nine thousand years old

Chapter 387 Finding Bigan's Body

Chapter 387 Finding Bigan's Body
Almost instantly, Zhao Kuo's blood-red long sword was raised again, and an indescribable sword energy, like another blood-red river, burst towards Wang Jian's direction.

Wang Jian has a very high status in the Great Qin Region, not only because of his strength, but also his unparalleled ability to lead troops. If Wang Jian can be eliminated, it will definitely cause huge losses to Bai Qi and the Great Qin Region. , There will also be vacancies that are temporarily unmanned, and Zhao Kuo can even take advantage of them!

Therefore, he must take advantage of Wang Jian's weakness and kill him in one fell swoop!

In almost an instant, the blood-colored long sword came in front of Wang Jian, who was seriously injured. The long sword was extremely vast, and it was clearly awe-inspiring. Wang Jian looked at the sword aura with an indescribable gloomy expression on his face, and bit teeth, and thrust the Wu'an sword into the ground in front of him.

An extremely strong fluctuation erupted from the Wu'an sword. This time, it was not Wang Jian who came to urge it, but the strong fluctuation erupted from the Wu'an sword itself. There was even an illusory gray aura in front of the sword, lingering in the vastness, and the fierceness was extremely awe-inspiring.

In an instant, the blood-colored river fell on the gray aura of Wu'an sword. The two collided, and an extraordinarily vast aura erupted. An indescribable wave of air centered on the two of them and spread out towards the surroundings. Roads, streets, walls, houses, etc. spread out again, in a mess, rippling and spreading around, forming a huge circular air wave.

The air wave stagnated quickly, and the air wave in the center of the wave gradually returned to calm, and then everything was slowly revealed. Wu Anjian and Wang Jian had disappeared, and a huge hole was left on the ground. It was tens of feet in size, and in the hole, there was still a trace of evil spirit and sword energy flying away, the evil spirit was awe-inspiring.

"ran away!"


Zhao Kuo looked at this scene, and there was an indescribable sense of pity in his pupils full of will-o'-the-wisps, but he also knew that it was normal for the Wu'an sword, as Bai Qi's saber, to have such a wonderful ability, Since you can't kill him, you can't force him either.

The most urgent task at present is to open the underground prison as soon as possible, find Bigan's body, occupy his body, and let his strength completely skyrocket to the limit.

A tyrannical aura erupted from his body again. Zhao Kuo looked down at the place where he was standing, and then his gaze became extraordinarily hot and fierce. He took a deep breath, and then mobilized all his aura. .

The surrounding streets and houses began to show signs of collapse, and then he raised his long sword, and the blood-red river roared up. He raised his hand, and then poked it down towards the ground again.

The blood-red long sword fell, and instantly poked on the ground. The indescribable air wave centered on Zhao Kuo, and spread out towards the surroundings. Those crumbling streets and houses instantly collapsed, and the sword body Where it fell, there was also a huge crack.


The cracks spread and swept all around, the ground once again erupted with a strong force, countless air waves rolled and swept, the cracks continued to spread underground, and an exceptionally deep and dark hole appeared in front of you, and deep in the ground, On the other hand, there was an extremely strong aura, as well as wild and harsh like a wild beast.

"Go down and see!"

Zhao Kuo looked at the entrance of the cave, and the will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes showed unconcealable heat, and there was a hint of anticipation. He whispered to the blood shadow guards around him.


One after another of the Blood Shadow Guards roared towards the depths of the cave, and Zhao Kuo followed closely behind. The caves were extremely deep, and the speed of everyone was extremely fast, but they still couldn't see the end. Just when everyone was tense and doubtful, a particularly hot breath came from the front, and Zhao Kuo's eyes brightened with anticipation.

Right below!

The speed of Zhao Kuo, and the speed of those blood shadow guards accelerated again, and they quickly swept towards the depths of the cave. In a blink of an eye, an extremely wide cave appeared in front of everyone. The whole cave was extremely hot. On the top is a huge lava pool, with blood-red lava tumbling on the ground, while Bigan's body is suspended in the center, with chains hanging from the mountain wall, and the other end is interspersed with Bigan's body.

"Stop all around!"

"Don't let anyone bother you!"

"I want to inherit Bigan's body!"

Looking at this body, Zhao Kuo showed indescribable anticipation and fiery look on his face. After so long, so much energy wasted, and there were losses, he finally found this dreamed body!

As Zhao Kuo's voice fell, those blood shadow guards blocked the surroundings of the cave one after another, and then burst out all the aura from their bodies, surrounding the cave, preventing any aura from passing through.

And Zhao Kuo smiled slightly, the will-o'-the-wisps in his eye sockets kept flickering, a bloody breath rippling from his body, suspended in mid-air, his original skeleton body collapsed slightly, Scattered down, turned into a pile of skeletons.


That bloody aura rolled and roared towards Bigan's body, and then roared towards Bigan's body, the moment he touched that body, he quickly penetrated into it.



The moment Zhao Kuo's body entered that Bigan's body, then that body began to move slightly, and there were creaking sounds and sour jams coming from that body, which made people express evil spirits and depressive emotions. The breath also diffused out accordingly.


After another moment of stalemate, Zhao Kuo's bloody soul and Bigan's body seemed to have finally merged. His eyes opened slightly, revealing an indescribable evil spirit and a blood-red light cluster!
"Finally merged!"

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Kuo showed an indescribable evil spirit on his face, then opened his mouth, and let out a wild laugh. Next, how to break free from the iron chains of this underground prison and the suppression of the formation, as long as he breaks free from these, he is the real one. Completed my task!


Immediately afterwards, Zhao Kuo moved slightly, a strong aura erupted from his body, and then those blood-red aura roared towards the iron chains on his body, wrapping the countless iron chains, boom, again An extremely strong breath erupted, and the iron chain vibrated with a clatter, and then it was pulled tight again.


On the stone wall at the other end of the iron chain, a mysterious halo erupted, and a trace of lightning moved along the direction of the iron chain, and then roared and spread towards Zhao Kuo's body at an extremely fast speed!


Countless electric currents fell on the body, and there was an extremely strong explosion sound, and there was an extremely strong explosion sound from the whole body, rattling, and even a puff of charred smoke...

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(End of this chapter)

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