nine thousand years old

Chapter 72 Going Crazy and Resigning

Chapter 72 Going Crazy and Resigning

The entire Golden Luan Hall was dead silent, and even the crashing sound of people's hearts beating violently could be heard.

None of them thought that Zhang Tinghai would choose to stand with His Majesty at this time, directly facing Chen Bingli!

Chen Bingli couldn't believe it even more. He was dazed for a long time before he raised his head slowly. His eyes were full of unconcealable anger, and he couldn't believe it. Looking at the impassioned Zhang Tinghai with a righteous face on his face, he was in a daze. Feel.

is this real?
"you you……"

He faltered and uttered two words, Chen Bingli was at a loss for words, and he didn't know what to say all of a sudden, he just looked at Zhang Tinghai blankly, feeling dizzy for a while, and could hardly hold on to his body , staggering to fall, he couldn't believe this fact!
Didn't Zhang Tinghai promise himself that he would join hands with him?

Now, he's like this...

This is completely to put Chen Xie to death!

Isn't he afraid that His Majesty will spare some time to settle accounts with him?

What is he for?
Chen Bingli felt the feeling of dizziness becoming more and more noticeable, and even his heart twitched slightly. After persisting for a while, he finally lost all his energy, and then fell limp with some powerlessness.

Those officials who belonged to the Chen family were also a little desperate at the moment.

Zhang Tinghai's actions directly dragged Chen Xi into the water. Now, they have no chance.

What awaits them must be a head-on blow from His Majesty!

"Zhang Shangshu, what you said is very good!"

Wu Chong's eyes, with a faint sneer and a gloomy meaning, swept across the kneeling officials of the Chen family, civil and military, and then slowly stood up from the dragon chair, taking a deep breath , overlooking the crowd, said in a low voice,

"I will follow Zhang Shangshu's opinion!"

At this point, Wu Chong burst out with an indescribably majestic aura, waved his big hand, and shouted extremely awe-inspiringly,
"Su Hanyun, I ordered you to be the special imperial envoy to take full responsibility for this matter!"

"Don't let any of the corrupt, bribery, and perverting the law officials reported by Zheng Zhongming be arrested, and I will arrest and bring them all to justice!"

"Investigate one by one, give me, and give an explanation to the people of the world!"

"The matter of the forbidden army's rebellion must be thoroughly investigated to the end. All those involved, whether civil servants, generals, or poor people, will not be spared lightly!"

"Come here, take Shangfang's sword!"


There were low footsteps outside the Jinluan Hall, and soon after, two eunuchs brought a solemn black jade box to the hall, and respectfully sent it to Wu Chong.


Wu Chong took out the sword and threw it to Su Hanyun casually, roaring in a dark voice,

"I give you Shang Fang's sword, with the right to cut first and play later!"

"If you don't cooperate or resist, it's up to you... Kill without mercy!"

"The slave leads the order!"

Su Hanyun's face showed a thick and cold look, and then he strode to the Golden Luan Hall, hula knelt on the ground, and the purple-black seven-claw python robe rolled, he roared,

"I will live up to His Majesty's entrustment, and investigate this matter thoroughly!"


Wu Chong glanced at Chen Bingli for the last time, as well as those officials from the Chen family whose complexions had turned as pale as paper, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he waved his big hand, and walked out of the Golden Luan Hall.

"Your Majesty is being sent off respectfully. Long live Your Majesty!"

Soon, Wu Chong's figure completely disappeared, and all civil and military officials stood up one after another. People looked at Chen Bingli, who was still kneeling in the center of the hall, with sympathy and a hint of pity. After hesitating for a moment, they all shook their heads and sighed slightly. , and then left the Golden Luan Hall one after another, no one dared to go up to help.

Chen Bingli, it's over!
At this moment, who dares to get too close to him?
The officials of the Chen Clan looked at Chen Bingli with expressions of sadness on their faces. Now, the decline of the Chen Clan is already doomed, and their fate may depend on His Majesty's mood!

That feeling is really indescribable.

"Ah... Zhang Tinghai... why are you..."

"The old man fought with you..."

Just when everyone was sad and silent, Chen Bingli suddenly had red eyes and stood up like crazy. He flung his teeth and claws at Zhang Tinghai who was about to leave, put his arms around the latter's shoulders, and opened his mouth towards Zhang Tinghai. He bit down on his ear, he was almost crazy!
"You old man... ah..."

