Chapter 77

The two holy decrees were announced to the world during the second court meeting. Su Hanyun was so honored and favored the sky for a moment, and the world was shocked. However, all the officials were not surprised at all. A puppet emperor who has nothing but depends on others, and has been supported to his current position, this kind of honor is well deserved!

At the same time, the matter of the Dongji Incident Factory was immediately under preparation. The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry joined hands to restore the basically abandoned government office in front of Donghua Gate as quickly as possible, and clean up the surrounding area. The civilians and others moved to other places, and the Ministry of War dispatched the elite of the Twelve Guards as quickly as possible, a total of 1 people, reorganized, and delivered them to Su Hanyun.

As for the other issues concerning the establishment of the East Jiji Factory, Su Hanyun also made a decision very quickly. Under the Dongji Incident Factory, two township divisions were set up in the north and the south. He will officially enter the East Jiji Factory and be the master of Fusi in the North and South Towns!

Under the Zhen Fusi, five thousand households were set up, and ten hundred households were set up under the five thousand households, etc. These people were selected from the dispatched guards of the imperial army, each of whom was highly skilled in martial arts. generation!

About two months later, the establishment of the Dongjiji Factory was basically completed, and Donghuamen officially became the office of the Dongjiji Factory!
At the same time, Su Hanyun did not ignore the basic spy construction of the Dongji Incident Factory, and included Shang Tianyin and Wuhumen in the Dongji Incident Factory, and sent people to set up a special information processing organization, named Fengyulou, which means to monitor the world. wind and rain.

Another month has passed, and the Dongji Incident Factory officially opened in front of Donghua Gate!
It was late autumn, the sky was bright and high, and the cold wind blew through the air with a hint of coldness. Su Hanyun was wearing a nine-clawed python robe and golden dragon-patterned cloud-treading boots, standing in the training ground of the Dongji Police Factory. On the bed, black hair fluttered with the cold wind, full of evil spirits.

Pan Renyi and Lu Xingshu, the two Fusi of the North and South Townships, as well as thousands of households under their banners, etc., including the members of Fengyulou to which Shang Tianyin belongs, are all dressed in purple official uniforms with flying fish patterns embroidered on their chests, and are lined up on the stage. down left and right.

And further down, there are nearly [-] Jinyi guards from the Dongji Incident Factory, all of whom are in black official uniforms, with flying fish patterns embroidered on their chests, and an arm made by the Ministry of Military Forces is pinned to their waists. Like a long embroidered spring knife, with a strong evil spirit, sweeping the world!

In a short while, the deep and loud sound of the drum beating resounded, and the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth became more and more awe-inspiring. Everyone's eyes turned to the high platform of the training ground, Su Hanyun's body.


Su Hanyun got up, strode to the edge of the high platform, his eyes swept over the dark man's head with a cold and awe-inspiring look, his internal force urged the sharp and thin voice to resound through the world,

"We are ordered by Your Majesty to supervise the world's small and lawless people. We have the right to make decisions. We can kill them first and then play them. This is the most honorable job since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty. We must fulfill our duties and not bend the law for personal gain. Abandon the public for private reasons, and you must not live up to the grace of God!"

"Use your own power to wipe out the lawless and treacherous traitors of the Great Zhou Dynasty, restore the justice of the people, and restore the clarity of the government!"

"But I remember everything clearly!"

"Remember clearly!"

Thousands of Jinyiwei roared in unison, the cold voice was mighty and mighty, surging to the sky like a wave, almost shattering the bleak autumn atmosphere in the sky.

Su Hanyun's gaze swept across the crowd slowly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he waved his hand awe-inspiringly,
"Dongji Incident Factory, open office today!"


Thousands of figures in the black mass like a torrent all fell to their knees in an instant, and their faces and eyes were full of unconcealable awe and excitement, and then they shouted respectfully,
"See the Duke!"

The roar shook the sky!


Dongji Incident Factory, Fuya!
The original government office was already very old. After the imperial decree of the East Jiji Factory came down, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry joined forces, spent a lot of money, and sent the best craftsmen to repair it. Now, this government office has taken on a new look.

The spacious government hall is one size larger than the six departments. The position of the governor is a finely carved golden nanmu chair, and on those tables, there are also engraved python patterns with seven claws, declaring that Dongji An unusual honor in the factory!

