nine thousand years old

Chapter 78 Warning

Chapter 78 Warning
In the blink of an eye, a year has passed!
Under the management of Su Hanyun, the Dongji Incident Factory has been completely stabilized. Some unclean people in Fusi of Nanbei Town have been cleaned out, and the Wind and Rain Building has spread to all parts of the country smoothly. The information of the whole Dazhou is at the fastest speed. Send to Chang'an City.

In order to cope with the analysis of these messages, Su Hanyun doubled the size of the Wind and Rain Building to ensure that all the information is processed in the best and fastest manner.

The Dongji Incident Factory is on the right track!

In addition, the Fengyun Tower he sent people to build secretly also took a preliminary shape. Those people in the Dongji Incident Factory, especially Shang Tianyin, and spies from all over the country gradually became clear and appeared in sight.

His power has truly reached the point of overwhelming the world!
And this year, he has not been idle, and his martial arts realm has improved rapidly, especially in the Sunflower Collection, in which he has mastered all 72 sword techniques, and has reached the point of proficiency, basically he can make swords from the heart!
However, it is still a step away from the final swordless realm!
But even so, he has become a real first-class master.

As for Pan Renyi and the others, Hua Gu Mian Zhang has already reached the top level. In order to further enhance their strength, he passed on a second-rate skill to them, the Miao family's 36-way blood shadow swordsmanship!
In addition, in order to ensure that Ouchi has enough masters, he selected many reliable people from the imperial army and the inner court, and began to cultivate them secretly. The martial arts of these people are also improving rapidly, although they still cannot reach the level of Ouchi in the previous dynasty. So tyrannical, but nearly a hundred third-rate masters also have the strength to guard the palace!
Everything is proceeding steadily according to his expectation!
At the same time, this year's imperial examinations also arrived smoothly and proceeded steadily. The court of the Great Zhou Dynasty gathered talents and recruited talents, and there were countless more talented and learned people who entered the court as officials. In addition, the promotion of knowledgeable officials this year Appointments, the vacancies created by Su Hanyun's killing of Zhou and Chen officials were gradually filled.

A group of officials from the Zhang family, headed by Zhang Tinghai, began to resign one after another, and the new and old officials were replaced. Su Hanyun was stationed in the east police station, watching these guys closely, and nothing unusual happened, and everything was proceeding step by step!

Zhang House!

In the spacious hall, the sun was shining brightly, and the air was filled with a faint sense of warmth. Zhang Tinghai leaned on the bamboo and rattan wooden chair, squinting his eyes to enjoy the afternoon sun. On his old face, there was a sense of relief.

Originally, he was worried that His Majesty or Su Hanyun would settle accounts after the autumn and cleanse all members of their Zhang family after the imperial examination, but judging from the performance of more than a month, Su Hanyun did not have this intention. It was agreed, and the court gave enough treatment.

It can be described as the deepest honor and favor!

Zhang Tinghai still needs to do some things to deal with the aftermath, but he has already begun to plan for his future life. When he was young, he yearned for the Jiangnan water town the most, with small bridges and flowing water, graceful and charming, but he was busy with political affairs these years and could not go there. After resigning from office, maybe You can go and see!
"Master, Eunuch Su is here!"

Suddenly, a nervous voice came from outside the door. Zhang Tinghai shuddered and jumped up from the rattan chair, his wrinkled face was also solemn. At this time, what is Su Hanyun doing here?
"Invite him in!"

"Old man, just change your clothes and go!"

Zhang Tinghai hesitated for a moment, got up hastily, and began to change clothes. Soon after, he ran all the way to the front hall. Su Hanyun was dressed in casual clothes, and a young eunuch was beside him, drinking tea with a calm expression.

Su Hanyun is the governor of the East Factory, and also the younger brother of the opposite sex canonized by His Majesty. He almost enjoys the treatment of His Majesty going out of the palace. He sits on Zhang Tinghai's seat. The latter is not dissatisfied at all.
"Your Excellency Dugong came to the mansion in person, and I welcome you at a loss, forgive me for my sin!"

"You don't need to be so hypocritical. You must not welcome our family here, right?"

Su Hanyun glanced at him coldly and hummed softly.

"Where is the Dugong?"

Zhang Tinghai noticed the anger in the latter's eyes, his old body trembled, a smear of paleness appeared on his face, and he almost collapsed on the ground in fright, he sneered, bowed even more, and said in a low voice,

"It's my honor to have Lord Dugong come to your house!"

"How can you not welcome it!"


Su Hanyun was too lazy to talk nonsense with this old guy, smiled lightly, and winked at the little eunuch beside him, who took out a stack of files from his arms, and presented them to Zhang Tinghai with a slightly arrogant look.

"This is……"

Zhang Tinghai looked hesitant, frowned, and slowly opened the file. There were several familiar names written in black and white on it. The most important one was Chen Zhong, the servant of the household department. More frequent household officials, and further down, it is their crimes!
Zhang Tinghai just glanced at it, his face suddenly turned pale, his wrist trembled, the file fell to the ground, and he also knelt down on the ground, kowtowed hastily,
"Lord Dugong, I don't know about this... I really don't know! Please, Lord Dugong, please spare me!"

