nine thousand years old

Chapter 73 The beginning of the end

Chapter 73 The beginning of the end

Chengqian Hall!
In the spacious hall, the light is surging, vaguely carrying the heat of summer, Wu Chong is sitting on the dragon chair, his face is full of unconcealable excitement, and on the table opposite him is Zhou Angang. A resignation memorial sent over by someone.

"Xiao Yunzi, Zhou An has given up resistance, look!"

Wu Chong picked up the Tiger Talisman of the Forbidden Army with a smile, with unconcealable excitement in his tone, and then took out the other half of the Tiger Talisman from the box on the side, and when they were matched together, it happened to fit perfectly and was perfect.

"Slave, congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Su Hanyun also had a touch of excitement on his face, and bowed slightly.

"It's all your credit."

Wu Chong got up and walked down the high steps, and handed the two Tiger Talismans to Su Hanyun, and said with a smile,

"The next step is to deal with Chen Bingli and his disciples. Chen Bingli hasn't shown any performance so far. Obviously, he still doesn't give up. In order to prevent any trouble, the imperial army will be handed over to you for the time being!"

"Anyone who dares to make trouble will be killed directly by me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, slave!"

Su Hanyun took the two Tiger Talismans, knelt on the ground respectfully and kowtowed to thank him.

"It doesn't have to be."

Wu Chong bent down to help him up, stared at the latter's face, and said seriously,
"It is thanks to your assistance that I can have today. I remember your contribution and loyalty. I have not given you too many rewards in these days. After this matter is completely over, I will give you a reward!"

"I promised you at the beginning, and I will never break my promise."

"I don't dare to expect extravagantly, I just want to stay by His Majesty's side!"

Su Hanyun lowered his head and said respectfully.

" are my good brother!"

Wu Chong stared at Su Hanyun, was silent for a moment, put his arms around his shoulders, and laughed loudly, his hearty voice reverberated in the hall, and he seemed very happy!
The two monarchs and ministers said some more words, Wu Chong returned to the dragon chair, and asked solemnly,

"Although the matter has been basically resolved, we still can't relax now, especially the crimes against the officials of the Imperial Army and the Chen family. Are you sure that you will be fully convicted?"

With a confident smile on Su Hanyun's face, he cupped his hands and said,

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the slave's arrangements a few days ago are not aimless. Basically, these officials have definite criminal evidence in the hands of the slave. As for the rebellion of the imperial army, the slave has also thought out a countermeasure!"

"Absolutely foolproof!"

"Okay! I believe in you! Just go ahead and do it, and I will start preparing rewards for you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, slave!"


Su Hanyun left the Chengqian Palace and immediately went to the office of the Ministry of Punishment. Pan Renyi, Lu Xingshu and others were already waiting, standing around the office with awe-inspiring expressions.

"Pan Renyi, Lu Xingshu, follow our family to the government office of the Ministry of War, and send someone to notify all the existing generals of the imperial army to gather at the Ministry of War within a stick of incense!"

"The rest of you, please guard the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. Now is the critical moment. Although those guys have been abolished, they must be strictly guarded to prevent accidents!"

"Minions take orders!"

All the supervisors left together, and Su Hanyun took Pan Renyi and Lu Xingshu to leave the government office and went to the Ministry of War. An hour later, many commanders of the forbidden army also gathered in the government office.

The incident of yesterday's disturbance and its rapid suppression has already spread to everyone's ears. At this moment, everyone gathered together with extremely serious expressions on their faces, and there was unconcealable fear. People lowered their heads and said nothing. dare not say.


Su Hanyun was wearing a purple-black python robe. Accompanied by Pan Renyi and Lu Xingshu, he strode in, crossed the passage vacated by the generals, and sat in the position originally belonged to the Minister of the Ministry of War, but now the Minister of the Ministry of War looked terrified. stood aside, not daring to make a sound.

"Pan Renyi, bring up the dossier, who it belongs to, send it to them one by one, let them take a good look!"

Su Hanyun groaned.


Pan Renyi ordered someone to bring in several thick stacks of files from outside the door, and placed them in front of the main hall. The accompanying eunuchs sent the files to each general in turn. Change.