Right above the tables, there is a plaque hanging, with a pitch-black surface and a golden frame, on which are engraved four dragon-flying and phoenix-flavoring characters with fierce aura!

Never stop!

Su Hanyun sat directly opposite, and Pan Renyi and Lu Xingshu, the two governors, bowed and stood under the table, with awe-inspiring faces. Shang Tianyin also changed out of his rough clothes, and was dressed in the unique purple red official uniform of Fengyulou, with a fierce aura. .

"The Dongji Incident Factory has been opened!"

After a moment of silence, Su Hanyun straightened up slightly, glanced at the three of them, and said in a low voice,

"Although we are deeply loved by His Majesty and have supreme authority, our own strength is not very strong, especially the Wind and Rain Tower, which is only stationed in Chang'an City!"

"Our purpose is to supervise the entire Great Zhou world. The Fengyu Building is the eyes of the Dongji Incident Factory. It can't be limited to this. Shang Tianyin, listen to the order!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Shang Tianyin's body shuddered, and he bowed and knelt under the table.

"From now on, you will start to expand the power of Fengyulou, based on Wuhumen, centered on Chang'an City, and send the spies of Fengyulou to all parts of the country!"

"Continue to use the current method, control the dental agencies in various cities as soon as possible, send servant girls, etc. to officials, merchants and all respectable people all over the country, and monitor their every move!"

"This matter is related to the foundation of the Dongji Incident Factory. Our family does not ask for speed, but for stability!"

"In half a year, it is enough to bring the 37 major cities of the Great Zhou Dynasty under control. As for some other fringe areas, we can gradually plan for our strength to stabilize in the future!"

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, Dugong, the subordinates will definitely complete the task!"

Shang Tianyin said with unconcealable excitement on his face.

This matter will not only expand Fengyulou's eyeliner to all parts of the country, but also develop Wuhumen into a famous gang in the Great Zhou Dynasty. How could he not be excited!
"Then get down and do it as soon as possible!"

Su Hanyun waved Shang Tianyin out, then looked at Pan Renyi and Lu Xingshu, and ordered solemnly,

"The tens of thousands of people in the Dongji Incident Factory are all dispatched from the Imperial Army. After all, they are not our own people. Although no one can fight against us in Dazhou now, we can't relax!"

"Both of you, take advantage of these days when the Ridong Anti-Corruption Factory has nothing to do, investigate and clean up your subordinates as soon as possible, and take complete control of the Zhen Fu Division!"


Pan Renyi and Lu Xingshu also withdrew afterwards, and not long after, five people in black appeared in front of Su Hanyun. These five people were selected by Su Hanyun at the beginning to cooperate with the control of the Five Tigers. He has made great contributions!

"The Dongji Incident Factory opened the Yamen, you didn't get any official positions, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Su Hanyun glanced over the faces of the five people and asked in a low voice.

"My subordinates dare not!"

The five people were actually a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but facing Su Hanyun's questioning, they didn't dare to reveal the slightest bit.

"Don't you dare?"

Su Hanyun smiled lightly and said,
"Then our family is a little disappointed. Don't you even have the most basic desire to fight for power?"

The five people didn't know what Su Hanyun meant, they all showed a trace of nervousness and unconcealable fear on their faces, hesitated for a moment, and all of a sudden they all knelt on the ground.

"Our family hopes that you can be ambitious!"

Su Hanyun snorted softly and said,
"After all, what you need to do next is not that simple!"

"Duke, please command!"

"Subordinates will never give up!"

When the five people heard Su Hanyun's words, they immediately realized something, their faces showed unconcealable solemnity, and there was a hint of excitement.

Su Hanyun smiled and continued,

"The Dongjiji Factory now has power all over the world, but it doesn't have any chains around its neck to check and balance. Our family doesn't want the Dongjiji Factory to become a mad dog that bites people indiscriminately!"

"If that's the case, sooner or later the Dongji Incident Factory will be mobilized and attacked, and it won't last long!"

"Our family wants you five to make this iron chain!"

"Keep an eye on some of the people in the East Police Factory and make sure they don't dare to mess around!"

"Starting tomorrow, you guys are planning to build Fengyun Tower!"

"Not on stage!"

"Fenglou, supervise the Dongji Incident Factory, and Yunlou, responsible for secretly dealing with some unruly people!"

"Xu Tianbai, you are the landlord of Fengyun Building!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

 The Dongji Incident Factory is open, please recommend it for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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