nine thousand years old

Chapter 165 Guanlong Layout

Chapter 165 Guanlong Layout (Fifth Change)

Huang Yunzhong brought several confidants and generals, roaring from a distance, they arrived not far from the big tent where Su Hanyun was, turned off their horses one after another, then took off their weapons and helmets, and came respectfully In front of the big tent.

After this fight against the Xiongnu, Su Hanyun's prestige in the Guanlong garrison has reached the peak of the sky. Huang Yunzhong and others respect him to the extreme. Their actions now are almost the highest level of treatment, even compared to Hou Yumang's. The treatment is even higher.


Several people, headed by Huang Yunzhong, all knelt down on the ground and said in a deep voice,
"The final general asks to see the governor!"

"Come in!"

Su Hanyun waved his hand faintly, Huang Yunzhong got up quickly, and then opened the door curtain. He led several generals in, and they all stood under the table with respectful faces.

"What orders does the Overseer have?"

Huang Yunzhong asked in a low voice.

"It's not an order, but I want to tell you about the layout of Guanlong in the future!"

Su Hanyun waved his hand, pointed to the opposite seats, and said,
"Sit down and take a look at the map of Guanlong!"

After the words fell, Su Hanyun waved his hand behind him, and the hanging map of Guanlong opened, showing the current situation of Guanlong and the grassland. Su Hanyun pointed to a large area of ​​the guard that had almost been abandoned, and said,

"Here, it should continue to be the first barrier for Guanlong in the future. Our family has an idea!"

"Sir, please speak!"

Huang Yunzhong and the others cupped their hands and listened attentively with respect on their faces.

"The Huns are good at cavalry combat, and they are good at blitzkrieg. This time, they also used this method to attack Guanlong. Our family wants to rearrange this area specifically for their method!"

Su Hanyun's palm gradually swept across the map, stopping between the three mountain ranges one by one, and said in a low voice,

"Here, here, and here, arrange three concentrated outposts, and dig enough trenches in the middle area so that their cavalry cannot pass through smoothly. Of course, we must build checkpoints similar to city walls, and build The suspension bridge, the suspension bridge is under our control, and our army can pass through it at any time!"

"In order to prevent the Huns from coming to attack and compete for these three guards, we can arrange trebuchets, crossbows, etc. to ensure that the defense here is foolproof!"

"In this way, the road connecting the grassland and Guanlong is in our hands."

"In addition, here, here, and here can make the Huns cavalry break into Guanlong unscrupulously. We can set up obstacles for them here. Simple human and material obstacles are not to be feared. We can set up natural obstacles. .”

"Huang Yunzhong, from the beginning of spring next year, you will arrange for people to do one thing here, throw gravel, dig trenches, change the terrain here from flat to uneven, and become a nightmare for cavalry, so that they dare not come here. go through!"

"I will understand at the end!"

After listening to Su Hanyun's words, Huang Yunzhong thought for a while, and finally understood the benefits. His face showed unconcealable approval and admiration. The Long garrison has been stationed for so many years, and Hou Yumang has stayed there for so many years, unexpectedly.

This governor, this thought, is really indescribable.

"Also, after the Zhao family's rebellion, Huang Yunzhong, you must prepare for Guan Long's news work!"

Su Hanyun pondered for a moment, then said again.

The Zhao family rebelled, Hou Yumang was assassinated in the barracks, and all the generals stationed in Guanlong were almost wiped out by the Zhao family!
The reason for all this is that the news of the Guanlong garrison is not well-informed, especially their news network for Guanlong is not sound, and their news spies all cast their eyes on the grassland.

This is very dangerous!

Trouble inside is a bigger threat than outside!
"After you go back, you can set up a new spy organization, which is responsible for keeping an eye on the major families in Guanlong City, as well as some particularly key figures, in case similar situations arise again, understand?"

Su Hanyun said in a low voice.

"I will understand at the end!"

Huang Yun arched his hands again, nodded solemnly, and the admiration in his eyes became more intense.

Su Hanyun has already considered almost everything about Guan Long, covering every aspect.

And the generals behind him were also full of gratitude.

"Huang Yunzhong, there is something in our family that we must remind you of!"

After a moment of silence, Su Hanyun continued,
"In today's grassland, although civil strife is breaking out, we must not take it lightly!"

"Huluyan is a very difficult person. This civil strife will definitely end with his victory. At that time, the Xiongnu will truly be called an iron bucket, and they will no longer be as scattered as they are now!"

"The Huns at that time were definitely more difficult to deal with than they are now!"

"You must take advantage of these times to build Guanlong well for our family, watertight, copper-skinned and iron-framed, so that Huluyan has nowhere to speak!"

"In this way, we can keep Guan Long peaceful and Da Zhou safe!"

"do you understand?"


With a dignified face, Huang Yunzhong cupped his hands slightly, then knelt at Su Hanyun's feet, took a deep breath, and said,

"Huang Yunzhong swears to the sky that he will never disappoint the governor's high expectations!"

"In the future, Guanlong will definitely become an iron wall in the northwestern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Huns, don't even think about taking a step further!"


Su Hanyun stared quietly at Huang Yunzhong for a moment, helped him up, stared into his eyes, and said with a smile,
"Huang Yunzhong, in addition to guarding, you also need to be a little bit ambitious, okay?"

"Not only can't the Huns step in, but our cavalry of the Great Zhou must rush out, gallop and kill on his grassland, make the Huns tremble, and make the king's golden tent bow their heads and bow their heads!"

Su Hanyun's words can be described as extremely domineering. Huang Yunzhong and the other generals showed unconcealable arrogance when they heard the words. They all took a deep breath, bowed their hands together, knelt at Su Hanyun's feet, and shouted loudly,
"Don't worry, Lord!"

"I, General Guan Long, will never let you down!"

"it is good!"

Su Hanyun waved his sleeve robe and said coldly,
"You can do it with confidence and boldly. If you have any needs, just come and mention them, and our family will satisfy them one by one!"

"During my lifetime, I will make this Xiongnu Grassland my Great Zhou's horse farm!"

"Let the common people of the Huns become slaves of my Great Zhou!"

"Thank you Lord!"

The solemnity and shock on the faces of Huang Yunzhong and the others became more and more intense, and the roars were like dragons and tigers.

Su Hanyun explained some other layouts of Guanlong to Huang Yunzhong and the others. About half an hour later, several people got up one after another and left the camp. Horseshoes flew like horseshoes, and many figures swept away against the burning clouds in the sky.

Su Hanyun stood at the door of the tent, frowning, talking to himself,

"The matter of Guan Long is finally over..."

"It's time to go back to Chang'an City!"

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(End of this chapter)

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