nine thousand years old

Chapter 114 Veteran Loyalty

Chapter 114 Veteran Loyalty (Part [-])
The maroon horse galloped past on the mountain road. Su Hanyun, who was dressed in simple black, had flying hair, a dignified face, and a fierceness that could not be concealed. He secretly changed into an ordinary Dongchang fan. Clothes, quietly left the main force, and headed in the direction of Datong Mansion alone.

Judging from the news sent by Fengyulou, the Zhao family's actions are imminent. He must reach Datong Mansion as quickly as possible and get rid of Zhao Huxun. Only in this way can the Zhao family take over the Guanlong garrison. His scheme was shattered, he didn't know when the Zhao family would do it, and he was somewhat anxious.

"I hope that when our family arrives, there will still be time!"

He muttered to himself, and then he slammed the whip on the horse's back. The bay red horse let out a pained growl, and couldn't help speeding up its pace, leaving a long billowing trail of dust and smoke on the mountain road.


Datong Mansion, Hou Mansion!

The sky was low, and the air was full of oppression and solemnity. The vermilion mansion gate stood tall, and the two stone lions at the gate bared their teeth and danced their claws, exuding aura. Surrounded tightly, the Xiuchun knife was slightly unsheathed, exuding coldness, guarding against any accidents that might arise.

Suddenly, a thin figure appeared at the end of the street. He was dressed in Jianghu costumes, his face was solemn and tense, and he came galloping, almost in the blink of an eye. The factory fan came up with a knife, and the man threw out the waist badge in his arms, got off his horse, and rushed towards the gate of Hou's mansion.

"See Mr. Shang!"

This person is Shang Tianyin, after receiving Su Hanyun's letter from Feige, he rushed over immediately, just to discuss with Lu Xingshu about the assassination of Zhao Huxun, and to help them transfer Hou Yumang and his family.

"Brother Shang!"

Hearing the movement, Lu Xingshu came out quickly to greet him. He had been guarding Hou Yumang for many days in this Hou Mansion. Not the slightest surprise, he didn't dare to be careless these days.

"The Lord has orders!"

The matter was urgent, and Shang Tianyin didn't have time to be polite to Lu Xingshu. Following him into the hall, he poured the tea brought up by his servants down his throat, and hurriedly said,
"The governor ordered that General Hou and his family be transferred immediately, and he ordered you to gather all the Dongchang fans and prepare to assassinate Zhao Huxun!"

"The Zhao family is going to do something?"

Hearing this, Lu Xingshu's face showed an unconcealable solemnity, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he exuded an extraordinarily cold aura.

"That's right, the Zhao family has frequently mobilized troops and horses this morning, and there are signs of forcibly seizing the power of the Guanlong garrison!"

"However, there is a piece of iron barrel inside the Zhao family, and the Wind and Rain Tower can't find out specific information. The governor wants to kill Zhao Huxun so as to contain the Zhao family's plan to control the Guanlong garrison!"

Shang Tianyin said solemnly, when he received the letter from Su Hanyun Feige, he guessed Su Hanyun's purpose. Zhao Huxun is the key to the Zhao family's control of the Guanlong garrison. Even if he doesn't know the detailed plan of the Zhao family, as long as he Getting rid of him can also completely disrupt the plans of the Zhao family!

He admired Su Hanyun's idea of ​​hitting a snake seven inches.


"Our family will arrange it now!"

Although Lu Xingshu's mind is not that good, but after hearing Shang Tianyin's words, he immediately understood. Seeing the other party's expression was so tense, he also guessed that the Zhao family's actions would be carried out soon. Their assassination Action is also imminent.

"You prepare manpower, and secretly transfer the Hou family, I will find Zhao Huxun's location!"

"At that time, I will pass on his location to Feige to you!"

"The governor will rush over to sit in the town at that time, but no matter whether the governor has time or not, he requires us to do it at noon without any delay. Once the Zhao family's plan is completed, we will have no chance!"

Shang Tianyin continued to speak, the solemnity in his tone was very strong, Lu Xingshu nodded, the thick and cold look in his eyes became more and more intense, then he sent Shang Tianyin out of the Hou's Mansion, and immediately took people to the inner house of the Hou's Mansion.

In the spacious and elegant inner house, many members of the Hou family will guard around a small courtyard hidden in the bamboo forest. Seeing Lu Xingshu rushing over, everyone bowed their hands slightly, with unconcealable respect on their faces. Lu Xingshu led the Dongchang fanzi to guard the Hou's mansion, and these days can be described as doing their best. They saw it in their eyes and were grateful in their hearts.

"Hurry up and take our family to meet Old General Hou!"

