nine thousand years old

Chapter 388 Inheriting Bigan's Body

Chapter 388 Inheriting Bigan's Body
A series of deadly thunderous explosions came out, and bursts of scoffing sounds erupted from Bigan's body, the skin on that body was continuously blasted, and pits appeared one after another, as well as scorched black spots. The breath flew out, looking very strange.

However, Bigan's body has a strong recovery ability. The moment the potholes exploded, they began to fuse together again, and soon the potholes and wounds were restored together, without any signs of damage. , and Zhao Kuo felt the strong recovery ability of this body, and there was an unconcealable smile and arrogance on his face.

"Ha ha……"

"Bigan's body is indeed immortal!"

"Bai Qi, I will destroy your Great Qin Territory...haha..."

The sharp voice kept ringing, Zhao Kuo controlled the body and began to move slowly. He first raised his hands and pulled up the two iron chains that bound his body, then clenched his fists tightly, An extremely strong breath burst out, it was extremely vast, and it was pulled tightly.

The two iron chains were pulled tight, powerful force erupted, and even stronger thunder erupted from the two iron chains, and a trace of thunder power continued to rippling towards the surroundings, and waves of pain emanated from the shocked body. Unsurprisingly, Zhao Kuo's face became grim, and the place where the iron chain was inserted into the wall also began to shake violently, and the stones continued to shatter from the stone wall and fell down, making a clattering sound.

The stones fell into the scarlet magma, and in an instant, they were melted by the magma and merged into the magma. There were bursts of boiling sounds and bursts of bubbles in the magma. Very weird.

However, all this did not stop Zhao Kuo from moving. Zhao Kuo took a slight breath, and then exerted force again, with a bang, the two iron chains shattered directly, and then compared with the breath on his body. It broke out a little, and it appeared to be more tyrannical than before.

"Ha ha……"

After breaking the two iron chains, Zhao Kuo's face became more arrogant and arrogant, and then he tightened the other two iron chains. With a bang, another extremely strong breath burst out, and the iron chains were broken again. It was directly shattered, and even the rocks on the stone wall were shattered by the shock. The breath in this cave seemed weaker, while the breath above Biqian's body became stronger.

The expression on Zhao Kuo's face became more insane, he laughed loudly, and immediately grabbed the iron chain into his hand again. At this time, Zhao Kuo had broken four of the twelve iron chains, and the remaining iron chains Because of the loss of each other's support, his breath became much weaker, and he tightened four iron chains at once, with two iron chains in each of his hands.


An unconcealable tyrannical aura erupted from Zhao Kuo's body, and he yanked hard again. There was a clattering sound, and the iron chain couldn't support it in an instant, and it broke directly, so that only the last four iron chains were left. Zhao Kuo can basically break the last four iron chains without any effort!
Zhao Kuo let out a smirk, and burst out the extra domineering aura on his body again. The last four iron chains were directly torn apart by the shock, and then the kung fu was completely torn apart in an instant. Zhao Kuo really regained his freedom. He slightly With a smile, he raised his arms and grabbed the iron chains that were still on his body. With a bang, all the iron chains were blown away by him.

All the iron chains were completely scattered, and Zhao Kuo returned to normal. His body fell downwards, then turned around, and then swept towards the distant direction. In an instant, he landed on the distant stone wall of the magma , and then stood on the edge of the stone wall.

He felt the aura on his body, and the feeling of regaining his body, the expression on his face was extraordinarily smug, and then he couldn't help laughing, after getting this Bigan body, the aura on his body was particularly domineering , that feeling is like getting a new life.

"Congratulations master!"


Watching this scene, the blood shadow guards guarding the lava cave especially felt the incomparably domineering aura on Zhao Kuo's body. Their faces were full of indescribable shock and ecstasy. They have been busy for so long, the master Finally got Bigan's body!

They could almost predict that next, the master would lead them to launch an attack on the Great Qin territory, the shame of being killed by the Bai family and Wang Jian and others before the first blood.

"I've got Bigan's body!"

"The order continues, all the Blood Shadow Guards must gather and retreat immediately, I want to completely control Bigan's body, and then launch an attack on the Great Qin territory!"

Zhao Kuo had an unconcealable arrogance and gloomy expression on his face. He laughed loudly and roared arrogance. The blood shadow guards' faces became more and more serious when they heard the words, and then they all got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave. Outside roared past, extremely fierce and awe-inspiring.

Zhao Kuo also followed the crowd and swept towards the entrance of the cave. With a bang, the crowd rushed out of the cave. There was a bit of blood in between, obviously the previous fight was still going on, and the scene of the fight became more and more intense and intense, blood flowed into rivers on the ground, countless broken limbs were scattered all over the ground, and there were corpses of blood shadow guards , There are also the bodies of those night watchmen and night watch officers, the scene is extremely chaotic!
"Kill it out!"

"Back to the sacrificial place!"

Zhao Kuo glanced over the blood shadow guards and night watchmen who were still fighting, with a deep smile on his face and a ferocious look, and he roared out in a dark voice, which roared out under the mixture of spiritual energy When all the blood shadow guards who were fighting got the news, there was a look of relief on their faces.

They have been exhausted and exhausted from the fight just now. At this time, they thought of retreating quickly and recuperating. Following Zhao Kuo's order, the countless blood shadow guards began to retreat towards the distance. The posture is like the tide, which is particularly low and depressed.

"Want to go?"

"Zhao Kuo, do you think you can get away?"

"Since you have come to my Xianyang City, you are going to leave your life here completely. Not only you, but also all the blood shadow guards of the Zhao family, you have to be shed by this old man!"

"From now on, let your Zhao family be removed from this spiritual world, completely removed!"


Just when Zhao Kuo led a group of Blood Shadow Guards to retreat towards the outside of Xianyang City, there was a burst of extremely strong aura from the sky and the ground, and there was a deep and thunderous roar, which followed the sound. Looking at the direction from which it came, countless figures appeared from between the sky and the earth, coming in a mighty way.

And at the front is Bai Qi!
(End of this chapter)

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