretly dispatched troops , and the eldest son also left Datong Mansion, and he would be able to reach the grassland in three days and come into contact with the Huns.

Everything is going according to my plan!
"Hope this goes well!"

Zhao Junting murmured to himself, although the Zhao family had made all the preparations, but this matter was too important, and if they made a mistake, the Zhao family would be doomed. Will be completely in vain, he still can not help but not nervous.

"Patriarch, there is news over there!"

Not long after, a thin servant in Tsing Yi came to Zhao Junting, cupped his hands,

"The team from the East Police Factory left Shuangfengao this morning. The speed is exactly the same as yesterday. It is estimated that they will arrive at Datong Mansion around Shenshi!"


Zhao Junting's eyes flickered for a moment, and a stern and cold expression gradually emerged on his wrinkled face. He clenched his fists fiercely, and a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

"According to this speed, when he arrives at Datong Mansion, the Guanlong garrison already belongs to my Zhao family!"

"Su Hanyun, when you arrive at Datong Mansion, I will give you a greeting gift!"

"Guaranteed to make you unforgettable in this life!"


After finishing speaking, Zhao Junting suddenly turned around, facing the howling cold wind, and walked towards the city.


On the mountain road, a black carriage was walking in the forest, surrounded by the fans of the Dongji Incident Factory. Because of the assassination in Shuangfeng before, people's faces were full of solemnity, and their palms were tightly held on the Xiuchun knife. On the ground, staring at everything around him vigilantly, not daring to relax in the slightest, the evil spirit between the heaven and the earth surged, dense but oppressive.

Su Hanyun crossed his knees and closed his eyes, and there was an unconcealable fierce aura rippling on his body. He killed Xu Zhaoshi in Shuangfengao yesterday and absorbed his internal force. At this moment, he is trying to dissolve and absorb it. After resolving, his strength can be greatly improved.

Should be able to steadily reach the pinnacle of a first-class master!

And with the cooperation of the Sunflower Collection, his strength has surpassed a lot, stronger than before!
Qin Yuting rode along beside the black carriage, feeling the tyrannical aura constantly coming from inside the carriage, a hint of envy appeared on his face, Su Hanyun's strength must have improved again, and he could feel it from that coercion.

"When can I be like the Governor!"

He muttered to himself while touching the Golden Snake Sword Art book on his chest, with a burning look in his eyes,

"As long as you practice hard, you will definitely have a chance!"

"The Lord Governor loves you so much, you can't let him down!"


A carrier pigeon flew over from the gloomy sky. Qin Yuting frowned and stretched out his right arm. The carrier pigeon landed on his wrist and stopped. The unique wind and rain of the Dongji Police Factory was blowing on the carrier pigeon's ankle. Lou Yin, Qin Yuting's eyes were low, he quickly took it off and opened it.

"Zhao Duhai led the convoy to leave Datong Mansion, and the spies from Fengyulou are already lurking inside!"

"Zhao Huxun secretly summoned the generals of the Guanlong garrison, there are signs of dispatching troops, please ask the governor for orders!"


Seeing the word express, Qin Yuting's face became more dignified. He took a deep breath, cupped his hands towards the black carriage, and said in a low voice,

"Master, a letter from Fengyu Tower!"

"Send it in!"

The atmosphere in the carriage gradually subsided, and everything returned to calm. Qin Yuting sent the note in very respectfully.

Su Hanyun took a look at the hand and frowned slightly.

Last night, after interrogating some news from Xu Zhaoshi, he immediately sent Feige to pass a letter to Shang Tianyin, who was secretly going to Datong Mansion, and ordered the latter to concentrate the power of Fengyulou and keep an eye on what Xu Zhaoshi told him as much as possible. General, and now, there is news.

However, the Zhao family really blocked these news too tightly, and outsiders were very cautious. The Fengyu Tower could not detect too much. At most, they could only know that they dispatched troops and generals, and did not know other plans, or even I don't know when they will do it!
"Deploying troops and dispatching means that the Zhao family is ready to forcibly take over the Guanlong garrison!"

After pondering for a moment, Su Hanyun frowned, and there was a trace of unconcealable solemnity and worry on his face.

