Dream Journey from Shaolin

Chapter 134 Farewell

Chapter 134 Farewell
In fact, Jiang Ming has never stopped studying the technique of nuclear explosion. After all, the idea that nuclear weapons are the strongest weapons in the world has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in his previous life, so he is still very much looking forward to the technique of nuclear explosion.

So far, some results have been achieved, but due to the amount of immortal talent in his body, there is no way to support him to successfully activate this technique, so he has not tested the effect.

But after he killed those demons and tree demon grandma, the talent of the immortal race in his body skyrocketed, and he felt that he might be able to reach the threshold of releasing this self-created ninjutsu.
Hence the final plan,

But, after all, it was the first time he used it. Even though he expected it to be very powerful, he never expected it to be so powerful. He almost took away himself and his two teammates while destroying the old Black Mountain demon. ,
But fortunately, the harvest is gratifying, and all the adventures became worthwhile after he felt the talent of the immortal race in his body skyrocketing again.
If it is said that after killing the tree demon grandma, the amount of immortal talent in his body has tripled, reaching the magical power of an ordinary eighth-rank middle-level Taoist in the main world,
At this time, after killing the old demon of Black Mountain, the amount of his immortal clan has increased by more than ten times, and it can be said that he has reached the threshold of the seventh-rank beginner Taoist in the main world.

Jiang Ming's risky gamble can be said to make a lot of money, and he saved more than ten years of hard work in an instant.

However, the nuclear explosion technique this time also gave Jiang Ming a clearer understanding of his newly created water escape ninjutsu.

First of all, there is nothing to say about the power, it is definitely his strongest attack method at present, none of them, but it is definitely incomparable with the modern real nuclear bomb explosion power,

But the disadvantages are also obvious,

First, it is impossible to control the output of the power. As long as it is activated, it will directly suck up the talent of the fairy race in his body. The more talent of the fairy race in his body, the greater the power.
Second, after casting, the damage does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. While taking away the enemy, it is easy to take away yourself and your teammates. It was okay just now. They are fast enough and can avoid the center. some aftermath,
If he uses his now exploding immortal talent to perform the nuclear explosion technique again, then it is estimated that it can really be renamed the technique of mutual annihilation.

Third, the activation speed is too slow, the handprints are complicated, it takes at least three seconds to activate, and the energy ball moves so slowly that

If it is not unusually difficult, or if the opponent is restrained by his teammates like today, otherwise the attack is basically 100% missed, and at most it can only be damaged by the aftermath.
So before making improvements, it is better not to use this ninjutsu, unless in the main world, he can enter the illusion system to hide, and there are no friendly troops around, then he can try to use it.

After using the Palm Immortal Technique to heal his bruised body, Jiang Ming crawled out of the hole made by his body. Looking at the huge pothole like colored glass in the distance, he swallowed involuntarily. swallow,

This nuclear explosion-like energy damage caused the old Black Mountain demon who had been cultivated for thousands of years to be gasified into air in an instant, which was simply too terrifying.

Shaking his head, Jiang Ming began to search around for Zen Master Baiyun and Yan Chixia.

About a minute later, he finally found the unconscious Zen Master Baiyun and Yan Chixia under the broken tree a few hundred meters away.
Yan Chixia wore Qimen Flying Armor and led Baiyun through the ground, with a large number of trees as a buffer. Baiyun finally inspired the power of the Golden Buddha to block it, so she was just stunned, and her injuries were not as serious as Jiang Ming's. serious,
At this time, Shifang also rushed over with a group of female ghosts and banshees. After meeting Jiang Ming, the two of them ran towards Guobei County with Yan Chixia on their backs and Baiyun on their backs.

One month later, outside Guobei County,

Zen Master Baiyun leaned on his Zen stick and took Shifang who had hidden Xiaozhuo's ashes in the gourd, and said to Jiang Ming and Yan Chixia:

"Amitabha, Juexin and Yan Daxia, let's bid farewell!"

Jiang Ming and Yan Chixia replied with some reluctance:
"See you soon, take care!"

"Amitabha, Master, take care!"

Zen Master Baiyun nodded, then hesitated and said:

"Juexin, don't use your magic trick unless it is absolutely necessary in the future. It will harm the natural harmony. Practice more and practice the Dharma that the old monk taught you!"

Hearing Zen Master Baiyu's words, Yan Chixia and Shifang recalled the big pit that was still there today, and couldn't help but fight a cold war.

"Master, don't worry, the little monk's self-created Taoism will not be used in the future unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Jiang Ming nodded firmly,
After the four of them said their final farewells, Zen Master Baiyun and Shi Xiang walked away towards Mount Wutai to the west, while Jiang Ming and Yan Chixia got on their horses and rode their horses towards the east.

A month ago, Jiang Ming killed the old black mountain demon with a nuclear explosion, and the talent of the immortal race in his body increased greatly. After that, he found Yan Chixia and Baiyun who were unconscious, and returned to Guobei County in all directions.
After Zen Master Baiyun woke up, he knew that the old black mountain demon had been killed. Out of appreciation for Jiang Ming and his previous promise, he deliberately stayed in Guobei County for a month to teach Jiang Ming the orthodox cultivation methods of Buddhism and some corresponding buddhist magic,
However, because the content is too much and too complicated, Jiang Ming only learned the method of cultivation. This is because Jiang Ming has dabbled in Buddhism in his previous life, and after all, all knowledge points have been analyzed and guided by Zen Master Baiyun.
It's not like the Taoism knowledge of the main world's Taoism, which is completely different from the culture of the world. After he, a non-indigenous person, read it, it was like reading a heavenly book.
As for those Buddhist spells, due to time constraints, Zen Master Baiyun could only take the time to record them into a book, and attach his own practice experience, so that Jiang Ming would spend time in the future and slowly learn according to the book.

In a month's time, when Jiang Ming introduced the authentic cultivation method of Buddhism and replaced the cultivation method of Buddhism that the eminent monk of the Huozhi Temple understood from the Buddhist scriptures, he said that the trip was worthwhile.
Coming to this world, even if his cultivation base is not a little bit higher, Jiang Ming is definitely worth it just to get the authentic Buddhist practice method of this Great Buddha Temple.

Because when he used the orthodox cultivation method of the Great Buddha Temple to replace the cultivation method of the Fire Temple and merged it into a new cultivation method for the talents of the fairy clan, he found that even if the talents of the fairy clan were not accelerated by the power of merit , the cultivation speed has more than doubled,
Moreover, when using the new talent of the fairy clan to perform ninjutsu, the power is a bit greater than the original one, and the ratio of physical enhancement is also higher. It can be said that it has fundamentally improved his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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