Zhang Tinghai was caught off guard and struggled desperately, but it was still a step too late. The crazy Chen Bingli bit his ear and pulled it down hard, pulling off a large piece of flesh and blood, which immediately stained the official uniform red with blood, and he also covered his ears He howled terribly.

"Zhang are trying to make this old man forever..."

"I'm fighting with you..."

Chen Bingli spat out the flesh and blood in his mouth, and rushed towards Zhang Tinghai again. This time the latter was on guard, with a ferocious look on his face, and kicked him in the stomach. Chen Bingli screamed, and directly Rolled down the steps of the Golden Luan Hall.

"Chen Bingli, the old man is loyal to His Majesty, how could he be with someone like you?"

"Don't deceive people too much!"

Zhang Tinghai stood on the stone steps, covered his bleeding ears, and growled in a sinister voice.

Chen Bingli's face was bloodstained, and he raised his head in a daze. He stared at Zhang Tinghai, and all the civil and military officials who came out of the Jinluan Hall one after another. They stood on the steps and looked at him as if they were watching a joke. He felt his heart He twitched violently, and the feeling of dizziness became more and more obvious.

After a moment of stalemate, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out.

Then, he fell straight down!


Zhou Mansion!

Zhou An's face was pale, and he was leaning on the bed with a pillow on his back. He looked out of the window with dull eyes. The gloomy sky and the icy wind made his face even more desolate.

The maid next to him wanted to feed him, but the latter didn't seem to hear it, and was indifferent, as if he had lost his soul.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and a middle-aged man broke into the house in some embarrassment, crawled and knelt down at Zhou An's feet, crying in his voice,

"Master, I got the news you wanted to hear!"

"very bad!"

"Tell me..."

Zhou An finally came back to his senses, swallowed and said in a low voice.


The middle-aged man shook his head, with a look of pain and despair on his face, and said in a low voice,

"Chen Bingli and Chen Shangshu challenged His Majesty in today's court, but it didn't produce any effect at all. Zhang Tinghai and Zhang Shangshu defected at the critical moment and stood by His Majesty, directly catching Chen Shangshu by surprise!"

"Now, His Majesty specially appointed General Manager Su Hanyun Su as a special imperial envoy, bestowed Shang Fang with a sword, and thoroughly investigated the rebellion of the Imperial Army, the corruption of the Criminal Department and the Household Department, and gave him the right to kill first and then report!"

"Chen Bingli almost went crazy in the Golden Luan Hall, and bit off half of Zhang Tinghai's ear, and then he was so angry that he fainted!"

"Master, this matter..."

At this point, the middle-aged man's face became extremely lonely, and he closed his mouth. He really didn't know what to say.

"Hey... the old man should have expected it a long time ago!"

After being silent for a long time, Zhou An sighed slightly, shook his head and said,

"Su Hanyun dared to make such a big move, how could he be unprepared?"

"At first, I thought that Chen Bingli could still make some moves in the hall and win some opportunities for the old man. Now it seems that he himself is like a bodhisattva crossing the river, and he can't protect himself..."

"Hey, old man, and Chen Bingli, this time, I'm afraid there is no possibility of turning over again!"

"Hehe, Zhang Tinghai..."

"It is estimated that his life is not easy. He is not a fool. He must have been cornered by Su Hanyun to help His Majesty and deal with Chen Bingli... Maybe he wanted to have a good death..."

"Su Hanyun, Su Hanyun... you are really..."

"Let the old man never expect..."

The last sentence, Zhou An almost shouted out, the grief, resentment, and helplessness in that tone, all kinds of emotions, made the world look desolate.

After finishing speaking, Zhou An's body softened, he completely lost all energy, and then collapsed.


The middle-aged man's face tightened, and he hurriedly moved forward, but seeing tears of despair dripping from the corners of Zhou An's eyes, he said bitterly,
"Help the master write a memorial!"

"Let's just say, my lord, I'm in a very serious condition, and I may not be able to serve the court anymore in the future!"

"Your Majesty, please approve that the old man will relinquish his position as a minister under his sect, and take care of his life. He will also send the tiger talisman of the forbidden army to the palace as a token of his sincerity!"

"In addition, secretly send someone to send a letter to the palace, telling the empress to go to His Majesty and plead with the Zhou family, so that His Majesty must keep the Zhou family alive..."


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(End of this chapter)

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