For such a long time, the Zhao family did not mobilize troops, but planned and operated in secret, trying to divide the generals of Hou Yumang's faction, obviously not wanting to make too much noise, but now, they mobilized troops?
It should be that the White Lotus Sect was destroyed and Xu Zhaoshi was killed, which stimulated them!

They want to jump over the wall in a hurry!
Since he wanted to make an action, it must be Thunder's action, to completely control the Guanlong garrison before he arrived at Datong Mansion.

Don't give yourself any chance to come back!
If I wait until I arrive at Datong Mansion before doing anything, I am afraid that many accidents will happen!

If it was him, he would definitely do this. Su Hanyun believed that Zhao Junting, the patriarch of the Zhao family, was not stupid, and would definitely have thought of this!
In this way, the current situation is really too critical!

There is an iron bucket inside the Zhao family, and they can't find any detailed information, and they will soon take action against the Guanlong garrison. Once they succeed, all the 50 soldiers and horses in Guanlong will fall into their hands. At that time, I, and these thousands of Dongchang fans, were no opponents at all!

"They must be stopped!"

Su Hanyun frowned, his face was full of unconcealable solemnity.

But how to stop it?
Fengyulou couldn't get any detailed information at all, and he didn't know how the Zhao family planned to do it!
Going there so rashly is like a headless fly!
How to do?
Su Hanyun felt nervous, cramped, and his mind was running fast!
"Zhao Huxun!"

After pondering for a long time, this name suddenly appeared in his mind!
The key to the Zhao family's control of the Guanlong garrison lies in Zhao Huxun, the second young master of the Zhao family!
He is a member of the Zhao family, and he is also the deputy general of the Guanlong garrison, and most of the generals belonging to the Zhao family in the Guanlong garrison must be under his command!
If this guy is removed, the Zhao family's plan to control the Guanlong garrison will be disrupted immediately!

Especially now, they can't immediately find someone who can replace Zhao Huxun to control the Guanlong garrison, and the series of plans for the Guanlong garrison, no matter how perfect, even if they are actually implemented, cannot be successful.

Because, after Zhao Huxun's death, no one of them controlled the garrison, so it was a waste of work!
"Shooting a snake seven inches, as it should be!"

Thinking of this, Su Hanyun immediately made up his mind, he opened the car curtain with a huff, and said in a low voice,

"Qin Yuting, come here!"

"My lord, what are your orders?"

Qin Yuting leaned forward with a solemn face, bowed and said.

"Feige heard about Shang Tianyin, and sent everyone in the Tianying Gang to find Zhao Huxun's location. It must be accurate."

"Tell him, at all costs, even if it is exposure, it is not hesitating!"

"Notify Lu Xingshu to transfer Hou Yumang, and dispatch all Dongchang fans to cooperate with Shang Tianyin and prepare to assassinate Zhao Huxun!"

"Also, tell them, our family will rush over immediately to help them!"

"In any case, today, Zhao Huxun must die!"

"At any cost!"


Qin Yuting heard the seriousness in Su Hanyun's tone, nodded in a low voice, he left quickly, and then ordered the accompanying writers to write the message, put it on the pigeon's ankle, and sent it out. Not long after, he came to Su Hanyun again In front of him, with a dignified tone, he said,

"Master, should we hurry up and go to Datong Mansion?"


Su Hanyun glanced at the mountain road in the distance, and said,
"The Zhao family must have sent someone to watch our whereabouts. If they suddenly quicken their pace, they will be suspicious."

"It is inevitable that the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry, and act faster!"

"In this way, you take people and continue to march slowly to deceive the Zhao family, while our family is one step ahead and rush to the garrison of Datong Mansion, and act together with Lu Xingshu and the others!"


When Qin Yuting heard this, a trace of worry appeared on his face, and he said,
"The Zhao family's influence in Datong Mansion is not small. If you go alone, even with Eunuch Lu, there are only more than 1000 Dongchang fans. And this trip is going to assassinate the general of the garrison. I'm afraid it may be dangerous?"

"It's okay..."

"Just do your job well!"

Senran flashed across Su Hanyun's eyes, and said,
"Our family's strength is enough!"

 Third watch, here you go!

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(End of this chapter)

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