nine thousand years old

Chapter 191 One Road Unblocked

Chapter 191 Smooth journey (fifth update)
The night was dark, and the gate of the palace was completely closed. The soldiers guarding the city were holding knives and guns, wandering back and forth at the gate of the city, their resolute faces were dignified, and there was an unconcealable coldness, like a tiger, scanning around, vigilant All factors that threaten the safety of the palace.

There was a muffled sound of rolling wheels from the street in the distance. Soon, the carriage arrived at the gate of the city. The soldiers guarding the city looked gloomy and greeted it directly. They asked in a deep voice,

"The servant is from the empress's palace. The empress's father has some old problems, so I sent a servant to visit him!"

"This is the waist card for entering and exiting the palace!"

The little eunuch sent the badge over respectfully, the general frowned and glanced at the badge, without checking the carriage, he just waved and said,
"go Go!"

"Thank you for this general!"

The little eunuch showed a hint of surprise on his face. In the past, these soldiers who guarded the city would check the carriages. Why did they even forget about this today?

Forget it, no one checks better!
He thanked him, waved his horsewhip, and came to the city gate, while those soldiers had sent news to the partners above who were in charge of the city gate. With a low and sour creak, the gate slowly opened .

"General, farewell!"

The little eunuch cupped his hands and drove the carriage in slowly.

"General, why didn't you check the carriage? This is against the rules!"

The carriage disappeared quickly, and a young soldier approached the general and asked in a low voice.

"There is an order from above, and those who hold the Empress Dowager badge do not need to be checked!"

"do you understand?"

The old general whispered.


The young general nodded and stepped aside, but no one knew what he understood.

Besides, the little eunuch drove the carriage and walked slowly towards the depths of the palace. Along the way, he encountered more than a dozen sentry posts. After too many inspections, they traveled smoothly and came to the real palace.

"The palace is in front of you. You can't go in with carriages. You have to come out!"

The little eunuch parked the carriage in a relatively hidden place, quietly opened the secret compartment, and dragged the ten people out. The ten people glanced around and asked in a low voice,

"How do we get in next?"

"Mu Guifei has already made arrangements!"

The little eunuch fastened the carriage, led the ten people through the stables, and came to a house behind the stables. The inside of the house was completely dark. The little eunuch went in, and found ten sets of eunuch costumes in the palace from the haystack, and handed them over to each other. In the hands of ten people, said,

"In half an hour, there will be eunuchs from Chengqian Palace passing by. You kill them, then replace them, and go to Chengqian Palace. Your Majesty, you must be in Chengqian Palace. Concubine Mu Gui has given you the map. The small ones are not qualified to go in, so they can't follow you!"

"Be careful!"


The leading assassin nodded solemnly, ordered everyone to change into eunuch uniforms, and then followed the little eunuch's guidance, came to the road and waited. Not long after, exactly ten eunuchs came from a distance, hurriedly walking towards Then walk in the direction of Chengqian Palace.


These assassins were all agile, they killed all ten of them in the blink of an eye, and dragged them to the stables. Then they took off their badges according to the little eunuch's instructions. Walk towards Chengqian Hall.


The little eunuch stood in the night, watching the figures of the ten assassins disappear, with a hint of sinister expression on his face, he said to himself, humming,
"After accomplishing this, our family is at the leader's side, it must be a great achievement!"

"In the future, I can fly..."

"Eunuch Zhao, come with us!"

Before the little eunuch finished speaking, two figures in black appeared quietly behind him. The little eunuch's face turned pale with fright, and he almost collapsed on the ground. He wanted to run away, but just as he took half a step, someone pinned his shoulder and couldn't move.


"We belong to the Executive Division!"

The two eunuchs in black glanced at the young eunuch lightly, and slashed the young eunuch's neck with a knife. He didn't even utter the slightest scream, and passed out directly.


The two eunuchs in black looked gloomy and carried him away into the night.

The ten assassins followed the route in memory and walked along the bluestone road. Soon after, a checkpoint appeared in front of them. Two guards with cold faces stopped them.

"Send supper to Chengqian Palace!"

The leading assassin bowed and cupped his hands, pretending to speak in a sharp drake voice, and then took the waist card over.

The guard glanced slightly, waved impatiently and said,

"The ones over there in Chengqian Hall, hurry up!"

"Don't delay Your Majesty's appetite!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The leading assassin arched his hands slightly, led the crowd through the checkpoint, and continued to walk towards the Chengqian Palace. Along the way, several people encountered two sentry posts, but there were waist cards, and there were no guards. People dared to intercept them, and less than a quarter of an hour later, they appeared in front of the gate of Chengqian Palace.

Looking from a distance, the magnificent and majestic hall stands in the night. The open door of the black hall is like the giant mouth of a monster. It grows huge and wants to swallow all the people who enter. On the left and right, there are dozens of guards, lined up neatly, and some small eunuchs, serving respectfully.


The leading assassin took a slight breath and led the people towards the gate of Chengqian Palace.

"Is it from the imperial dining room?"

A little eunuch greeted him with a smile and asked in a low voice.


The leading assassin nodded and sent the waist card up. The little eunuch frowned slightly, and a sneer flashed across his pupils, then pointed to Chengqian Palace, and said with a smile,
"Your Majesty is inside, hurry up and send the supper there!"

"Your Majesty is getting impatient!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

When the leading assassin heard these words, his face became slightly excited.

The emperor is inside, as long as you go in, with the skills of ten people, you can definitely kill him!
And when he walked over, he had already slightly looked aside the strength of the guards around him. They were only third-rate masters, and these people couldn't stop him at all!

"This task is a bit too simple!"

"It turns out that this majestic inner palace is not a dragon's pool or a tiger's den!"

"The rumors in the rivers and lakes are really not worthy of the name!"

"Slaughter this dog emperor, I can go out and make a good face!"

The leading assassin was secretly delighted, and then brought a few of his subordinates to the gate of the main hall. The little eunuch who led the way bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation.


The ten assassins had already seen the figure sitting on the dragon chair, their eyes were full of unconcealable heat, and they stepped up quickly...

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(End of this chapter)

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