nine thousand years old

Chapter 166 Seeing Off

Chapter 166 Seeing Off (Part [-])
Everything in Guanlong was properly arranged, especially the defense of the garrison. Su Hanyun believed that with Huang Yunzhong's ability, although he could not completely suppress the Xiongnu, he could protect the three-acre land in Guanlong from being harassed by the Huns. , or no problem.

Especially after all the new guards and gates are set up.

He decided to leave Guanlong and head back to Chang'an.

The cold winter wind howled between the heavens and the earth, and the banners of the Guanlong garrison fluttered. A group of Guanlong generals, led by Huang Yunzhong, stood on horseback at the gate of Datong Mansion, with evil spirits and anger surging in their eyes. stern.

And not far from them, there are many officials of the Datong Mansion headed by Liu Qinghe. After hearing about Su Hanyun's performance on the Guanlong battlefield, he shuttled thousands of troops with his own strength, beheaded two generals of the Huns, and forced the Huns The retreat, this series of events, caused infinite shock in their hearts.

This overseer is truly indescribable!

This kind of record, even when Hou Yumang, the old military god, was still there, he never appeared.

"The Governor is here!"

A sharp and harsh voice sounded at the city gate. Following the sound, a black carriage appeared in people's field of vision, representing the flag hunting of the East Police Factory, and the thousands of people in the East Police Factory were flying fish. Clothes, embroidered spring knife, awe-inspiring.

"Welcome to the Overlord!"

Huang Yunzhong and the others showed respect, turned off their horses, and knelt down on the left and right sides of the black carriage, while Liu Qinghe and the others hurried over and knelt on both sides.



The black carriage drove over slowly, and stopped when it came to the crowd. Su Hanyun opened the curtain and walked out, his eyes swept over the civil servants and generals, and said awe-inspiringly,
"The situation in Guanlong has calmed down. When our family returns to Chang'an this trip, we will definitely report your contributions to His Majesty one by one. There will be many rewards in the future."

"I dare not take the credit!"

Everyone bowed their hands one after another, their voices low.

This sentence is not modest, but really dare not take credit.

Whether it was the quelling of the drought, or the rebellion of the Zhao family, or even the hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops, it was all done by Su Hanyun. If he hadn't tried his best to turn the tide, Guan Long would be full of dead bodies and blood flowing like rivers!
At most, they just did some auxiliary work.

How dare you take credit?

"Our family needs to remind you!"

Su Hanyun didn't say much about the merits, his eyes swept over everyone with awe-inspiring eyes, and said in a low voice,
"Although Guan Long is temporarily stable, the Xiongnu is on the side. As a natural barrier in the northwest of the Great Zhou Dynasty, you civil servants and military generals must not take it lightly!"

"We must do our best and work together to build Guanlong into a real iron wall. According to the Huns outside the grassland, protect the people of Guanlong to live and work in peace, and protect the peace of the big Zhouhai!"

"Our family will stare at you, I hope you don't let our family down!"

"Don't worry, Governor, the Guanlong garrison will never disappoint the Governor's high expectations!"

Huang Yun raised his head awe-inspiringly and clasped his fists heavily. Those rough faces were full of determination!
"The ministers will definitely do their best to govern Guanlong and live up to the governor's high expectations!"

Liu Qinghe and others also expressed their opinions one after another.


Su Hanyun glanced at the crowd for the last time, turned back to the carriage, waved his big hand, the curtain of the carriage fell, and the black carriage also slowly left towards the distance.

The large team went further and further away. The civil and military officials watched solemnly for a while, and the awe-inspiring expressions on their faces became more intense. After a long time, they knelt down again and shouted in unison from the bottom of their hearts,
"Congratulations to the governor!"


The distance between Datong Mansion and Qingzhou City is not too far. About two days later, the team from the East Police Factory appeared within the range of Qingzhou City. Su Hanyun was closing his eyes and meditating, practicing his inner strength, when he heard a respectful voice from outside the carriage,

"Supervisor, the prefect of Qingzhou, Qin Zhong asks to see you!"