"Our family knew that you were being lied to, so we came here to look for you, otherwise, the one who came to the door would be a member of the Dongji Incident Factory!"

Su Hanyun glanced at Zhang Tinghai faintly, and said coldly,
"There is a severe drought in Guanlong. There is no harvest this year, and the people are struggling to survive. There is even a scene of changing children to eat. His Majesty distributes silver and grain to relieve the victims, so as to calm the disaster!"

"Chen Zhong and a group of officials actually played tricks on this, bought the merchant's old grain at a low price, exchanged it for the new amount distributed by His Majesty, and sent it to the disaster area to earn the difference!"

"Originally, our family didn't want to take care of these hands and feet. After all, it's not too much to make some money, but this Chen Zhong has gone too far. The food distributed to the disaster area is all moldy, and even the dogs don't eat it. Just give it to the victims!"

"Now that the White Lotus Sect has broken out in Guanlong, thousands of victims are furious. They killed the prefect of Qingzhou and caused a big incident. The memorial of Qingzhou is already on the way. Our family can't ignore it!"

"Governor Su, this old man has neglected his duties!"

Hearing this, Zhang Tinghai's pale face became more and more obvious, and he even trembled when he spoke, White Lotus Sect?The prefect was killed?He didn't know these things, but he believed that what Su Hanyun said was definitely true!

Now that things have become such a big mess, he almost feels hemorrhages of regret in his heart. This Chen Zhong must make trouble at this critical moment. Isn't this going to push the remaining officials of the Zhang family into the pit of fire?
"My lord, please..."

Zhang Tinghai trembled his lips, wanting to beg for mercy, but Su Hanyun waved his hand without waiting for him to finish speaking, picked up the file, and said in a dark voice,
"Since our family came here in person, it means that you will not be held accountable. The officials of the Zhang family, and you, have performed well this year and have not caused any trouble for our family. Our family is not the kind of ruthless person. !"

"Our family came here to remind you that our family's patience is limited. You tell those officials who want to make a fortune before leaving. It's okay to make a profit, but don't go too far!"

"Our family can see it. If you make our family unhappy, tomorrow's Chen Zhong will be your fate!"


At this point, Su Hanyun's face suddenly became gloomy, with an unconcealable gloomy meaning permeating it,

"If our family does something again, it won't only target one person, but your entire Zhang family, understand?"

"Yes, yes... Thank you, Lord Dugong!"

Zhang Tinghai swallowed, his voice was full of unconcealable fear, his head pressed to the ground, tremblingly said,
"Don't worry, Lord Dugong, I will definitely pass it on, and there will be no one who doesn't have eyes!"

"Well done!"

Su Hanyun sneered, waved his sleeves and left the front hall, the accompanying eunuch also cast a contemptuous glance at Zhang Tinghai, bowed and left behind Su Hanyun.

The figures of the two gradually faded away, Zhang Tinghai swallowed, and stood up with some lingering fear, he smiled wryly, slapped the table with some hatred, and cursed,
"Chen Zhong, you almost killed this old man!"

"You short-sighted thing, do you think he's fine if he hasn't moved for a year?"

"He's just too lazy to move us..."

"This time, you have made such a big deal, the old man can't control you anymore!"

Talking to himself for a moment, he shouted towards the door,

"Come here, prepare the sedan chair, the old man is going to visit some colleagues!"

He has to pass on Su Hanyun's warning quickly, but don't make any more trouble, otherwise, their heads will be lost!


Yingyingyanyan, countless slender, delicate and charming girls with heavy makeup, accompanied by the melodious sound of silk and bamboo, surrounded the hall.

In the middle of these noisy crowds, there is a middle-aged man with a slightly fatter figure. He is holding the oiran of Zuihualou, Tian Xianger, in his hands, and his big hands are constantly wandering on the latter's delicate body. It is full of arrogance and wantonness.

"Brother Zhang is so generous. He bought this Zuihualou just to celebrate his [-]th birthday. It seems that he has made a lot of money recently?"

A middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks also put his arms around a charming woman. While kneading the palm of his hand back and forth in the skirt of the woman's chest, he asked flatteringly,

"Is there any way to help my brother? My brother will never forget the benefits of Brother Zhang!"

"Ha ha……"

The obese man grinned with unconcealable pride on his face, then leaned in front of the latter and said in a low voice,
"It's okay to take you with me, but you have to catch my brother-in-law's eyes first!"

"Your brother-in-law is..."

"Chen Zhong, Minister of the Household Department."

The obese man smiled slightly and said,
"He is currently in charge of disaster relief in Guanlong. I just exchange some of the old food accumulated at home with new food for disaster relief, and earn the difference!"

"If you have time, follow me to visit... I will recommend you!"

"Thank you Brother Zhang!"

The man showed unconcealable excitement on his face and nodded repeatedly.

And at this time, outside Zuixiang Building, nearly a hundred Jinyiwei dressed in black with flying fish pattern embroidered on his chest...

The Xiuchun knife was out of its sheath, full of evil spirits!
 A chapter of [-] words, a new volume, please recommend it for your collection...


(End of this chapter)

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