The atmosphere in the government office became a little dead silent and a little depressing, like a mountain pressing down on people's heads, leaving only the sound of people's nervous breathing and the sound of flipping files.

After a while, Su Hanyun slapped the gavel, and many generals of the forbidden army were pale, kneeling on the ground one after another, and some timid ones had traces of sweat oozing from their foreheads.

"Do you understand everything?"

Su Hanyun said coldly,

"No one is clean, right? The most minor crimes listed above are enough to keep you locked up for ten or eight years, and the most serious ones can even make you kill your entire family. Are you right?"

"Grandpa Su, please forgive me!"

The generals were frightened, and there was a slight tremor in their voices.

"Forgive me!"

There was a sneer on Su Hanyun's face, he got up and came to the generals, and showed the two Forbidden Army Tiger Talismans bestowed by His Majesty in front of everyone, saying,
"Besides, our family is currently in control of the Forbidden Army, and we don't want all of you to be imprisoned. If something goes wrong, it's not very good!"

"However, our family still depends on your performance!"

"Our family was ordered to investigate the matter of Cheng Longxiang colluding with the commanders of the imperial army to rebel against the Xiongnu. For the time being, except for Xu Chao's report, there is no substantive evidence. If you can come up with some, it will be much more convenient for our family!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the atmosphere in the government office was dead silent, and people's faces were filled with unconcealable heaviness. Everyone knew that Cheng Longxiang was rebelling, and it was all fake. It was clearly for them to do it. Perjury!
Everyone is Robe Ze, the friendship is still there for many years, and the other party is imprisoned. It is reasonable for them to be indifferent for self-protection, but if they make trouble again, it will be a bit inhumane.

However, looking at Su Hanyun's current posture, if they don't do something, their fate will definitely not be much better. It is estimated that Cheng Long will be like them soon, and become a prisoner!
The expressions on people's faces were particularly ugly, with unconcealable entanglement, and the atmosphere in the government office became more and more depressing.

"What? No evidence at all?"

Su Hanyun waited for a while, seeing that no one spoke, his face turned gloomy, he turned and returned to his seat, he sneered, and ordered,
"Then our family won't tell you more!"

"Pan Renyi, immediately mobilize the Tengxiang camp, and arrest all the unclean generals of the forbidden army according to the charges listed in the file, and put them in the prison of the Ministry of punishment!"

"Strictly interrogate to see if there is..."

"Grandpa Su is merciful!"

Before Su Hanyun could finish speaking, a general of the forbidden army crawled out all of a sudden, and said with horror on his face,

"The humble official has evidence, you can show it, please be kind to Mr. Su, and give the humble official a chance to atone for his crime!"

This general took the lead, and the rest of the generals also made up their minds. They climbed forward one after another, saying that they had evidence that Cheng Longxiang and the generals of the Forbidden Army had rebelled. There are also families with young and old, it is impossible to really give up everything for Cheng Longxiang and others.


Su Hanyun glanced at the crowd with a sneer, with a faint disdain on his face, he looked at the pale-faced Minister of the Ministry of War, and said with a sneer,

"Sun Shangshu, I leave the next thing to you. Record their evidence one by one, and check for any flaws in detail. After putting it together, report it to our family!"

"Wei Chen takes orders!"

Minister of the Ministry of War sighed, and the paleness on his face became even thicker. He knew that Cheng Longxiang and others were completely over this time. With so many generals of the forbidden army accusing them, they might all have to punish the Nine Clans!

"Pan Renyi!"

Su Hanyun looked at Pan Renyi again, and said coldly,
"I order you to recruit elites from the twelve guards, five hundred each, a total of 6000 people, all of whom are under your control. From now on, start arresting officials from the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Households, and start investigating Zheng Zhongming's report of bending the law for personal gain and accepting bribes. One case!"

"Pass down our family's order, everyone must fully cooperate, but anyone who doesn't cooperate at all, or secretly obstructs, can be executed without our family's permission before playing!"

"Minions take orders!"

Pan Renyi bowed and knelt down with an awe-inspiring expression on his face.


Su Hanyun waved his hand with a faint smile on his face, while Pan Renyi strode away from the government office...

(End of this chapter)

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