"Ask him to come here!"

Su Hanyun withdrew from the practice, opened the curtain of the car, and then saw Qin Zhong, carrying the criminal arrester, the two came from a distance, and soon came to the front, the two got off their horses, knelt down in front of Su Hanyun, respectfully road,
"I have seen the overseer!"

"Get up!"

Su Hanyun still had a very good impression of Qin Zhong, and he had always intended to take him to Chang'an City as an official. He smiled and got off the carriage, and helped the latter up himself, saying,
"Prefect Qin, Xingbutou, are you here to see our family off?"

"My lord, forgive me!"

Qin Zhong showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and said,
"Originally, to see the Governor off, everyone in Qingzhou should be brought here, and the officials and people in Qingzhou also have the same idea. However, the Qingzhou Canal is at a critical moment, and it is really impossible to leave. Only Qin and Xingbutou can be represented. come over."

"Also ask the Lord to forgive me!"

"This is a great crime! Haha!"

Su Hanyun laughed loudly, patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder, and said with a smile,
"Since you said that the aqueduct is being built at a critical moment, take our family there to have a look!"

"This... Lord, please!"

Qin Zhong didn't know what Su Hanyun meant, but the other party wanted to see the canal, so he couldn't refuse, so he bowed in response and was ready to lead the way, while Qin Yuting was also going to order the Dongjiu Factory's gangsters to turn their horses around and change directions.

"No, our family can go there alone!"

"You are waiting here!"

Su Hanyun waved his hand casually, Qin Yuting led Su Hanyun's horse over, and respectfully invited him to get on it.

Su Hanyun flicked his horsewhip and headed towards Qingzhou, while Qin Zhong and Xing Butou also hurriedly followed and led the way.

This place is very close to Qingzhou Mansion, and within a quarter of an hour, they appeared near the city wall. The three of them tightened their reins and stopped their figures. Qin Zhong pointed to the distance and said,
"Look, Governor!"

Looking in the direction he pointed, countless people shouted and sweated profusely, and on that vast field, there appeared a straight ditch winding from the direction of Anxi, although it was just a simple The shape of the ditch has not been dug very deep, but it still gives people a sense of grandeur.

And those common people are working in full swing, showing signs of prosperity!

"The source of this ditch is a river between Anxi and Qingzhou. Although it is not big, it is enough for irrigation. With this ditch, Qingzhou will never worry about drought in the future."

"And in the future, the old minister plans to expand and deepen this ditch to connect directly to the Lancang River in front, so that its irrigation capacity will be greatly enhanced, and it can also be expanded in the direction of Datong Mansion and Anxi Mansion."

"Within three to five years, the ditches will be all over Guanlong. The veteran is sure to turn Guanlong into the northwestern granary of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

When Su Hanyun's eyes wandered, Qin Yuting explained in a low voice, there was unconcealable ambition and impassioned momentum in that voice.

"it is good!"

Su Hanyun turned his head, patted Qin Zhong on the shoulder, and laughed loudly,

"Qin Zhong, feel free to act!"

"If you have any needs, send someone to Chang'an City to find our family directly, and our family will settle it for you!"

"Three years, our family wants this ditch to be formed!"

"Are you sure?"

"The old minister is doing his best!"

Qin Zhong said in a low voice with his eyes full.

"Our family is waiting for your good news!"

Su Hanyun laughed awe-inspiringly, turned his horse's head and swept towards the direction it came from, Qin Zhong wanted to see him off, but he stopped him with a wave of his hand, and laughed loudly,

"Do business!"

"Our family doesn't care about the red tape!"

"Old minister, send the governor off!"

Qin Zhong took a deep breath, got off his horse, and fell to his knees.

Kowtow heavily!

Those eyes are full of regret...

(End of this chapter)

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