Lu Xingshu was not polite to these people, and hurried into the courtyard under the leadership of a general.

In the yard, there was a slender woman exuding a heroic spirit between her brows, and a tall, tall young man with a beard on his face. Both of them had anxious expressions on their faces, guarding the tight At the closed door, the young man looked even more worried, pacing back and forth.

This woman is Hou Yumang's wife, and this young man is Hou Yumang's only son, Hou Lianghu!
Seeing Lu Xingshu appearing, the two quickly greeted them. Mrs. Hou bowed and saluted, and asked solemnly,

"Eunuch Lu is in a hurry to come over, is there something wrong?"

"Pack up your things and move immediately. The Zhao family must take action."

Lu Xingshu bowed his hands to salute the woman, briefly told the woman about the news sent by Shang Tianyin and the governor's arrangement in a dignified voice, and then prepared to walk into the house.

"I'm going to see General Hou!"

"No need, Eunuch Lu!"

The closed door of the house was opened, and a half-century old man wearing a gray robe, unusually burly, gray-haired, and with an unconcealable coldness between his brows walked out. It was the chief general of the Guanlong garrison, Hou Yumang. He was injured in the assassination, and because of his heavy body and poison, his face was a little pale, and his eye sockets were sunken.

However, she couldn't hide the evil spirit all over her body!

"I can't go!"

"My Hou family, I won't leave either!"

Hou Yumang came to Lu Xingshu and said in a deep voice.

He could clearly hear what Lu Xingshu said before, and after a little thought, he had already made up his mind.

He must stay!
"General Hou!"

Lu Xingshu looked solemn, clasped his fists in his hands, and persuaded in a low voice,
"You must go!"

"The Zhao family has been preparing for so many years. Now they want to forcibly seize control of the Guanlong garrison. They will never let your Hou family go. They will definitely send people over when the time comes. Our family will bring a group of people from Dongchang to cooperate with the supervisor. The Lord acts, I can no longer protect you!"

"You can't have an accident. If you have an accident, no matter how perfect the governor's arrangement is, who can control the Guanlong garrison?"

"Please put the overall situation first!"

"The old man really can't go!"

Hou Yumang took a deep breath, grabbed Lu Xingshu's palm, and said in a low voice,

"The old man understands what you said!"

"However, are you sure that no one around the Hou family is watching? The old man and the people of the Hou family, once they make a move, they will definitely notice it. Once they are stimulated, their plan will definitely be implemented in advance. The situation is already very urgent. , if the Zhao family jumps over the wall in a hurry, it will be even more troublesome!"

"The old man is right here! Wait for them to come over!"

"Also hold them steady!"

"Eunuch Lu, don't worry, the three hundred generals in the old man's house are all veterans who are used to killing fields. Even without your protection, they can survive for a while!"

"As for the old man's death, who will control the Guanlong garrison? The old man will leave a list for the governor. After the old man dies, these people can be reused and have the ability to be independent. With their cooperation, the Guanlong garrison will not make trouble. Unmanageable mess!"

"My husband is right!"

Mrs. Hou also brought the young man to Lu Xingshu, and the two of them cupped their hands one after another, with awe-inspiring expressions on their faces, and said,

"The life and death of the Hou family is small, Guan Long's garrison, and Guan Long's safety is great!"

"We can't lose a lot for our own lives!"

"Besides, my Hou family has never had a coward who retreats!"

"Mrs. Hou..."

Lu Xingshu was stunned, his eyes swept over Hou Yumang, Mrs. Hou, and Hou Lianghu, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. After these days of contact, he knew a lot about the Hou family. If he refuses to leave, then he definitely won't leave. Moreover, Hou Yumang's worry is also justified. If the Hou family is secretly transferred, the Zhao family may be aware of it, and the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry!
"General Hou is loyal!"

"The Hou family is loyal!"

"Our family will definitely report to the governor, and please take care of General Hou!"

"After getting rid of that Zhao Huxun, our family will bring people over here in person, please persevere!"

Lu Xingshu condensed his voice.

"Ha ha……"

Hou Yumang waved his hand and said with a loud smile,

"Eunuch Lu, don't worry. Maybe the Zhao family didn't move so fast. You got rid of Zhao Huxun, and they didn't come to trouble the old man. It's not necessarily true, is it?"

"You go as soon as possible!"

"Old man, sit here and wait for the good news from the governor!"


 Thank you for forgetting your figure, the three readers with tail numbers 1931 and 6701 for their rewards.

  Thanks to Mr. Qi who is no longer overbearing, C, and the two readers for their rewards.

  Four updates today, thank you all above.

  Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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