nine thousand years old

Chapter 190 The Confrontation Begins

Chapter 190 The Confrontation Begins (Fourth Change)
The office of the East Police Factory.

The sun was shining brightly and the blue sky was like washing. Su Hanyun sat cross-legged and closed his eyes under the gazebo in the courtyard. The sword moves from the Sunflower Book kept reverberating in his mind. There was a faint sword energy rippling around his body. There was a sound, the hair was flying, and the sword energy occasionally escaped, leaving traces of sword energy cutting on the stone tables and chairs of the gazebo.


Suddenly, Su Hanyun's body trembled slightly, and a ray of extremely strong sword energy escaped and landed directly on the stone table. With a bang, the entire stone table broke from the middle, and the gravel moved towards the stone table. It rolled out all around, making a mess, and looking at the fracture of the stone table, the cut was sharp and smooth, as if finely polished!
"Phaseless Realm, this sword energy is really sharp!"

"However, the consumption of internal energy is extremely high. If you want to truly reach the highest level of phaseless, swordless, there is still a long way to go!"

Su Hanyun gradually recovered from the practice, glanced at the broken stone table, and muttered to himself lightly.

Not long after, he waved his hand to the outside, and a thin young eunuch hurriedly ran in, brought him a towel and water, after that he washed up, and after finishing everything, the eunuch respectfully knelt on the ground and said,
"Master, Zheng Yunming and Eunuch Pan are waiting outside together!"

"Let them in!"

Su Hanyun's eyes flickered for a moment, he turned and walked into the mansion not far away, and not long after, Zheng Yunming and Pan Renyi appeared in front of him, kneeling respectfully under the mansion.

"Master Governor, Concubine Mu, and the Zhou Mansion, there is new news."

Zheng Yunming and Pan Renyi looked at each other, and each told the news they had found out.

"The empress sent someone out of the palace, and she still needs a token to leave the palace? This is something that needs to be done!"

After listening to the report, Su Hanyun showed a cold expression on his face, pondered for a moment, then sneered,

"Pan Renyi, tell the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and the Habayashi Guards, to take special care of those who hold the palace entry and exit tokens applied by the empress, so that they can come to the palace unimpeded all the way, and send them into the palace." urn,!"

"In addition, inform the Executive Department and be prepared. After these assassins enter the urn, none of them can leave, and all of them will stay with our family!"

"Also, at the beginning of the assassination, you took your confidants to the Jiaolan Hall and followed the plan. Our family will keep Concubine Mu Gui and interrogate Moyun Sect carefully!"

"Zheng Yunming, you are mobilizing the Fengyu Building to surround the Zhou Mansion. No one is allowed to leave, including that nun named Yusu. At critical moments, you can mobilize the Fire Gun Battalion and the Bow and Crossbow Battalion to cooperate fully!"

"However, our family still wants to use the breakthrough point of these two people to find the leader of the Moyun Sect behind the scenes. Therefore, in order to avoid arousing the enemy, no matter whether it is the palace or the Zhou mansion, the movement on both sides should be as small as possible. It is not a last resort. , cannot be exposed!"

"Do you understand everything?"

"The servant understands!"

Pan Renyi and Zheng Yunming looked at each other, and they cupped their hands one after another. Both of them had unconcealable fierce expressions on their faces.


"start preparing!"

Su Hanyun waved his hands lightly, and the two bowed their bodies and exited the Dongchang Mansion.

The two figures gradually moved away, Su Hanyun put his hands behind his back, and came to the door of the mansion. The dazzling sunlight poured in along the window, and there was still a faint rippling of the cold wind. He took a deep breath, and his gaze changed slightly. become sharper,
"Magic Cloud Cult!"

"Come on though!"

"Our family really doesn't pay attention to some unscrupulous remnants!"


Three days later, Zhou Mansion.

The night was gradually falling, the cold wind whizzed through the courtyard, the dead leaves rolled on the bluestone floor, making a rattling sound, the lights in Zhou An's room were turned off, and it was dark. Yusu folded his hands and wore a simple Standing in the night in the monk's robe, and opposite her, there are ten figures with fierce aura.

All ten people carried long swords on their backs, their breaths were not weak, and their eyes were full of viciousness and determination.

"Do you know what you are going to do tonight?"

Yusu turned her head, swept over several people, and asked with a gloomy and charming voice.

"Assassinate the dog emperor and blame the six sects!"

The leading assassin stepped forward with cupped hands and said in a deep voice,
"Please don't worry, Protector Jade. I'm ready to leave my life in Da Nei when I go here. I will definitely direct the court's anger to the six sects to avenge the burning of Moyun Valley!"


Yusu took a deep breath, a faint smile appeared in her pupils, then took out ten blood-red pills from her bosom, handed them to ten people respectively, and said in a low voice,

"This Dharma Protector will inform the leader of your intention to regard death as home!"

"However, you don't have to really die. With Protector Mu in the palace as an internal response, it should be easy to assassinate the dog emperor. After the matter is done, according to the arrangement of Protector Mu, hide in the Jiaolan Palace, pass the limelight, and then leave !"

"It's also easy!"

"And this is the Blood Qi Pill that the leader personally refined. It can help you unleash your greatest potential at critical moments. Don't use it indiscriminately unless it is absolutely necessary!"

"The leader, he also hopes that you can come out alive as much as possible!"

"do you understand?"

"The disciple understands the leader's mind, please protect the teacher to tell the leader, we will follow the leader forever!"

The faces of the ten people showed gratitude, and they all knelt down on the ground, and then kowtowed deeply three times in the direction of the northwest.

"Go, this protector is here waiting for your good news!"

Yusu waved his hand, and the ten people got up awe-inspiringly, and then, a thin little eunuch appeared in the night, this little eunuch was the person who went to the Jiaolan Palace to deliver news to Concubine Mu Gui, and was also the person beside the queen At this time, he was holding the entry and exit token that the empress had applied for, and was about to send ten assassins into the palace!

The little eunuch led ten black-clothed assassins to the gate of the Zhou mansion. A carriage had already been prepared there. The carriage was larger than ordinary carriages, but it was not obvious. The ten assassins got in one after another and hid there. In the hidden compartment under the carriage, the little eunuch re-spread the couch and blankets, and then turned over and jumped on it.

"Jade Protector, farewell!"

The little eunuch cupped his hands slightly towards Yu Su, waved his horsewhip, and drove slowly towards the palace. The sound of the creaking carriage wheels was very clear in the quiet night.

Yusu glanced lightly, with a sneering smile on the corner of her mouth, she turned and went back to the Zhou mansion.

With a bang, the door closed, as if nothing had happened!
call out!call out!
About half an hour later, a series of black figures appeared from all directions, silently surrounding the Zhou Mansion, and in the hands of those people, some were holding bows and crossbows, some were holding firecrackers, all of them were full of evil spirits, which made people uncomfortable. Dare to underestimate.

Zheng Yunming came out from the dark, with a sinister expression on the corner of his mouth, and ordered to the people around him,

"Go on!"

"When the time comes, strike immediately. No one can leave. Anyone who dares to break in will be killed without mercy!"

"Order the masters in the building to keep an eye on that nun!"

"She is the point!"


The man looked stern, bent over and cupped his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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